Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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What they absolutely are NOT is Protestant. ;)

Don't I know it! I had one Catholic and one Irish Protestant parent, how they got together I don't know but their families did not like it and showing the usual Christian tolerance did not speak to each other, infact I think my Protestant grandparents only tolerated my mother in order to see their grand kids.

Don't I know it! I had one Catholic and one Irish Protestant parent, how they got together I don't know but their families did not like it and showing the usual Christian tolerance did not speak to each other, infact I think my Protestant grandparents only tolerated my mother in order to see their grand kids.


You too, huh? My Catholic maternal grandparents disowned my mother after she married my Protestant father.
Throughout history ruthless people have motivated and justified genocide on the word of some god. The formula varies little. Vilify the target, portray them as a threat, whip up hysteria, kill them and take what was theirs.

Tribes such as the Hebrews of the Old Testament claimed that they prevailed in this slaughter through the "grace" of their god. However the outcome is indistinguishable for the Hebrews simply being a very violent and aggressive tribe. This seems far more plausible.

Moreover, the Hebrew massacres were not as you described. The Hebrews were the invaders. They showed up from Egypt claiming that their god had given "The Promised Land" to "The Chosen Race" and proceeded to massacre everyone who lived there because their God told them to.

When two tribes tricked the Hebrews into a peace treaty they were punished by enslavement for their "deceit". Abrahamic religion, including Christianity, is not and never has been about peace.

The Bible is nothing more than the trumped up musings of profoundly arrogant primitive misogynists with an obsession for death and bloody sacrifice.

can you give me a reason why you think the Hebrews were the invaders when all evidence points to the Assyrians? Are you talking about the Bronze (early, middle, or late)or the beginning of the Iron Age. If you want to study the bible just tell me, I will gladly help you out.

Keep in mind that in the early days times were hard, people illiterate and wars were ongoing.

Or may be you were talking about Immanuel Velikovsky who published Ages in Chaos. Maybe Israeli archeologist Rudolph Cohen work on the invading armies of MBI or maybe Italian archeologist Immanuel Anati conclusions about the invasion of Israelites in the Early Bronze Age vs the invasion the same cities during the Iron Age.

Really need you to be specific here. Atheist books will not help you. They only lie about anything that would get in the way of their agendas. Your going to have to dig a little deeper.

Islam he same God by another name. It is based on the same old exaggerated myths that originate from preliterate times. They too eagerly await Armageddon where their god will slaughter all those not part of their cult.
You are right of course. Whether we await the coming Armageddon as a living person or a corpse matters not, since it will still be coming. The prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled with the events in the middle east on a daily basis. A slaughter you say. Is it not what will/would happen to all those who believe(Christians, Catholics and Hebrew) from the leader (an Atheist) that will lead the world to the last war? Believe they call him or she the 'Anti-Christ'. Christians and Hebrews are already being persecuted at an alarmingly increasing rate.

As far as the God and Islam, again it was written 600 AD ---AD (after Death of Christ) by a Nut that claimed he was a prophet and everyone had to live as he lived to go to heaven. The there is this::
Lo! We did reveal the At-Taurah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests (judged) by such of Allah's Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto were they witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me. And barter not My revelations for a little gain. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers.
—Quran, sura 5 (Al-Ma'ida), ayat 44[1]
The faithful love to claim the Bible is the source of morality. Far from being a worthy moral guide the Bible is littered with examples of sickeningly primitive philosophy. It exalts the worst of human behaviours including genocide, slavery, ra** and incest.
And you got your Morals from??????????????????????

It teaches that punishment is applied for four generations. Worse still God punishes all women for eternity with "increased pain of childbirth" because Eve disobeyed Him. God's psychopathic attitudes are far from "forgiveness" but are tools of fear to manipulate people.
It would appear that we all lost that faithful day. We could have been living in paradise but then ,,,well you know the story. Of course if we di live in paradise, you would not be a atheist/?
The world will not know peace until our societies shake off the monotheist religions of Abraham's minions.
And the only way to shake off this religion is Genocide! What say you?
I believe that has and is still being tried as we speak.
There are many Theories behind how we started out Blade. Latest one is that the world and the universes always existed. Personally I would put it down to chance that a certain combination of cells and the exact right circumstances happened and it went from there. The evolutionary ladder. We took millions upon millions of years to get here through countless evolutionary forms through genetic mutations. When one form of genetic adaption proved to be better suited to the environment then that trait would live on through the next generations until we are here today.

