Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Where do you get that impression?

Many atheists want to rid the world of the stupidity of religious beliefs and the damage it does to our societies but, unlike religion, there is no doctrine behind atheism.

However, if atheists attempted to do this through violence then they would become fascists.

The vast majority of activist atheists are simply using truth to undermine the ridiculous anachronism that is religion.

Irregardless, the people who killed millions were atheist and the people killed were Christians. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, welllllllll. Although not a religion Atheism is an Ideology and has an agenda. Remove Religion from this earth. How do you do that if you do not remove the person who promotes or believes in religion.. Question do you really think you can change my mind as far as religion goes. NOooooooooo? Then as long as I live, religion lives and there are millions more like me out there. Therefore it is a logical point that the only way to rid the earth of religion is to get rid of the people who believe.

Having said that, I am not saying, you would do this no more than I would in the name of religion. However, you call all religious people nuts because they believe in the Bible yet you believe in or practice atheism (a belief there is no god or creator), a belief that has killed millions by Atheist of the not so distant past. The same belief you have, same ideology.

Therefore it is a logical point that the only way to rid the earth of religion is to get rid of the people who believe.
I never expected to wipe out religion in my generation or even the next. And I certainly don't intend to kill anyone to do it.

However, old believers eventually die out. Like any other disease, religion will die out with them if new infections are prevented.

Religion is on the decline in the developed world through this process.
I never expected to wipe out religion in my generation or even the next. And I certainly don't intend to kill anyone to do it.

However, old believers eventually die out. Like any other disease, religion will die out with them if new infections are prevented.

Religion is on the decline in the developed world through this process.

Wipe out religion????????Someone has to kill the people who practice their religion to do this.

You said something about Armageddon and all those that do not believe will die? There is a coming war. believers in God and those who do not. The Bible lays it out pretty well. You will take the mark of the beast or you will not. In other words, it will be as it is now between you and I. You would and I would not. When it starts, there will be a 7 year period where those who do not believe are made to believe the Christians stand in their way of world peace and a Utopia. At the end of the seven years, the final war will commence. Fire and Brimstone (nuclear (???what is happening there today close to the valley of MeGeddo, the site for the final battle). You and I will not likly be there but rest assured your atheist brethren will be and it will not be to shake hands with us believers.

Atheism exist to kill us Chrisitians and like it or not because you believe, you have as much ownership of these atrocities as you claim we do. Keep in mind that ever since Jesus died for all of our sins at the cross, the religious message has been 'love thy neighbor'.

As far as Radical Islam goes, they do not believe in Jesus, which is why they are also killing Christians and other non-believers.

Galaxiom, you're debating the point with a man who literally believes that liberals and atheists have both intentionally and knowingly chosen to be Evil. He has stated repeatedly that you either agree with him or are the Enemy.

Logic and reason aren't going to sway him in the least - that's why I have him permanently on ignore now. The only thing we can do for Blade is hope he never actually acts on his twisted beliefs and, at his eventual passing, mourn what could have been.
Galaxiom, you're debating the point with a man who literally believes that liberals and atheists have both intentionally and knowingly chosen to be Evil. He has stated repeatedly that you either agree with him or are the Enemy.

Logic and reason aren't going to sway him in the least - that's why I have him permanently on ignore now. The only thing we can do for Blade is hope he never actually acts on his twisted beliefs and, at his eventual passing, mourn what could have been.

Hello Frothy: Enemy NO? misguided Yes! But the liberals want socialism. One step away from communism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, etc. Of course a prerequisite for these is Atheism.

Now the least of the bunch is socialism which limits certain groups actual freedom in leu of social awareness throughout the community or country. (i.e. European model). At some point in time, socialism becomes closer to the others. One big step forward was the removing of Guns in the UK. What is next. You see in a socialism setting it is not enough to 'live and let live', it is either you agree or live like the community tells you to do or else. OK, what doe s"ELSE" mean: What Hitler did to the Jews.

Frothy gets off the subject but his last statement awaits my death. Frothy what about others who are going to live longer than I will. Ones life only last so long and I would bet you just cannot wait to get rid of Religion and the arrogant/ pompous religious. Now where do you go.

Galaxiom as far as I am concerned we are friends, Maybe over-the-net friends but nevertheless friends. I am not calling you a killer but rather we both have a responsibility thru our beliefs to stop aggression against our fellow man by those who share our beliefs but have no limits when it comes to forcing their agenda upon the other person.

One big step forward was the removing of Guns in the UK.

Blade can you tell me what percentage of UK citizens possessed guns before the ban? A breakdown of Farmers, gamekeepers, hunters, sporting shooters and ordinary citizens would be useful but probably not available.

The reason I ask is that at the ripe old age of 73 the only two people I know that owned guns were Gillie Foster and mr Walker , a farmer. My first girl friend's father had a small farm , but I never saw a gun there.

Blade can you tell me what percentage of UK citizens possessed guns before the ban? A breakdown of Farmers, gamekeepers, hunters, sporting shooters and ordinary citizens would be useful but probably not available.

The reason I ask is that at the ripe old age of 73 the only two people I know that owned guns were Gillie Foster and mr Walker , a farmer. My first girl friend's father had a small farm , but I never saw a gun there.


