Lot (peace be upon him) warned them but they did not heed, hence the destruction.
Those who have read the story will know Lot was a rather disgusting man.
He offered his two virgin daughters to men who wanted to have sex with his visitors (they were angels apparently). Apparently the story is supposed to demonstrate how to be a really good host and protect one's visitors.
The men didn't want the daughters and eventually settled on Lot's housekeeper. Clearly as far as Lot was concerned any woman was expendable. The rapists continued to assault the housekeeper until she was dead.
Lot then cut up her body and sent the pieces to other parts of the Promised Land to show just how terrible the people were in his area. No reflection on himself of course.
Then he impregnated his daughters who bore him sons.
Any rational explanation would suggest that he raped and murdered his housekeeper then tried to destroy the evidence making up a ridiculous story about being visited by angels.
He then raped (or at least committed incest) with his daughters.
Then there was the matter of the disappearance of Lot's wife who supposedly turned into a pillar of salt by God because she looked back in defiance of His instructions.
Prosecutors obviously were not as savvy back then and accepted his story. The only ones to suffered were women so I guess it wasn't considered serious.

As I understand the OT is accepted as a holy text by Muslims. Are you quite happy with this arrangement Aziz? Of course you will say, it is the truth and the will of Allah since it is contained in a holy text given to us by a prophet.
And you expect to be respected for your beliefs?