Please tell me how you can justify dinosaur remains and many other animals fossils found?

Or snakes that are born with legs? the list goes on...

Lets see, ,,,,,,amphibians into reptiles, dinosaurs too. Question? has a skeleton of a land animal that is in the transition phase, say Amphibian to Dinosaur, etc. Just one now would be sufficient to confirm the evolutionist theory. God made all land animals on the sixth day,,,,,,,same birhtday as Adam and Eve.

But yet if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you are damned to an eternity of damnation and pain. Every religion is just as bad. It is those sorts of consequences that scare people into believing. :mad:

No ethernity of pain and damnation. the 'lake of fire and brimstone' is the second death, a kind of final death where no erserrection can take place. Poof Gone. Or live in paradise for believing in Jesus and following his teachings. No second death here.

The Koran, Hadif and Sannah provide all the evidence you need to determine for yourself if Islam is a peaceful religion. Jesus says to love thy neighbor, Islam wants to kill you for no believing.REgardless as to what they say, Islam is not a peaceful religion, thus is not part of the Christian network or the Hebrew/Jewish faith.

We have no agenda, (Well I don't) - I personally couldn't care less if you believe in God, Allah, Jeff from over the fence. All the same to me.

No crying here either, Just stating that without evidence all you have is faith.
But what is a god without faith? If you prove god exists then faith wouldn't be needed and then god would cease to exist. The perfect cover.

"I say there is a god, Don't try and prove him to be real otherwise he won't exist - But if you don't believe in him, He will be angry and sentence you to pain and damnation for eternity after you die."

Good deal!

Why would I let them? Just because I am an atheist doesn't mean I won't interfere via physical means. Another thing, Why do you separate gays from religion or atheism? Can't Gays be religious or atheist or is that just your opinion? Personally I know a few Christian gay couples.

A Christian Gay? is as I stated before, 'They will have their day in court the same as all of us do. It is not my job to judge them. "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Have you ever ween a Chrisitan Atheist. Like Positive and Negative Anti-matter

I never claimed to have an accurate poll, but given your poll doesn't say where these people were polled or even how many really does take down its credibility. They could have asked 10 people in a church. Ofcourse the most part of them would be religious. By the way an answer to your 8-10 people being atheist, (maybe even more) poll a room full of evolutionary scientists.

The Gallop polls are one of the most respected, supposedly accurate poll in the USA. Evolutionary Scientist have a world view of Naturalism which contain Atheism, Existentialism and Agnosticism. Same difference to me and others that are Theist.

Ahh, religious predictions - they've always turned out so well.

Here's a few :
OR maybe each individual person has a choice (As you said did you not?) If they choose not to believe in god due to credible evidence found via evolution and other means, then that's okay with me.

Could not get it to work even by pasting it to the browser.

Yes you have a choice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I was just showing you other credible evidence on the other side of the coin.

To be fair, most of the teachings attributed directly to Jesus are fairly benevolent and enlightened, especially for their time.

It's just a crying shame that most Christians ignore them in favor of good old Old Testament hatred and bloodshed. And don't even get me started on Peter's influence and apparent misogyny.

Go ahead and lets get into Peters teachings if you want to. it won't hurt my feelings.
Galaxiom you spoke of God approving slavery, ra**, etc. Here are some verses for your reading!\\

"He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death." (Exodus 21:16)

NT on slavery

Since many of the early Christians were slaves to Romans, they were encouraged to become free if possible, but not worry about it if not possible. The Roman empire practiced involuntary slavery, so rules were established for Christians who were subject to this slavery or held slaves prior to becoming Christians. The rules established for slaves were similar to those established for other Christians with regard to being subject to governing authorities. Slaves were told to be obedient to their master and serve them sincerely, as if serving the Lord Himself. Paul instructed slaves to serve with honor, so that Christianity would not be looked down upon.

