Hi Connor: I will have to disagree with you. The children need Jesus in their lives. I believe you will find that the Godless families are the ones (at least here in the USA) have all kinds of problems.
Hey Bladerunner
Before I read any more (I shall comment on the other parts as this goes on). I lived without Jesus all my life, I have never been religious, Most people I know here in the UK - are Atheists or Agnostics - They all turned out to be more than fine

- No one NEEDS Jesus my friend, Only in those book does it claim we do and if you don't live by those books then your mind is free to wander about how the world came to be and so forth. Whereas this isn't the case in religion as you are given the reason for these things and told because God made it

That was never enough for me as a child so I didn't believe in him. I would never force my children to be atheists, I shall let them choose whichever path their imagination takes them.
If that does indeed mean they turn out to be religious I shall respect that and we shall have some interesting debates around the dinner table
I as a child went to church with my parents (both of them). As a teenager, I left the church (because I saw the same thing lot of you people also did and that is Hypocrisy). After a few years, I returned to the Church but at this time I had the ability to choose the church I wanted. I have since then come to realize that there has always been people who used the bible and its teaching simply to get ahead, have control (power) over the people. Of course that is my opinion.
Although you say opinion I think it is certain that the Commander of the Crusaders/Templars used the bible to commit huge amounts of mass murders.
May I ask what is Hypocrisy in leaving the church? It is no more higher of an opinion that joining a church in the first place
The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case"
I know a fella that that buys and sells antiques. He buys them for the cheapest he can and then sells them high enough to make a living. Now the people he buys from are split into two camps. One set says he cheated (a crook) them because they did not know what the item they had sold him was worth. The other set has no problem with him or his business.
This is the case in every Antique Merchant around, They are never going to buy anything for the right price as they would need to make a substantial profit to keep their business afloat. There is no harm in buying something for a low value when it actually costs a lot, That my friend is knowledge and using knowledge when buying antiques can drastically improve profits
I'm not a Antique merchant myself but i still think it is an honest trade, because the people they buy it off have no contacts to sell to. So they are getting the money they set out to achieve and so is the Merchant. (Win/Win)
Their attitude is that they were responsible for knowing what the item was worth and they alone were responsible for selling the item at the best price they could get.
As said above - no bad blood due to the fact they set out to get that set amount of money, the blame lies with them because you should research what you sell to know true value
Its what would be called today.... A Bargain!
Like the above story, the church has haters and believers. Those who believe that their ills are caused by another person or person(s). They take very little responsibility for anything. On the other hand, there are those that stand up and take the responsibility for their ills upon themselves. As an Atheist, it is nobodies responsibility other than yours to believe or not to believe. You tend blame everyone for your not going to church or believing in Jesus and vilify those who do believe. I ask you, what do you have to lose in this life if you did happen to actually look into to "believing". There is an old saying: 'Let your heart do the walking'
Here friend is what I would class as preaching

- This is what I do not want.
I do not wish to be recruited Bladerunner

I wish to as you say "Let your heart do the walking"
And it seems to be walking straight into Atheism
I do not disrespect your religions in anyway, in fact as said before I admire your blind faith. But being a realist doesn't push me in the ways of blind faith Bladerunner
I always like to hear things from the other side of the fence (be it in lovely attitudes, not those who force their opinion through bad language and abuse)
Lovely to hear from you Bladerunner
I look forward to your next post