Are you an atheist? (5 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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It has EVERYTHING to do with civil rights but you don't want to see that. Blade, your civil rights do not extend to interference with the peaceful lives and actions of others. If it were not for someone protecting your civil rights, you would never even know God's law because no one would be allowed to teach that. And, of course, the same is true for the laws of Buddha, Allah, and the central figures of other religions. You act as though God's laws are superior to civil rights. But look at the Middle Eastern countries and tell me that with a straight face.
OK, so WHO IS are protecting my civil rights???????? I got to laugh at that. sorry...... could not help myself. I do believe at one time I served my country with the full intent to die if necessary to protect the freedoms and liberty for the people of the USA. I believe if I were these people I would simply go to the closest cemetery and check out the first veteran that died fighting for your civil rights and thank God there are people like that still out there. It seems the group you speak of wants to protect the civil rights of people as long as it is in their agenda. You keep bringing up the middle east countries? Why is this........... Do you want to talk about the policies or politics or the events of war in these countries. Maybe you would like to dicuss the future of these countries as foretold in the Bible. Let me know.

Many of us feel that when you try to use the ballot box to infringe on marital rights of others, you are using the tyranny of the majority. Were it not for the various equal-rights amendments (race, creed, national origin, etc.) it would be possible to use the ballot box to reinstate slavery and revoke women's rights to vote. Sometimes, the ballot box has to be overridden because of the tendency of some folks to extend their hatred, however carefully disguised, to inflict their own jaundiced viewpoints on others..
You mean like the people of California did with proposition 8 did??????... It would seem that the voice of the majority is overwritten by the voice of the liberal judges who legislate from the bench. No, doubt some of them are Gay as well and will do anything to help the LBGT Agenda along. So if a minority can silence the majority by the far left liberal tactics, they will win for a short period of time until they take it one step too far. (i.e. Baltimore)/

(i.e. Baltimore)---Last year there were some 24 murders. Since riots during the first part of this year there have already been 35 murders by gun. The police do not see anything wrong , They were doing their job according to what the Mayor, her cronies and the community at large sees fit for them to do.. Be very careful what you ask of. It will come back to bite you.

Now I ask you, These people have several states that do marry LBGTs and that is OK with me. Just don't bring them down here to TN and expect me to OK them teaching my kids that practicing LBGism is OK morally or religiously. If you want to come to TN and live here within the laws the majority of the citizens of TN have created, OK. If you want to change the laws here from within the state, have at it.

"We" includes those citizen of countries who actually believe in civil rights as something that must be all-encompassing. It has taken the USA many years to reach the point that we begin to see the meaning of "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal" ... "right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If we allow YOU to stand in the way of of anothers pursuit of happiness and exercise of liberty then in effect we would be declaring you to be above that person - but ALL are created with equal rights. Yours aren't any greater than anyone else's...
WHOA!!!!!! Citizens of COUNTRIES??????????? I supposed you are good about a one world government?????/// We are talking about the USA and not the world. They have their parliment laws, and an unwritten constitution in the UK while we have a written one that encompasses everyone. It also allows states to have their own laws according to the people that live in them. these people we are speaking of would like to change that and make everything under federal law. Then all states would be alike with the same laws. Thus the almost far liberal government does not work for the ordinary citizen anymore but rather a groups of people who agrees with the Government officials to turn this USA into a socialistic nation where anything, anytime, anyplace goes. AND you are for this???????