Hi Brian I know this is a loaded question but I will have to say no, No I do not know how many people lost their guns. However, the number of guns really does not matter since it is the act of taking them away. They took a freedom you might have enjoyed awayin order to satisfy what, someones fear, paranoia, control (as in socialism).etc. etc. etc. You lost a Freedom that you will never get back. It also makes it easier to piggyback other laws to this now and in the future for other freedom restrictions.

Galaxiom. Why do you believe in Atheism beside the fact that there is not evidence (in your words) to his existence. Is Atheism necessary for your happiness?

Galaxiom. Why do you believe in Atheism beside the fact that there is not evidence (in your words) to his existence. Is Atheism necessary for your happiness?


Strange, every definition of atheism I have ever read says that it is a lack of belief, perhaps you can tell us what it is a belief in.

Hi Brian I know this is a loaded question but I will have to say no, No I do not know how many people lost their guns. However, the number of guns really does not matter since it is the act of taking them away. They took a freedom you might have enjoyed awayin order to satisfy what, someones fear, paranoia, control (as in socialism).etc. etc. etc. You lost a Freedom that you will never get back. It also makes it easier to piggyback other laws to this now and in the future for other freedom restrictions.


It was not a loaded question but if only a very small percentage had guns then the ban, which it have previously condemned as a knee jerk reaction, does not effect the vast majority of the people. I prefer the freedom of not having to worry if the road rage nut case is going to pull a gun.

It was not a loaded question but if only a very small percentage had guns then the ban, which it have previously condemned as a knee jerk reaction, does not effect the vast majority of the people. I prefer the freedom of not having to worry if the road rage nut case is going to pull a gun.

we have not really had to worry about road rage until recently. The trouble is the bad guys carry guns and are not afraid to use them. Even though you supposedly have no guns, you still have deaths by gun. Yes, they are few but it still happens.

I think we have already covered this area.

But the liberals want socialism. One step away from communism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, etc. Of course a prerequisite for these is Atheism.

Religions have managed to enforce totalitarian regimes so I don't see how atheism is a prerequisite.

Indeed I would say the reality is quite the opposite.

In theory, God is the ultimate dictator though in reality we experience only the dictatorship of those presuming to know His will.
You said something about Armageddon and all those that do not believe will die? There is a coming war. believers in God and those who do not. The Bible lays it out pretty well. You will take the mark of the beast or you will not.

Well yes, according to the "prophecy" that you accept without question.

Unfortunately there are many religious people working to fulfill that prophecy. Why do you think Islamists are picking fights where ever they can? They want the fight because they believe they will win.

Atheism exist to kill us Chrisitians and like it or not because you believe, you have as much ownership of these atrocities as you claim we do.

Atheism is the absence of something and as such doesn't exist per se, so your claim is insensible.

The atrocities are firmly in the camp of the religious. Your books tell the stories quite clearly.

Keep in mind that ever since Jesus died for all of our sins at the cross, the religious message has been 'love thy neighbor'.

Thankyou for raising the point for dying for sin. It has always been a curious thing.

God designed absolutely everything about the Universe and beyond. Apparently then he designed the rule that says, "Any form of sin requires a death of something innocent to be forgiven."

He had to have His own son, the ultimate innocent, crucified in order for Him to forgive us. Clearly God has not changed his tune since the Old Testament at all. Could this "God" actually just forgive without the need for slaughtering?

The really perverse part is that the Bible explicitly explains how many innocent animals are to die as an equivalent penalty and how this deal can be negotiated with the priest based on your wealth. That and the instruction on which side of the altar to pour the blood.

What kind of message is this about the nature of morality? From this supposed "guide to living"?

Those not fully aware of what is in the Bible should take the time to read what it actually says on such matters. It isn't hard to find it online. Some sites offer your wide choice of many different versions of the "immutable truth".

Take your pick because the words in any version speak for themselves. My favorite chapter is where Joshua and his followers invade their Promised Land while brutally slaughtering tens or hundreds of thousands of people who already lived there. You won't be able to put it down.

The followers of Abraham's Monster try to pretend otherwise but the truth is that they are involved in what are quite literally primitive death cults. Those who worship the God of Abraham perpetuate it.
The followers of Abraham's Monster try to pretend otherwise but the truth is that they are involved in what are quite literally primitive death cults. Those who worship the God of Abraham perpetuate it.

Seems it is not the faith in itself at the root of the evils but the miss-application of the principles of the faith?
Seems it is not the faith in itself at the root of the evils but the miss-application of the principles of the faith?

The principle of faith is the abandonment of reason, making the person, by definition, unreasonable. It is the root of the problem.

Go and read the holy books and then tell me about evil.
The principle of faith is the abandonment of reason, making the person, by definition, unreasonable. It is the root of the problem.

Go and read the holy books and then tell me about evil.

Is this unreasonable 'faith', just faith in some things or just selected things which is unreasonable?
Is this unreasonable 'faith', just faith in some things or just selected things which is unreasonable?

It becomes a problem whenever someone chooses to make a decision on the basis of faith rather than reason.

For example, GW Bush and Tony Blair both decided to ignore the UN weapons inspectors tasked with determining whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

They both publicly stated that they had prayed to God to guide their decision about going to war.

This irrational decision directly led to countless deaths. Both should have been convicted of the crimes.

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