Are you an atheist? (7 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Was this a Christian (Protestant, Morman , Evangelical) or Catholic Church. There is a difference.

Had you bothered to, I dunno, read, you'd have seen that two posts above mine. Guess you couldn't miss your chance to snark, though, even if it meant looking lazy.
Had you bothered to, I dunno, read, you'd have seen that two posts above mine. Guess you couldn't miss your chance to snark, though, even if it meant looking lazy.

I read the last line of Blades post. Its you who is lazy and that's ready to snark. Incorrectly as well I may add.
Actually, somehow I read that last line but it didn't register. Good catch, and my apologies. However, now it appears he's just (as is usual), incoherent, explicitly separating Catholocism from Christianity at the top, while at the end saying it's part of Christianity. Part of my problem came from the fact that right-wing Christian groups and individuals (which very much describes Bladerunner) have argued for years that Catholics are expressly non-Christian, so that first sentence came as no surprise. You're right, though, in that I should have remembered that last sentence.

Interestingly, though, in his reply he managed to completely ignore Galaxiom's actual point.

Of course, in the same comment, he takes Galaxiom to task for coming up with the value of $200,000,000 and for some reason just tosses in "buildings usually cost more than $200,000", apparently to argue against something Galaxiom never said. It rather reminds me of how earlier in the thread he repeatedly argued that 1200 AD was 3200 years ago. Between things like that and his insistance that a book MUST BE THE LITERAL WORD OF GOD BECAUSE IT SAYS SO ITSELF, I'll freely admit I'm pretty ready to leap to the conclusion that he is once again saying something inane.

Oh, yes, now I remember you. You're the one who completely misread my post on the tattoo thread and started trying to put words in my mouth. I should have realized this was just you either trolling or trying to get revenge for being wrong.
Actually, somehow I read that last line but it didn't register. Good catch, and my apologies. However, now it appears he's just (as is usual), incoherent, explicitly separating Catholocism from Christianity at the top, while at the end saying it's part of Christianity. Part of my problem came from the fact that right-wing Christian groups and individuals (which very much describes Bladerunner) have argued for years that Catholics are expressly non-Christian, so that first sentence came as no surprise. You're right, though, in that I should have remembered that last sentence.

Interestingly, though, in his reply he managed to completely ignore Galaxiom's actual point.

Of course, in the same comment, he takes Galaxiom to task for coming up with the value of $200,000,000 and for some reason just tosses in "buildings usually cost more than $200,000", apparently to argue against something Galaxiom never said. It rather reminds me of how earlier in the thread he repeatedly argued that 1200 AD was 3200 years ago. Between things like that and his insistance that a book MUST BE THE LITERAL WORD OF GOD BECAUSE IT SAYS SO ITSELF, I'll freely admit I'm pretty ready to leap to the conclusion that he is once again saying something inane.

Oh, yes, now I remember you. You're the one who completely misread my post on the tattoo thread and started trying to put words in my mouth. I should have realized this was just you either trolling or trying to get revenge for being wrong.

I didn't remember the tattoo one. Looked it up - you were too ready to snark at Blade there too, maybe your reasoning above tells us why! I'll leave you both to it.

I think the Brissie cathedrals quite nice - the architect did a nice church by me. Was my Grandads local. I have never actually been in. Pleasing to the eye though.

Must work, or at least learn something today. Neithers happening here.

It is an Anglican cathedral.

1500 people turned up at the opening of the third wing in 1989. This would have been less than one in a thousand of the population of Brisbane at the time.

Both Federal and State governments contributed to the cost of construction.

Yeah buddy, they should have had at least 3/4 of the population attending.
What is it with you F* trying to bust my ass all the time.

I know exactly what a Christian is.and I stated as much.

Quote Bladerunner:"Was this a Christian (Protestant, Morman , Evangelical) or Catholic Church. " End Quote

I was trying to include those denominations of Christianity here. Yes the Catholic church is a Christian denomination. Oh, do you really know what being a Christian means? No, don't go and look it up, like another on this thread, I will tell you. Would not want you to hurt yourself and such. It means that we all believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Another Bladerunner Quote:"While all are Christian Churches there is a wide variety of differences that sets the Catholic Church apart from the other Christian Churches." End Quote:

Here I actually tell that the Catholic Church is a Christian church... Maybe you forgot to read this. I bet you got a D in Comprehension , English 101, Hummmmm

Mormons are Protestants, and 'evangelical' describes an approach to one's religion, not the religion itself.

