Are you an atheist? (15 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Lot (peace be upon him) warned them but they did not heed, hence the destruction.

Those who have read the story will know Lot was a rather disgusting man.

He offered his two virgin daughters to men who wanted to have sex with his visitors (they were angels apparently). Apparently the story is supposed to demonstrate how to be a really good host and protect one's visitors.

The men didn't want the daughters and eventually settled on Lot's housekeeper. Clearly as far as Lot was concerned any woman was expendable. The rapists continued to assault the housekeeper until she was dead.

Lot then cut up her body and sent the pieces to other parts of the Promised Land to show just how terrible the people were in his area. No reflection on himself of course.

Then he impregnated his daughters who bore him sons.

Any rational explanation would suggest that he raped and murdered his housekeeper then tried to destroy the evidence making up a ridiculous story about being visited by angels.

He then raped (or at least committed incest) with his daughters.

Then there was the matter of the disappearance of Lot's wife who supposedly turned into a pillar of salt by God because she looked back in defiance of His instructions.

Prosecutors obviously were not as savvy back then and accepted his story. The only ones to suffered were women so I guess it wasn't considered serious.:rolleyes:

As I understand the OT is accepted as a holy text by Muslims. Are you quite happy with this arrangement Aziz? Of course you will say, it is the truth and the will of Allah since it is contained in a holy text given to us by a prophet.

And you expect to be respected for your beliefs?

"The Muslim population in Australia would still remain relatively low. At present, Muslims comprise 1.9 per cent of all Australians. That figure will rise to 2.8 per cent."

As I said, "largely irrelevant".

By then "no religion" will probably had risen from its current level of 22 percent to somewhere around half. Some of those will come for people born Muslim.

The article also states:
"The projections ... have been calculated using fertility, mortality and migration rates."

I don't see "reversion" included in that calculation so they don't seem to expect any significant contribution from those following other religions.
I was born in the UK 54 years ago ... I emanate from Pakistan ...

I studied Islam voluntarily 34 years ago as an adult. I was not taught anything about Islam for the first 20 years of my life,

So despite being born of Pakistani parents do you really think you had no significant exposure to Islam as a child.

You would have been immersed in Islam and its practices regardless of whether you were actively taught it or not. To be perfectly honest I very much doubt you were not actively taught it at some stage.

Even if you were not actively taught it, your upbringing would have formed a neatly Islam shaped hole you your psyche. It is not at all remarkable that you found Islam fitted that hole perfectly when you went looking.

You have demonstrated you are entirely incapable of objective thinking on this topic. You simply ignore what does not fit your doctrine as you have ignored the points made throughout the discussion that indicate much of what you say contradicts reality.

I have no doubt you will continue to ignore the questions I have put to you.
Assuming for argument's sake that there is a god who is all-knowing, all-powerful and supposedly all-loving why would he create so many people that he already knows will do terrible evil things. Some religious people would say that he has given us free will to do as we like contrary to his rules but to an all-knowing deity this free will is entirely illusory since he already knows what we will do in the future. Seems like a funny kind of love to me. Jesus is quoted as saying "Which of you if your son asks for a fish would give him a stone". it seems this god person does that all the time with all the evil he allows to happen.

I am sure that no-one here would allow their children to harm themselves or come to harm if they could prevent it from happening. God claims he a) knows it's going to happen, b)could prevent it if he wanted to, and c)really really loves us.

If as Aziz says, he really wants us all to be Islam why does he allow the other (false) religions to flourish.

Now the only sensible conclusions I can draw from this is that some or all of these claims are not true which puts him on the level of a dodgy salesperson or politician or he does not exist and is merely the figment of somebody's warped imagination.
Avast young Rabbie there is nothing false about the FSM :mad:
Ignorant as I am of th FSM I was not aware he claimed to be all-loving. I had heard that he despised those that preferred lower forms of pasta such as macaroni and hated those who ate rice or potatos. :D

however I would still argue against the internal contradictions in being all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving in the same package.

Now the tooth fairy just seems to have a nice commercial deal going and has cornered the market in children's second hand teeth:eek:
I have never heard of Jonathan Teatime. I suspect this is because he is a figment of your imagination:D
D'oh:banghead: I should have got that from the reference to the Hogfather:)
Again through a lack of knowledge you are wrong. It doesn't matter whether the adults consent or not. That's not the point. According to Sharia they are not allowed to exhibit such behaviour in public for which there is a law even in Australia. Check it out. Hence if these are crimes are fascist, then by implication Australia is a fascist state.

Fascism is typically a situation where a ruling oligarchy enforces laws over a population that has no say in the nature of the laws. In Australia we have a democracy and those limitations are endorsed by the people

I never said they were wrong. On the contrary as some of these laws agree with Sharia, then Muslims can live (as can non-Muslims) in these countries and spread the message and introduce other aspects of Islam. You may pooh pah that, but the success of people becoming Muslims may one day introduce news laws particularly based on promiscuity, alcohol and gambling abuse, porn, etc.

Here you reveal the true nature of your presence in this country. The likes of your family left the corrupt society where they lived and want to recreate what is wrong in their own country by inserting themselves and their fascist doctrine on a democracy.

I don't have a problem with people who want to live under Sharia for their personal guidance.

However this is never enough for the religious who insist that everyone be bound by their arbitrary laws. Most people use alcohol without any problem and you would deny them that choice. That is fascism.
May FSM touch you with his noodley appendage and your sauces be plentiful. :D
Just a passing thought. Isn't it a bit sexist to have so many male gods nowadays. In olden times there was no shortage of goddesses
If God is male, what does he use the divine penis and the holy nuts for?
Just a passing thought. Isn't it a bit sexist to have so many male gods nowadays. In olden times there was no shortage of goddesses

A Muslim lady talking on TV the other evening said that the use of him and he when referring to Allah was for simplicity, her studies had not revealed any gender specific references for him.


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