While I'd disagree with at least 95% of what he/she has said - in spite of the reasonable way he/she says it

- I think the existence of ghosts is far from having been proven. Plenty of people claim to have seen various things but that's hardly concrete evidence. Personally, I'd rate ghosts alongside God and goblins - good for stories, but too far fetched to be real.
Most people do disagree with the existence of ghosts. And I would totally agree that they should be placed alongside God and goblins, their existence has not yet been proven. However, it is a phenomenon that is so often encountered that many reputable universities now have a department dedicated to the study of it. Unlike the existence of God, they actually do have "hot spots" that they can visit and the measurement of electromagnetic fields in many of these spots does reveal a large fluctuation in energy that coincides with a sighting.
My interest is not, however, in the existence of the actual, nor the factual, but in how certain beliefs can directly affect the mind and how we both see and perceive the world around us. I find it interesting that certain psychics can actually penetrate something, whether it's the subconscious mind of their "client" or "the otherside" I am not sure. I have, myself, experienced times when I have been talking to someone and felt compelled to tell them something that I could not possibly have known. While I have been asked to work as a psychic on many occasions I refuse to for three reasons, firstly I don't know exactly where this information comes from or when it will come, and secondly, the vast majority of the psychics I have met in the past tend to clutch at straws and generalise when they don't get anything. Thirdly, I cannot put this phenomenon into a category, it could be that I'm just good at reading body language or sublime messages others put out.
UFOs, on the other hand, are - by definition - Unidentified. Anyone who's ever seen anything in the sky and couldn't say with 100% certainty what it was can perfectly reasonably claim to have seen a UFO. Does that mean it was an alien spaceship? No. Just means it they don't know what it was.
By the very definition, unidentified, they must then exist. Even if it's the 6.30 BA from Edinburgh to London, if you look up and see it and can't identify it...
Seriously though, I find it very difficult to believe that a universe the size of ours can possibly house only one planet that is capable of sustaining life as we know it. Not to mention life as we don't know it. And that's just the universe. There is a whole lot out there that we don't know about, as yet. I don't discount the ability to pass from one plane of existence to another. Actually, I don't discount very much, because I just don't know. I will keep on looking for answers though and if I ever find them, I'll let you know.
One thing I try not to do is to take everything I read literally without first passing it through my own thought processes to see if it is acceptable to my own level of intellegence. This includes everything from any bible to Alestair Crowley, any written account is merely the interpretation of another human.