Blade, I'll be honest. When I see your responses, it appears to me that you have been warped by the authoritarian nature of religious extremism. Your mind is not your own, but the worst part is that because of the mindless mantras repeated over and over to you (probably as a child, but there I'm guessing), you have become blind to your own inability to think critically on your own. Understand, please, that it appears that way. If I'm wrong, OK. It happens that I can be wrong since I am human and make no claims to being guided by an infallible deity. But I'll say this as well - I don't think you are guided by that deity either, because I don't think He exists.
I heard a lot from two preachers of the Baptist Church that were in the family. While I believe in God, My faith in mankind diminished during these early years. Why because I saw supposedly Godly churchgoing men perform deeds to other people that in my own morality was not Kosher to say the least. I have not been to Church except for deaths, weddings and special events since I was 16. Sorry to burst your bubble. Me and God are still doing just fine. These mindless mantras are the result of years of bible study putting two and two together. Even today there is new data to be studied and even newer data that reveals our religious history as originally told in the Bible, God's Word. You to Atheism me to a closer relationship with God. Such is different Choices we have to make.

p.s. by the way,, those heartfelt talks with the family about the church problem resulted in a strained relationship for years but eventually came together in a full circle. Of course my parents are long gone but the rest of the family also stands by my decision concerning the Church. They still go to church and that is alright with me. I believe this is their civil liberty. No, It did not ruin me, I am perfectly fine. Have been successful, have a large family, plenty of Friends, one or two best friends that are still alive and a God above that LOVEs ME!

I guess this will be my last post on this subject since we have also beat it to death. You have your opinion and I have mine and we are not going to change each other. Therefore I vote we leave this area of the thread and let our post over this subject be food for thought by others that have been following us or those that might happen on such a well........, I let you add that in..

Have a great Memorial Weekend. Just rem, If it were not for these warriors that gave their lives, were wounded or just served during the most dangerous and critical time points of our society, the whole world would be totally different Today. Probably speaking German or do you thind a Free society in(USA and European Countries) exist? I don't

If on the outside chance you served your country during that 30 years of misery you stated you had; Thank you for your Service

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To answer your implied question - I was not accepted when I applied for service in a specific branch of the USA armed services and was not drafted. However, for the last 25+ years I have served as a paid contractor for one of the branches of the military and have been responsible for maintaining the security and integrity of the machine responsible for getting those military persons paid. OK, I'm contractor, not military, but I've done my best to keep that part of my little corner of the world running smoothly.

As to countries: More than just the USA tries to manage civil rights. We who believe in the importance of civil rights might have different citizenships but we have similar beliefs - just as you and your fellow Christians don't limit yourselves to a single country.
Doc....... As long as you take care of our military, Thank you for your service to them!

You are welcome. It is a matter of duty to my job AND duty to my country, since the machine I run handles ALL of the personnel in one of sub-branches of the D.o.D.

I was there in Desert Shield and Desert Storm keeping the machine up and smooth. Nobody (so far as I can tell) has EVER hacked my system in the last 20+ years because I keep it secure and I forestall resource issues. For me it is a point of pride that my system runs at 99.9+% compliance with all regulations and 99.3% production up-time.

We can disagree about religion but that little insight will tell you, we don't disagree regarding our military folks. I'm just a desk jockey. They are the ones in harm's way.
I did. :)

After I got over my astonishment this thread/argument is still running...

Hello Kraj,
It's been a long time, you missed 2014 completely, hope that you are well and life is treating you fairly.

why is that do you reckon?
Is this a trick question? *narrow eyes*

Hello Kraj,
It's been a long time, you missed 2014 completely, hope that you are well and life is treating you fairly.

Thanks, Brian! Very kind of you to say, and nice to see a friendly name from the Long Ago Time ;) Life has been good, no complaints any worse than anyone else's. Major life events include buying a house, a trip to Rome and Paris to celebrate my 10-year anniversary, as well as some smaller but excellent trips to London, Amsterdam, and Beijing. I've managed to successfully avoid stressful arguments on internet forums for quite a while now (though I confess, not long after leaving here I moderated the debate section on another forum. But I left that several years ago as well.)

I've now got a new Access project to dive into at work and I'm quite rusty, so I'll probably be around regularly for at least a while.

What's new with you?
Kraj, nice to see you back. It is always nice when an old friend returns to the forum
Is this a trick question? *narrow eyes*

Trick question, NO, it was a simple entrance to a conversation since it seemed that you were surprised it (this thread) was still here.?

Nevertheless, welcome back to the forum!