Contrary to the claims of many skeptics, the New Testament proclaims that all people are equal in the eyes of God - even slaves:

  • There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
  • knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free. (Ephesians 6:8)
  • And masters, do the same things to them, and give up threatening, knowing that both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him. (Ephesians 6:9)
  • a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all. (Colossians 3:11)
The Hebrews were slaves to Egypt prior to the Exodus. After 400 years, God almost destroyed Egypt before the Pharaoh let his people GO!

Atheists and "Believers" alike seem to pick the worst of what they perceive about the others, while cherry picking their own. There are just as many in the Bible that do permit slavery, especially when you conquer another people group (of course, those in your people group were limited to 7 years, or the next jubilee)

I'd like to share an article I read recently that I hope is constructive for all those mentally (and emotionally) invested in this topic:

From the website "The Atheists Next Door" (couldnt post link because this is my 10th post and can't share links until at 10, lol)

"Our conversations are alive. When they are newborns they don’t accomplish much, but they also don’t really do any lasting damage. The longer they live, however, the more their potential grows – for both good and ill. Some of the best conversations become immortal, while others seem all too eager to die a horrendous death. And the last gasp of those conversations is all-too-often heard…”you should just respect my beliefs.”

Respect is a funny word. It means a lot of different things. For instance…

“Respect your mother and father.” To me, this means we ought to embody their teachings. The same goes for other authority figures (police, teachers, coaches, bosses). I’m going to give my fellow humans the benefit of the doubt and say that most people are not so arrogant as to insist that everyone should adhere to their beliefs by default.

“I respect her as a lawyer.” An expression of admiration. It’s getting a little closer here. After all, I can respect someone as a lawyer, but not as a cook, so this is slightly less presumptuous. But I think this still misses the mark.

“Be respectful, children, and don’t mention Aunt Selma’s growth on her neck.” Etiquette, or courtesy. I think this is the first half of what people mean by “respecting beliefs.” At the core of it, a lot of people think that it’s rude and disrespectful to directly question the beliefs of others.

“I disagree with your opinion, but I respect your right to have it.” Tolerance. I think this is the other half of what people mean. The problem is that people are often confused about what their legal rights actually are. In the United States we have the legal guarantee that the weight of the government can not be used to criticize (or promote) one set of beliefs over another. But that doesn’t mean that we have the legal guarantee that private citizens can not criticize (or promote) one set of beliefs over another. I think this subtle but important distinction has laid to rest a number of promising young conversations.

If you take the emotions wrapped up in the last two meanings and stir them up it’s easy to see how a lot of people are just not willing to engage on important topics. So what are we to do? How can we revive a conversation that is on life support? I’m going to try to set up a framework for how to help conversations pull through when they are flat-lining. I think the key is to get back to common ground. For instance:

1.) I hope we can all agree that most people think their beliefs, if put into actions, will be for the best.
We’re generally all good people. We generally want things to work out. We might not agree on exactly what that looks like or how to get there, but let’s at least give each other credit that we’re trying to do what we think is best.

2.) We’ll need to agree that some beliefs, if acted out, will not actually have positive consequences.
If we disagree on something, and our disagreement will cause us to act differently, we will experience different outcomes. Sometimes these outcomes will still be nearly identical, other times they will be extremely different. We only need to agree that these differences will occur sometimes, and that there will be times when one outcome is preferable to the other.

3.) We’ll need to agree that if we think we see someone in harm’s way that we ought to try to help.
I hope we would agree that if you see someone on the ground in pain that we should try to offer help. Now, sometimes we think we see someone in need of help, but we later find out our perceptions were just wrong. To this day I have a scar on my right arm from hopping a chain link fence, en-route to what I thought was a friend getting in fist fight. It turns out that flirting and fighting can look very similar from a few hundred feet away, at night, after you have had a few drinks. But given my belief I think my actions were perfectly reasonable. I was right to try and help, given the fact that I had perceived someone in danger. It just turns out my perceptions were flawed.

