1. For Job to say/think that the Earth is "hung on nothing" is merely a misinterpretation of reality caused by lack of knowledge (in this case, about gravity.) For a slightly more modern but equally wrong class of comments, read up on the "alchemists" who originally believed in phlogiston as the physical embodiment of heat. Making a bad guess is going to give you a bad result no matter when you make that guess. To read any more than that into the situation is rubbish.
Speaking of which, the entire concept of saying that Job said something told to him by God is (to my understanding) just a way of saying that the idea in your head must have been put there by God rather than having originated within your imagination. I see the prophets as having imagined something and then presumed that God must have put it there because they didn't think they could come up with original thoughts or something. And of course, modern preachers don't want you coming up with original ideas either because then you get this notion that you can think for yourself without waiting for divine inspiration. {gasp!)
Maybe you should read JOB (KJV recommended)...he was having a conversation with three friends that were trying to get him to curse the Lord for taking everything from him, indeed all things. This is one of his beliefs that he told the other fellow talking about God. "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." Job 26:7......... Whether or not his belief was wrong, as it has taken almost 2000 years for us to figure it out. I kind of equivalate it to our science now that looks out into space with all our knowledge and yet makes speculations of WHY things happened? Rem, He (Job) had no knowledge, was ignorant, except there was a Sea and there be Whales (by name) in it? How did he know that,,,,Did they have boats back then???????? Of course Adam named that big fish a Whale,,,,right! and we still use it today???????
One other idea from a free willed person (ME). I hear all the time as to why God lets bad things happen to people. Yet, it is our free will that allows us to pick any road we want to go down. You say there are no visions, well... I say there are. I told of the only vision I had in a earlier post under this thread that took almost two years to come to fulfillment. To this day, after all this time, I still can still see it as I did that day it happened and I am not a prophet..
As far as the prophets go, they had visions from God, that told them of coming events including the beginning of the 'end of days'. How as ignorant as they were come up with stories that are most of the time backup within other prophets stories, miles and years away from each other. If you actually read the bible, you would change your mind. It is within your power and your power alone to live eternally but you have to make the choice.
2. As to people believing they are different races than they really are? Modern genetics tell us that race is a total myth anyway, unless you limit your comments to the HUMAN race vs. some other race. As to "who would have figured it would go this far" the answer is that as soon as you make some advantage for being different, people will jump on that bandwagon as a way to "get something for nothing." It is a matter of greed or an attempt to extract some sympathy from folks whose sense of self-worth is damaged. I won't attribute that one directly to God issues, but the story of the Tower of Babel is relevant here as a reason why preachers even consider race as an issue. It was the overly religious types who used to decry the evils of "miscegenation" that led to the enforced separation of races. And that is, of course, yet another example of people speaking through ignorance of scientific reality because "race" was still a real thing to them.
I agree with you here somewhat. We have the Human race and that is it. We have different ethnic groups within that race, German, African English, etc. and the melting pot of all of the America. There are all kinds of men who have used religion to control people throughout history. I have preachers here today that believe that you can get to heaven based upon what you do in life. Well that is partially true if you accept and have faith in Jesus Christ. Otherwise NO! They have saved a many of souls by using their methods so I cannot condemn them. For the ones that used religion for self gains, they will be dealt with and justice will be served.
do you know the story of the Tower of Babel as is told by the bible (KJV,,,only to get us on the same level) and not by some preacher you have learned parts and bits about it. Actually it is told by God himself to Moses, in Genesis 11: There was no science back then. In the case of the miracles, MAGIC ?
I am no preacher but try to inform all that the only way to God is through Jesus.
3. Again, the "different gender" issue is not new. It has been around since the pre-Christian era. However, the studies I have previously referenced regarding brain scans of people to define male/female brain configuration make it clear that there is at least some science behind that problem. Further, the problem relates to conditions of birth, not conscious choices between heterosexual and homosexual behavior. The only conscious choice we have on that front is abstinence or activity. You and some others tend to be dismissive of that research claiming that it was flawed, but every paper I have found on the subject seems either to be good science or a disclaimer from a site with a religious axe to grind. I.e. their denial is motivated by non-scientific issues.
Pre-Christian era,,,,,,, Yes it has and it has been a condemned in both old and new testaments. Then read the bible verses themselves and make up your own free willed mind that God gave you.
Actually the first form of homosexuality to be recorded was:"Genesis 9:20-24 — "The Bible’s first recorded instance of homosexual activity. Noah’s dereliction of duty as a leader allowed the activity to occur. There was no blessing of this activity, but rather a curse."
Then there is Caanan: "Genesis 10:15-19 — "Caanan, the grandson was the direct ancestor of the inhabitants of Sodom. This establishes “familiar” spirits within family associations."
Then condemation of Homosexuality (second of three) Leviticus 18:22;24-30 —"This is the second, more distinct command issued by God prohibited male/male sexual relations. Contrary to biblical revisionists who say this scripture does not foresee “committed, monogamous gay relationships, Leviticus 18:22 is a sweeping condemnation of all homosexual unions whether forced or consensual."
The other two are Leviticus 5:3 and Leviticus 20:13 There are many more throughout the books of the Bible.
The apostle Paul wrote this (New Testament): Romans 1:18-32 —Though most of the passages deal with the male perspective, for the first time there is a specific mention of female homosexuality. And as the verdict comes in, we discover it too is a depraved condition brought on by a sinful nature". Now you know why?
p.s. the new tower of babel is in Mecca. What does that tell you?
Have a great day... It is hot around here.