Excuse me, Yes Mormons believe in God and Jesus Christ but they consider themselves different from the other denominations of the protestant faith. (1)

And yes even the Evangelicals consider themselves different from the protestant faith. (2) As far as the definition of evangelical perhaps you had better try reading a few more pages.

As far as the Angelical denomination goes, it is among a couple of other denominations that are less known.

Then again, with all the hatred Bladerunner has displayed in this thread, him not actually understanding anything about his own religion doesn't surprise me even slightly.

It looks to me like you are the only one throwing hate around. You keep trying to belittle me for what reason?. Someone said in one of these threads that the internet can make a genus out of a Nobody! You sure are good at everything are you not?

To the other posters, I am sorry I broke my word and answered F*'s last post. I can assure you that I will never again answer F*'s post directly or knowingly indirectly.

To F*; I will put you in my prayers tonight.!

That's just not right, the Church of England is probably the largest landowner in the UK and has mints of money, they should be taxed to the hilt, after all, all they are doing is brainwashing gullible people by pedalling a fairy story.


Hate to say it, Col is right.

Although a little harsh calling it a fairy story, being an atheist myself allows me to agree with this hypothesis.

Which leads me back to an idea given by many atheists - religion should be 18+ not forced upon you as a child. (I say this in experience not as a opinion) in my primary school and Secondary school we were forced to say a prayer at the start of every assembly and maybe even a religious hymn .... I have to admit I never sang along (*Mumbling the sounds* worked everytime.)
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What is it with you F* trying to bust my ass all the time.

I'm not trying to bust your ass - I'm trying to get you, for once in your life, to *THINK*.

*A lot of irrelevant crap*

Still avoiding Galaxiom's entire argument, I see.

It looks to me like you are the only one throwing hate around.

Okay, that's just funny. I don't believe I've ever said that you are a traitor actively attempting to destroy his own nation simply for disagreeing with me. I've never claimed Islam to be a religion of death and violence. You've done both. All I've done is call out your logical failures and refusal to actually THINK. And yes, I missed a line in your post earlier, which I then acknowledged - something I have literally NEVER seen you do. Hell, when you were called on thinking 1200 AD was 3200 years ago, you doubled down rather than accepting that, oops, you goofed.

You keep trying to belittle me for what reason?. Someone said in one of these threads that the internet can make a genus out of a Nobody! You sure are good at everything are you not?

Yes, I'm blunt, direct, and often rude. My brain-mouth filter doesn't work and never has, meaning you can always rest assured I am saying precisely what I mean. I don't expect people to like me, and honestly I tend to worry when people do. :D My apologies if you felt my repeatedly calling you an idiot was belittling - it was supposed to be insulting.

That said, unlike you, I've made some effort to understand logic and reason, including good and bad ways to make arguments. I've also studied religion and religious philosophy (among others) for over twenty years now, as well as physics, psychology, chemistry, astronomy and cosmology, and politics. As a rule, I spend 2-3 hours a day studying SOMETHING.

I also, as a rule, try very hard to make sure I've researched any topic I speak on, although as seen earlier I can still make mistakes. So, good at a whole lot of things? Actually, yes. Good at everything? Hell no - my dancing has been compared unfavorably to an epileptic cat getting electrocuted, and if I'm trying to throw something at you, the safest place to be is my point of aim.

To the other posters, I am sorry I broke my word and answered F*'s last post. I can assure you that I will never again answer F*'s post directly or knowingly indirectly.

Yeah, we both know that won't last.

To F*; I will put you in my prayers tonight.!

Ah, the final approach of the "Christian" (as opposed to an actual Christian) when they need to indicate their superiority over someone who refuses to meekly submit to the dogma being pushed on them.

I'm sure Galaxiom is still waiting to hear your explanation of how ridiculous opulence and overdone cathedrals match up to Jesus' cautioning against making sure everyone knows how big a Christian you are.
Hate to say it, Col is right.

Although a little harsh calling it a fairy story, being an atheist myself allows me to agree with this hypothesis.

Which leads me back to an idea given by many atheists - religion should be 18+ not forced upon you as a child. (I say this in experience not as a opinion, in my primary school and Secondary school we were forced to say a prayer at the start of every assembly and maybe even a religious hymn .... I have to admit I never sang along (*Mumbling the sounds* worked everytime.)