So that’s it. I think these three assumptions are enough to get the conversation back on the right track. If we all agree with the above then there seems to be at least one conclusion I can draw: we all ought to confront ideas we disagree with if we perceive those ideas to be harmful. And I think this last portion, the perceived harm, is where the stakes get raised. It’s why I personally take a conversation longer than others might deem appropriate. It’s why I can’t just “agree to disagree.” I wouldn’t walk away from an impending fight. It would be wrong of me. I have to at least try and help. And it could very well turn out that my perceptions are incorrect, but I can only find that out by taking a risk and starting that conversation. Because at the end of the day, someone really ought to talk to Aunt Selma about that lump on her neck. She should probably go see a doctor. Granted, nobody wants to be thought of as the ‘Aunt Selma’ here. Because then we’re comparing deep, heartfelt beliefs to a tumor. But if you’ve made it this far then hopefully you’ve already agreed in principle that some beliefs can be harmful. A test to help search your inner thoughts: could you possibly hold the belief yourself? If not, then why not? There’s no way to dress it up: if you couldn’t imagine holding the belief yourself then at some level it is because you perceive the idea as harmful.
So what happens when we follow the usual etiquette when these beliefs come up? When I witness an exchange of “respecting another’s beliefs” I do not come away with an overwhelming sense of respect. It always seems to me to be the epitome of condescension.

Censoring yourself because you feel your conversation partner can not emotionally or intellectually handle your thoughts is not respect.
It is pity. It is how you treat a child. It seems like a fatal flaw if respecting a belief requires us to regard one another with such low expectations.

Most importantly, however, I think that respecting someone else’s belief is simply not possible. Every time that I have ever truly come to respect someone else’s beliefs they ceased being someone else’s…they became my beliefs. That’s what respect means to me. If I respect a belief it’s because I find it more compelling than my current belief. And then I must have it. I’m obligated to. It would be positively immoral to turn from it. And then I have the obligation to let others know what a great idea it is. And then our conversation can live to see another day. Maybe it’ll give birth to a few more down the road. And the cycle of life continues.

-C.L. O’Hanlon"
Lets see, ,,,,,,amphibians into reptiles, dinosaurs too. Question? has a skeleton of a land animal that is in the transition phase, say Amphibian to Dinosaur, etc. Just one now would be sufficient to confirm the evolutionist theory. God made all land animals on the sixth day,,,,,,,same birhtday as Adam and Eve.
Better yet, I did a little research and it appears adam and eve were created around 4000-6000 BC , so how does this tie in with the 3.2 million year old child (Lucy I think) found in Ethiopia (Hadar) in 1974? I'm pretty sure that pre-dates Adam and eve by around 3194000 years...

Explain this please? Without claiming it to be a lie...

No ethernity of pain and damnation. the 'lake of fire and brimstone' is the second death, a kind of final death where no erserrection can take place. Poof Gone. Or live in paradise for believing in Jesus and following his teachings. No second death here.

But until that day. you will go to hell? What happened to everyone being equal anyway. That would include believers and non believers wouldn't it?

The Koran, Hadif and Sannah provide all the evidence you need to determine for yourself if Islam is a peaceful religion. Jesus says to love thy neighbor, Islam wants to kill you for no believing.REgardless as to what they say, Islam is not a peaceful religion, thus is not part of the Christian network or the Hebrew/Jewish faith.

Double standards, Jesus also kills you for not believing (your second death scenario). Just because it is in different ways doesn't mean its any less wrong.

Good deal!

"Price of eggs?"

A Christian Gay? is as I stated before, 'They will have their day in court the same as all of us do. It is not my job to judge them. "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Have you ever ween a Chrisitan Atheist. Like Positive and Negative Anti-matter

But you do judge them? as does your whole religion and other religions (apart from few) alike.

A Christian Atheist cancels each other out. Whereas a Gay Christian can still be religious but disagree with the homosexuality sins. What is your religions problem with gays/lesbians - other than the fact the book told you it was wrong?

The Gallop polls are one of the most respected, supposedly accurate poll in the USA.

How on earth could that poll be considered accurate without giving primary figures to support it. If any of the other polls are like that, I would use a different site.... And I enjoy your use of the word supposedly.

Evolutionary Scientist have a world view of Naturalism which contain Atheism, Existentialism and Agnosticism. Same difference to me and others that are Theist.

