Solved Access not displaying properly

I would get a new PC or install windows again from scratch. Or take over your colleague's PC and they get to reinstall WIndows. :)
It is obviously something to do with your PC, but I cannot think what it might be.

I don't suppose you are at a workplace where they keep a copy of the standard PC image? How much have you tailored your PC from stock?
There is no workplace. We are both retired. The computers are at home. I am the computer person. When I worked, I was an application developer in several languages and computers. Re-installing windows is way beyond my abilities.

right now there is a workaround. After opening the DB, I use File/Open and walk through a dir structure to find the DB. Or I use the last 9 DBs is was in as they are listed. Then the DB opens correctly.
Live with that then, though installing windows it not particularly hard, it walks you through the process.
The trouble is with clean install is putting all your programs back. Data is dead easy, it is the programs you have accumulated over the years that are difficult.

This has been going on for so long (on both sites) I have forgotten a lot of it, such is my memory. Did you try just double clicking a mdb file to open it?
LarryE, I followed your instructions. On the "Set defaults by App" screen, there are entries for MS Office Excel, and MS office Word. I cannot add an entry.
On the "Choose default apps by file type" page I see the following
-choose default apps by file type.jpg
I'm not sure that's enough
If not mentioned yet, maybe try checking some of your registry settings. Should be something like:

adhoustomj, what does this tell me
My computer

The other computer

What does this tell me?
adhoustomj, what does this tell me
My computerView attachment 113335

The other computerView attachment 113337

What does this tell me?
That's a good question. My registry for 365 access looks similar to the image of your PC.


Maybe share images of the settings registry values as well and we can see if something sticks out.
I just thought I would throw that out there as you mentioned only having those 2 toolbar options available in the Access application settings window.

Not sure if you can find default values with google or another A2003 member here could compare with you. Maybe there is a value under settings or commandbars that you are not seeing on the in app settings menu or something.
I am a little hesiitant is suggesting you match the working computer, if you are not even comfortable with installing windows.

I myself in that situation would export that key to save it as it is. Do the same on the working computer.
Then I would delete your keys and import the keys from the other computer.

If that fails, then delete those keys and reimport your original ones, and you are back where you started. :(

A reboot will probably be needed. Do so however at your own risk. I take no responsibility if it does not work. :)

FWIW mine on 2007 are completely different.
Well, Gasman, that is way beyond my comfort zone.
Not suggesting you change anything just curious of the registry values if you want to share a screenshot of them.
How does this registry path look: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Settings?
adhoustonj, here is Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Settings

Reg 16.jpg
adhoustonj, here is Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Settings

View attachment 113340
That is Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Settings\CommandBars if you look in the file path address bar up top.

How about just: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Settings
And also ------ -Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Access\Settings

I think Access2003 might only utilize 11.0 - but I'm not certain. Only referencing some microsoft docs.

  1. Locate the following registry key, as appropriate for your version of Office:
    2007 Office suite
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\Open Find
    Office 2003
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Common\Open Find
    Office XP
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Common\Open Find
adhoustomj, is this what you're looking for
Reg Access 11 Settings Open FikeName.jpg

Reg Access 11 Settings Open View.jpg


  • Reg Access 11 Settings Open.jpg
    Reg Access 11 Settings Open.jpg
    39.6 KB · Views: 83
A2003 is discontinued. MS lo longer supports the product
I am well aware of this, I also got rid of Access 2003 when it was time...

Nevertheless, it is possible that your Office/Access setup is older than the latest service packs and patches provided by Microsoft at the time, especially now that you have reinstalled it.

Have a look here (SP3):

And here (several pages with patches for different Office 2003 products):

It wouldn't be the first time that updates fix bugs...
maybe it's with your VB6 code that has problem?
My VB6 programs that use A2003 are working correctly. I can read records from the DB, add records to the DB and delete records from the DB using VB6. I really don't think that VB6 is the problem.

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