Hi Connor: I will have to disagree with you. The children need Jesus in their lives. I believe you will find that the Godless families are the ones (at least here in the USA) have all kinds of problems. I as a child went to church with my parents (both of them). As a teenager, I left the church (because I saw the same thing lot of you people also did and that is Hypocrisy). After a few years, I returned to the Church but at this time I had the ability to choose the church I wanted. I have since then come to realize that there has always been people who used the bible and its teaching simply to get ahead, have control (power) over the people. Of course that is my opinion.

I know a fella that that buys and sells antiques. He buys them for the cheapest he can and then sells them high enough to make a living. Now the people he buys from are split into two camps. One set says he cheated (a crook) them because they did not know what the item they had sold him was worth. The other set has no problem with him or his business. Their attitude is that they were responsible for knowing what the item was worth and they alone were responsible for selling the item at the best price they could get.

Like the above story, the church has haters and believers. Those who believe that their ills are caused by another person or person(s). They take very little responsibility for anything. On the other hand, there are those that stand up and take the responsibility for their ills upon themselves. As an Atheist, it is nobodies responsibility other than yours to believe or not to believe. You tend blame everyone for your not going to church or believing in Jesus and vilify those who do believe. I ask you, what do you have to lose in this life if you did happen to actually look into to "believing". There is an old saying: 'Let your heart do the walking'
Hi Connor: I will have to disagree with you. The children need Jesus in their lives. I believe you will find that the Godless families are the ones (at least here in the USA) have all kinds of problems.
Hey Bladerunner :)

Before I read any more (I shall comment on the other parts as this goes on). I lived without Jesus all my life, I have never been religious, Most people I know here in the UK - are Atheists or Agnostics - They all turned out to be more than fine :D - No one NEEDS Jesus my friend, Only in those book does it claim we do and if you don't live by those books then your mind is free to wander about how the world came to be and so forth. Whereas this isn't the case in religion as you are given the reason for these things and told because God made it :P That was never enough for me as a child so I didn't believe in him. I would never force my children to be atheists, I shall let them choose whichever path their imagination takes them.

If that does indeed mean they turn out to be religious I shall respect that and we shall have some interesting debates around the dinner table ;)

I as a child went to church with my parents (both of them). As a teenager, I left the church (because I saw the same thing lot of you people also did and that is Hypocrisy). After a few years, I returned to the Church but at this time I had the ability to choose the church I wanted. I have since then come to realize that there has always been people who used the bible and its teaching simply to get ahead, have control (power) over the people. Of course that is my opinion.

Although you say opinion I think it is certain that the Commander of the Crusaders/Templars used the bible to commit huge amounts of mass murders.

May I ask what is Hypocrisy in leaving the church? It is no more higher of an opinion that joining a church in the first place :p

"The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case"

I know a fella that that buys and sells antiques. He buys them for the cheapest he can and then sells them high enough to make a living. Now the people he buys from are split into two camps. One set says he cheated (a crook) them because they did not know what the item they had sold him was worth. The other set has no problem with him or his business.

This is the case in every Antique Merchant around, They are never going to buy anything for the right price as they would need to make a substantial profit to keep their business afloat. There is no harm in buying something for a low value when it actually costs a lot, That my friend is knowledge and using knowledge when buying antiques can drastically improve profits :D

I'm not a Antique merchant myself but i still think it is an honest trade, because the people they buy it off have no contacts to sell to. So they are getting the money they set out to achieve and so is the Merchant. (Win/Win)

Their attitude is that they were responsible for knowing what the item was worth and they alone were responsible for selling the item at the best price they could get.

As said above - no bad blood due to the fact they set out to get that set amount of money, the blame lies with them because you should research what you sell to know true value

Its what would be called today.... A Bargain!

Like the above story, the church has haters and believers. Those who believe that their ills are caused by another person or person(s). They take very little responsibility for anything. On the other hand, there are those that stand up and take the responsibility for their ills upon themselves. As an Atheist, it is nobodies responsibility other than yours to believe or not to believe. You tend blame everyone for your not going to church or believing in Jesus and vilify those who do believe. I ask you, what do you have to lose in this life if you did happen to actually look into to "believing". There is an old saying: 'Let your heart do the walking'

Here friend is what I would class as preaching :( - This is what I do not want.