And yet again, "What has that got to do with the price of eggs?" as your phrase goes.

Could not get it to work even by pasting it to the browser.

Yes you have a choice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I was just showing you other credible evidence on the other side of the coin.

Typical when some evidence comes to the plate it "Doesn't work".

Define your "Credible" Evidence...
Lets see, ,,,,,,amphibians into reptiles, dinosaurs too. Question? has a skeleton of a land animal that is in the transition phase, say Amphibian to Dinosaur, etc. Just one now would be sufficient to confirm the evolutionist theory. God made all land animals on the sixth day,,,,,,,same birhtday as Adam and Eve.
Better yet, I did a little research and it appears adam and eve were created around 4000-6000 BC , so how does this tie in with the 3.2 million year old child (Lucy I think) found in Ethiopia (Hadar) in 1974? I'm pretty sure that pre-dates Adam and eve by around 3194000 years...

Explain this please? Without claiming it to be a lie...

You ust have read my mind but it is hard not to call it a lie when your man Donald Johnson is a self proclaimed evolutionist thus an atheist. To be nice, here is what he actually found,

Sorry about that buddy. If it had been a transitional Lucy, it would have been all over the news. I will stick with the Bible Chronology.

But until that day. you will go to hell? What happened to everyone being equal anyway. That would include believers and non believers wouldn't it?

NO, until that day you are dead. Rem, one of your own atheist professed that when he clinically died and was brought back and said he saw nothing during that time. Ok, you want it, you got it. But you will have to go through Judgment day like the rest of us. Until then for atheist I guess it is just nothingness. Sorry!

Double standards, Jesus also kills you for not believing (your second death scenario). Just because it is in different ways doesn't mean its any less wrong.

NO! God does not give you immortality because of your sins and you inability to repent! You already believe there is no heaven,as an atheist there are no sins, that when you die there is nothing else,, that this life is all there is and when you die, your 'spark' will cease to exist.(from your own mouths). So, why are your crying about the second death into nothingness. There is a way out and you know what it is.....YOUR CHOICE!

But you do judge them? as does your whole religion and other religions (apart from few) alike. A Christian Atheist cancels each other out. Whereas a Gay Christian can still be religious but disagree with the homosexuality sins. What is your religions problem with gays/lesbians - other than the fact the book told you it was wrong?

I will assume you are talking Gays here. The ones I judge are the ones who think of themselves as something special that comes with special privileges, special attention, and of course special legislation telling me how to treat them. Almost like most atheist/liberals in this USA. They all want to remove religion from the face of the earth and that means getting rid of Christians.

A Christian Atheist is an Oxy-Moron. While the Bible tells us it is wrong, it is really up to God to make the final decision.

How on earth could that poll be considered accurate without giving primary figures to support it. If any of the other polls are like that, I would use a different site.... And I enjoy your use of the word supposedly.

I used it because of the status the Gallop poles have. As far as the question about the primary figures goes, I will assume again that if you happen to go to, you will find all sorts of primary figures. Again Your Decision.

You ust have read my mind but it is hard not to call it a lie when your man Donald Johnson is a self proclaimed evolutionist thus an atheist. To be nice, here is what he actually found,

Sorry about that buddy. If it had been a transitional Lucy, it would have been all over the news. I will stick with the Bible Chronology.

It appears Lucy was a transitional fossil after all ;) - She belonged to the Ardipithecus family rather than the Australopithecus which was originally thought. Either way, Lucy was a transitional fossil. Nice try bud, more info needed on your end.

NO, until that day you are dead. Rem, one of your own atheist professed that when he clinically died and was brought back and said he saw nothing during that time. Ok, you want it, you got it. But you will have to go through Judgment day like the rest of us. Until then for atheist I guess it is just nothingness. Sorry!

Actually just because you are an atheist doesn't mean you all believe that there is nothingness after death. Many people have self professed opinions that are atheist. Believing that we all believe the same things because we are part of the same group is ridiculous. Not even religious people such as yourself believe the same as the next person in your holy book. In fact many Christians believe the thought of talking animals and inanimate objects as laughable. Your view on atheists would be a thing called stereotyping.

