Access Application Icon in the Windows 10 taskbar


New member
Dec 15, 2015
HI All

Fairly new to the forum but have been using it for reference for some time. Have been recently stumped by the Windows 10 and getting it to show a custom Icon for my apps in the taskbar.

There is a thread form a few years ago about the same issue in windows 7 which suggests a custom shortcut which creates a new program group for the taskbar however this doesn't work with my windows 10 insulation.

Anyone have any ideas about how to get an ungrouped Icon in the taskbar without having to alter the registry?

Not able to post links yet as I have not had enough posts however the title of the previous thread for anyone to search is "No custom Icon on Windows 7 taskbar"

Never had that problem, I use...
ChangeProperty "AppIcon", dbText, "[B]Full path and name of icon here[/B]" the On_Load event of the first Form that opens. Never opens with the group (and yes, I have other instances open) always opens by itself and shows the custom icon.
Hi Gena

Thanks for your help.

I do set this property in the database settings and have also tried the Function you suggest. This is all good for changing the Icon in the application and form headers but still doesn't ungroup the application from the Access taskbar group. This was not a problem in Win 7 only started occurring with Win 10.

For example, to launch an application named My DB.mdb on C:\ root, open properties of a shortcut then put this command line in the target :
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 20XX\OFFICE1X\MSACCESS.EXE" "C:\My DB.mdb"
Modify x to fit with your MS Office version. Finally, change shortcut icon.

When you run this shortcut, your MS Access application runs in a separated group of you W7 taskbar that shows your own icon.

You can totally automitize this process with a CreateShotcut Windows API from vb and detect automatically MS Access executable to get a professsional issue.

This is post number 9 from here. However, for me the path to Access was different.
hi speakers_86

Yeah, I found this post and tried it, but doesn't seem to Windows 10. Didn't actually need to do it on Windows 7 as it recognised the custom icon and put the app in a new group without the custom link?

Actually for my laptop I do have to do this, but on PCs where the app is actually in use, I do not have to do this. I'm not sure what is different.
A little later I will whip out my Windows 10 machine and see what I come up with.
Well, I finally had to test and play and test some more and nothing I do gets the custom icon to show in the taskbar...very annoying and a problem. Going to take this to the next level and see what happens, I'll be back when I have something to report.
Yep, they are gone... confirmed. Feel free to go to the below link to suggest bringing it back...
Gina, can you please clarify this? Who confirmed what exactly?

There is a thread active in the German about this issue. Some people there are experiencing the same issues with the icons not being displayed any more on Windows 10, while others (me included) still see them on Windows 10.

Your custom icons will no longer display in the Toolbar in Windows 10, confirmed by the Access team as *expected behavior*. This was tested using Access 2013/2016. Don't remember if it worked if using a lower version of Access.
Your custom icons will no longer display in the Toolbar in Windows 10, confirmed by the Access team as *expected behavior*. This was tested using Access 2013/2016.
Thank you Gina!
I cannot confirm that though. Custom application icons still display in the Taskbar on my Windows 10 computer using Access 2016.
Hmm, well could not get it to work and when I asked it was expected. Would love to know why, what's so special about yours. Hmm, are you using an .MDB? Are you using Office 365, as well, or just the Desktop version?
I'm not using O365.

I first tried with an old MDB, created with Access 2002. - Works with A2016.
Then converted that MDB to an AccDB. - Still works.
Finally created an all new AccDB with A2016. - The Icon shows too.

And it's not just me, there are several people participating in that other thread, who do not see the problem at all.

Sure, this is certainly not a mission critical feature, but some people go to great lengths to make their application not look like Access. For them it's a major nuisance if the Access icon appears in the taskbar then.
Hmm, the key might be Office 365. That is the only difference I see... now, how to confirm that. (You think the Access team would have pointed that out.) I don't have another machine that has Windows 10 on it. Got any friends we could test the theory on?
This must have been caused by a Windows update. I see it too, but I remember sometime ago, I did not. If you have the taskbar set to "Always combine, hide labels" then the icon does not appear. Any other option for that setting and the icon appears again.
Going to see if changing the Taskbar settings *fixes* it but will be later tonight or tomorrow...
I can confirm that setting the Taskbar buttons to "Always combine, hide labels" results in only the Access icon being displayed on my Windows 10 computer.

I have not got feedback yet, if that settings was the cause for the issue with those who brought up the problem in the first place.

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