Shootings in US schools

If that worked at a certain level of offence - then level needed to be lowered to stop all those but the truly hopeless criminal cases.

I see it as helping all those able to be helped to lead a socially responsible life - by steering them the right way, or else early on.

Many will disagree.
On one hand, I can look at it logically and see how some people need help, etc. On the other, it's hard to remain dispassionate when you or someone you care about has been a victim. :confused:
Its a shame the scumbags could repeatedly get away with it.

I'd build some tiered sytem of jail - any offence a short sharp shock - next offence a slightly more seriuos sentence continue and you can spend your life behind a fence with armed gaurds patroling.

Don't be silly, our prisons are allready full of real criminals like hotel owners who won't let gay couples sleep together, drivers talking on a hands free, men who pay to have sex, anyone who dares to protest against the war in Iraq outside parliament etc. etc. There's no room in the inn for murderers, muggers, thugs, anti socials and any other petty crime:rolleyes:
The problem is not the police, its the judges.
People commit vile and vicious crimes and they get little or no time in prison for it.
Then the system lets them out on parole after 2/3 of their sentence. Check the parole office in your area. Five officers to look after 200 parolees. They have no idea what these people are upto.

I would like to see some judges with the courage to say:
"you deserve 5 years imprisonment for this. I'm sentencing you to 7 years. When you get out on parole you will have served 5 years".
Here we go again - this must be the 5th incident on this thread.

5 students shot in college in Illinois and 18 injured by yet another crazed Yank.

Mind you, geography is a bit boring

Here we go again - this must be the 5th incident on this thread.

5 students shot in college in Illinois and 18 injured by yet another crazed Yank.

Mind you, geography is a bit boring


You should rant on... It seems to be helping :)

The reason the English are pissed of with everything is because:

1) America booted them out

2) They should have left the convicts in England and the rest should have moved to that big bit of dirt called Australia:D

You know Ken, how would you feel if you were living on a bit of dirt that is smaller than a big Australian cattle station....and your population was three times Australia's:D

The Englanders fucked up twice and the fuckups were both big time.:)

And yes....they are still trying to come to grips with the fact that England no longer matters......

You're quite articulate in a.m. (what time is it there?)

(The only error that jumps out though is the count, I'd say it's a bit more that 2... :) )
10 minutes into Saturday in Sydney....midnight Friday just passed. That is our east coast time.

New York is 16 hours behind Sydney at this time of year. Out about March it will be 14 hours as New York heads to daylight saving and Australia comes off daylight saving.

At the moment the West Coast of the US if A is 19 hours behind Australia...almost the complete day and it is 21 hours behind New Zealand. Peral harbour end of town is almost the full day.

I don't know the English times as it is irrelevant:)

Because we are nearly a full day in front of the US of A, that explains why my macros work better than your code:D
Is it geography or telling the time your having trouble with?

The link shows that New Zealand is at the latest time Saturday morning, ie it is the most advanced time, this is because the date line runs down the Pacific, and why Japan calls itself the land of the rising sun, and why nobody is behind the US


Nothing to do with time difference....but we saw the Moon landing a couple of seconds before you blokes. The reason being that signals were picked up in Australia and then relayed to America. There is a part of Australia that would make you think we are the head quarters for the CIA.

When Douglas MacCarthur came to Australia in WWII it was not just America liking Australia but a case of America could not have this big bit of dirt in the Southern Hemisphere in Asian hands. Same deal today:D

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