NO! God does not give you immortality because of your sins and you inability to repent! You already believe there is no heaven,as an atheist there are no sins, that when you die there is nothing else,, that this life is all there is and when you die, your 'spark' will cease to exist.(from your own mouths). So, why are your crying about the second death into nothingness. There is a way out and you know what it is.....YOUR CHOICE!

So by your logic since we are atheists we can never sin, so we are faultless! ;) And you proceed to stereotype atheists by assuming we are all robots that believe the same thing because it is programmed into us. What ever happened to the idea that everyone is different.

I will assume you are talking Gays here. The ones I judge are the ones who think of themselves as something special that comes with special privileges, special attention, and of course special legislation telling me how to treat them. Almost like most atheist/liberals in this USA. They all want to remove religion from the face of the earth and that means getting rid of Christians.

Just because people are atheist doesn't make them a liberal.... I do believe gay people have the right to, due to the fact your religion looking down on them for many years before now and restricting what they can and can't do.

A Christian Atheist is an Oxy-Moron. While the Bible tells us it is wrong, it is really up to God to make the final decision.

If it really up to god and not yourselves, why for so many years have your religion slandered and condemned Gays/Lesbians/Atheists/Anything other than your beliefs?

I used it because of the status the Gallop poles have. As far as the question about the primary figures goes, I will assume again that if you happen to go to, you will find all sorts of primary figures. Again Your Decision.

To be honest blade, Believing something on reputation is a risky thing.

Evidence is key, they could have achieved this by saying "we asked 1000 people on the street" or "we asked 10 people in a church". Both are key evidence and both would behold different answers.

But it isn't the first time you have believed in something without any credible evidence, So I guess it's second nature! ;) :rolleyes::D :p
Christian Atheism is ABSOLUTELY a thing. It is based on the position that the moral teachings of Jesus make sense and should still be followed even while rejecting belief in the existence of the Abrahamic God.

It's really not hard to be a good person simply based on the ideas 'If I don't want it done to me, then I shouldn't do it to anyone else' and 'Helping those less fortunate than us, in the long run, helps us all'.

Honestly, save for one exception, the kindest, most generous people I know in real life are all atheists. And I know a LOT of religious people.
Originally Posted by Bladerunner

You ust have read my mind but it is hard not to call it a lie when your man Donald Johnson is a self proclaimed evolutionist thus an atheist. To be nice, here is what he actually found,

Sorry about that buddy. If it had been a transitional Lucy, it would have been all over the news. I will stick with the Bible Chronology.

It appears Lucy was a transitional fossil after all
- She belonged to the Ardipithecus family rather than the Australopithecus which was originally thought. Either way, Lucy was a transitional fossil. Nice try bud, more info needed on your end.

You will have to better than that, Parts they tested were found miles away from the original discovery spot. Sounds fishy to me, Kind of like the Global Warming controvery of today, Bogus. Made up by Secular Scientist.

One other item. just how did they determine the date of this discovery, If it was like they did the earth's age, then that too is flawed and skeptical.

The more scientist probe around, the more they are going to find that God has already been here.

[quote: ConnorGiles.. Actually just because you are an atheist doesn't mean you all believe that there is nothingness after death. Many people have self professed opinions that are atheist. Believing that we all believe the same things because we are part of the same group is ridiculous. Not even religious people such as yourself believe the same as the next person in your holy book. In fact many Christians believe the thought of talking animals and inanimate objects as laughable. Your view on atheists would be a thing called stereotyping.

Then you are not a true atheist. From what I have learned in the pages of this thread, We came from nothing and will return to nothing (Naturalist word-view which consist of Atheist as described in earlier post. You all have one thing in common, and that is "there is No God" or "God is Dead", etc.........

[quote ConorGIles] Not even religious people such as yourself believe the same as the next person in your holy book.

True but we all still believe in God. You and other atheist on the other hand do not believe in God so we began from Nothing (out of the sea) and evolved into a creature so complex we with all of our technology are just beginning to figure out how it works.