I do not wish to be recruited Bladerunner :p I wish to as you say "Let your heart do the walking" :D

And it seems to be walking straight into Atheism

I do not disrespect your religions in anyway, in fact as said before I admire your blind faith. But being a realist doesn't push me in the ways of blind faith Bladerunner :D

I always like to hear things from the other side of the fence (be it in lovely attitudes, not those who force their opinion through bad language and abuse)

Lovely to hear from you Bladerunner

I look forward to your next post :)
Yes, I'm blunt, direct, and often rude. My brain-mouth filter doesn't work and never has, meaning you can always rest assured I am saying precisely what I mean. I don't expect people to like me, and honestly I tend to worry when people do. :D My apologies if you felt my repeatedly calling you an idiot was belittling - it was supposed to be insulting.

I don't mind you at all Frothingslosh :p - you do throw out interesting and obvious intelligence in your posts which I like and I also like the fact you take no sides as you're not an Atheist and not religious :p

Keep it up bud - your posts never fail to amuse me when I read them, that is because of your Blunt, direct and often rude attitude. Although to make this a nicer thread a little less insults may go a long way ;)

Hope all went okay on the weekend mate.
. As a teenager, I left the church (because I saw the same thing lot of you people also did and that is Hypocrisy).

Connor , here we have an example as to why I think correct English, including or especially punctuation, is important. You read this as that it was hypocritical to leave the church, I read it to say that he left the church because he saw hypocrisy there.

Ah, Thanks for clearing that up Brian.

As to the use of correct punctuation - shouldn't these commas be brackets? It seems you started a sentence, Then interrupted it , Then resumed the original sentence.

here we have an example as to why I think correct English, including or especially punctuation, is important.

Perhaps I have misinterpreted what Bladerunner has said :). Again thanks for the clarification.
You may be right about brackets but I think that you can use commas for such clauses, I'm sure they have a name but don't know or remember it, school was over half a century ago.

I'm not sure I was taught to use commas for such clauses :p

Brackets were the best way to achieve what you tried to achieve :D

People make grammatical errors sometimes, try to accept them :P not get aggravated by them.

Try thinking of it like stalling a car, its not that you did it that matters, it is how you realise your mistakes and correct them :D
Going back onto the original subject (Religion) -

Bladerunner , just out of curiosity if you believe in God you must believe in Satan is that correct?
I don't tell everyone, I'd be here all day, but in your initial postings they got out of hand, and I guess I was a bit p'd off by something so decided to say something. I am also annoyed and dismayed that blade and D7Access seem proud to not know the difference between were and where plus a few other things.

As to my post above a bit of research gives it as a parenthical phrase, I.e. It can be left out without upsetting the main meaning , these can be contained within brackets or commas.

I shall refer back to my previous statement :

"People make grammatical errors sometimes, try to accept them :P not get aggravated by them.

Try thinking of it like stalling a car, its not that you did it that matters, it is how you realise your mistakes and correct them :D"

(not someone else that corrects them) - Keep calm bud, I realise my grammatical errors but when typing huge paragraphs (as you've seen me do), I tend to let my grammar get away from me sometimes.
I don't mind you at all Frothingslosh :p - you do throw out interesting and obvious intelligence in your posts which I like and I also like the fact you take no sides as you're not an Atheist and not religious :p

Keep it up bud - your posts never fail to amuse me when I read them, that is because of your Blunt, direct and often rude attitude. Although to make this a nicer thread a little less insults may go a long way ;)

True. :p

Hope all went okay on the weekend mate.

Yeah, got to see a lot of family I normally never see, and only lost it once.


I'm not sure I was taught to use commas for such clauses

Brackets were the best way to achieve what you tried to achieve

Parenthesis are usually used inside sentences for asides, and generally should actually be broken out into either clauses or their own sentence. For the sentence in question, I would say that the correct way to say it would have been
As a teenager, I left the Church because I saw the same thing that a lot of you people also did: hypocrisy.

Also - note that Church was being used as a proper noun and thus should have been capitalized.

Edit: Yikes, that's what I get for not posting my reply promptly!
True. :p

Yeah, got to see a lot of family I normally never see, and only lost it once.


Parenthesis are usually used inside sentences for asides, and generally should actually be broken out into either clauses or their own sentence. For the sentence in question, I would say that the correct way to say it would have been

Also - note that Church was being used as a proper noun and thus should have been capitalized.

Edit: Yikes, that's what I get for not posting my reply promptly!

Nice to hear from you mate - Thanks for the info, always nice to learn something new :p

Glad you got to see your family - its always nice to see the ones you haven't seen in a while. You had every right to lose it , He was your father - My thoughts are with you mate.

How are you today?

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