Out of nothing, you say and Back to Nothing you say! You can change that, you by your complex mind can make a Choice!

p.s. if you believe in something afterwords, maybe I a getting thru to you. lol

You will have to better than that, Parts they tested were found miles away from the original discovery spot. Sounds fishy to me, Kind of like the Global Warming controvery of today, Bogus. Made up by Secular Scientist.

I'm pretty sure what you're expressing is a very strong opinion, rather than a fact. Hasn't Global Warming been viewed on a mass level? So how could that be "Bogus"?

Just because they were found miles away suddenly debunks it as a fake? Maybe in your eyes - Could you link the source for your "Information". Because I haven't found anywhere that said they were found miles apart.

One other item. just how did they determine the date of this discovery, If it was like they did the earth's age, then that too is flawed and skeptical.

Yet another thing that has been tested and proven to work. Identifying someone's age via bones definitely isn't unheard of. I'm not too sure if a way of identifying the earth's age has been found yet. But I'm sure one day, it will.

The more scientist probe around, the more they are going to find that God has already been here.

Quite the opposite, The more they probe will lessen the need for an almighty deity which is the answer for everything. In other words, The more they find - the more absurd the idea of a god sounds.
it is hard not to call it a lie when your man Donald Johnson is a self proclaimed evolutionist thus an atheist. To be nice, here is what he actually found,

Oh and your guy isn't a self professed theist?

I will stick with the Bible Chronology.

Wholly the basis of a book that says it s the word of a god for which there is zero evidence?

Parts they tested were found miles away from the original discovery spot.

Much of it was found in one place. You and your kind jump on some parts being found at a distance, though I can find no scientific reference to this claim.

Sounds fishy to me, Kind of like the Global Warming controvery of today, Bogus. Made up by Secular Scientist.

It is no controversy. The nay sayers simply ignore the science which is abundantly clear. Sounds like you subscribe to the "God wouldn't do it" nonsense.

One other item. just how did they determine the date of this discovery, If it was like they did the earth's age, then that too is flawed and skeptical.

A vast array of dating methods have provided consistent results. Your Bible has nothing but inconsistency. It can't even come up with an intelligent timeline for the age of its characters.
Then you are not a true atheist. From what I have learned in the pages of this thread, We came from nothing and will return to nothing (Naturalist word-view which consist of Atheist as described in earlier post. You all have one thing in common, and that is "there is No God" or "God is Dead", etc.........

No, I believe what you meant to say is that you do not fit with your stereotypical view on atheists. Let me show you the definition of an atheist.

a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

Naturists have a different view to us, They worship Nature. We worship nothing. I must admit I love nature, The science behind it is spectacular but that doesn't mean I worship it.

True but we all still believe in God. You and other atheist on the other hand do not believe in God so we began from Nothing (out of the sea) and evolved into a creature so complex we with all of our technology are just beginning to figure out how it works.

Wouldn't you like to believe we did this all ourselves? How far we have come since back then. Our species is marvelous (well sometimes) we find goals and smash right through them and set new ones! We as a species have come far. Giving credit to a could be fake god is just wrong! :mad:

Out of nothing, you say and Back to Nothing you say! You can change that, you by your complex mind can make a Choice!

I think I will let my race keep the credit for our accomplishments! :)
Words of Conversion are wasted on me Blade. I couldn't hate Religion any more if I tried :D

p.s. if you believe in something afterwords, maybe I a getting thru to you. lol

You don't have to be religious to have a theory behind life after death. and by the way - I never said I believed it. I said there are many people that do believe in life after death. I know a few of them.
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

"Disbelieve" suggests that there had been a prior belief. I have no recollection of ever believing in a god. Biblical stories just didn't cut it for me.

A "lack" of a belief in a god implies a shortage. My life is certainly not short of such delusions.

Maybe I am not an athesist, just a realist.
"Disbelieve" suggests that there had been a prior belief. I have no recollection of ever believing in a god. Biblical stories just didn't cut it for me.

A "lack" of a belief in a god implies a shortage. My life is certainly not short of such delusions.

Maybe I am not an athesist, just a realist.

A "Lack" Implies an absence. So I agree, It is implying belief should be there.

I have never believed and never will. The stories were way to far fetched :D .

It appears we are both realists.

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