I will assume you were not talking about my appearance so I guess you are judging me and by the virtue of the forum members who have had high praises for you in the last few post, 'narrow eyes' is understandable and expected.

Again, welcome back.
Hey all, had a minute thought I would post an address concerning the deaths during WWII. Now before you get all bent out of shape and such, we had been talking about the figures during the war and a lot of the time I was wro........wro......



oh, well had a different opinion. I don't know if it is more accurate that the others but it is put together well.

And it is even from a far left Liberal publication? Am I getting better or not??????

Have a nice week

quoteOriginally Posted by Bladerunner As a child you are without sin. Everyone sins when they get to a knowing age.

Where in the Bible does it say that?
Galaxiom, you asked a question which I never replied to. The answer is the following.

Deuteronomy 1:35,39 - 'Surely not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land of which I swore to give to your fathers....' 'Moreover your little ones and your children, who you say will be victims, who today have no knowledge of good and evil, they shall go in there; to them I will give it, and they shall possess it.'

sorry for the delay. was looking it up and simply forgot about it.

Thought I would leave this chart that shows the beginning and the end? We are in the 'Dispensation of Grace.

for you physicist mathematicians atheist out there, I ask you if the following is correct as we know it today?

The Milky Way galaxy we live in roughly contains 100 billion stars. Astronomers have also estimated that the number of galaxies in the observable universe is 200 BILLION! The current diameter of the observable area is about 93 BILLION light years. The width of the ENTIRE universe (the parts we can and cannot see) is bigger still. In comparison, the width of a typical galaxy is only 30,000 light-years.


Regarding the numbers of stars, galaxies, etc. Given that they are estimates, for the most part I might agree with some of those numbers. The only statement where I might qualify or question what you said is that we don't know the size of the entire universe and there are many theories about it. Given some of Einstein's theories based on relativity and some of the even more recent theories, some folks say that the size of the universe is EXACTLY AND ALWAYS the size that we can see. I.e. the universe is expanding and is only the size that we can see, no bigger.

That theory works because the part of the galaxy we can see started in this direction before the Earth was formed. It doesn't matter if we weren't there to see the first 10 billion years of galactic development. (The old "tree falling in the forest where nobody could hear it" conundrum.)

If that chart of "Creation Week" is supposed to relate to human history, it is already impossible, since day 6 is when Man was created but if those dividers are to be taken literally, Man (in the form of Adam and the generations leading up to Noah) existed before that time. At least, that is the way it looks. If you wish to present that kind of chart, it might not hurt to cite an origin so we could try to figure it out. The timeline as shown appears self-contradictory since Man appears before Man was created.

I did note that we are in the 1000-year "week" corresponding to a 6000-year-old Earth, but Bishop Ussher's timeline makes no more sense now than it ever did.
As a point of clarification:

The current diameter of the observable area is about 93 BILLION light years.

Since the universe is slightly less than 14 bn years old, we could never see a diameter greater than 28 bn light years. In order to measure that the universe is something close to 93 bn l.y. across, we would need for that thing to (a) be 46.5 bn years old or (b) someone would have had to discover some method of observation that works using another information medium traveling faster than conventional light - a factor of slightly over 3 times faster.

I'm not a total purist on this subject. I could accept that light's actual speed varied by a percent or two different than 186,234 mi/sec, but 3 times faster? That is big enough that I think I might have seen that on-line by now. And if you are not using light or any other simple electromagnetic radiation, then what DID you use to come up with that number? That is why I asked about a reference.
As a point of clarification:

Since the universe is slightly less than 14 bn years old, we could never see a diameter greater than 28 bn light years. In order to measure that the universe is something close to 93 bn l.y. across, we would need for that thing to (a) be 46.5 bn years old or (b) someone would have had to discover some method of observation that works using another information medium traveling faster than conventional light - a factor of slightly over 3 times faster.

I'm not a total purist on this subject. I could accept that light's actual speed varied by a percent or two different than 186,234 mi/sec, but 3 times faster? That is big enough that I think I might have seen that on-line by now. And if you are not using light or any other simple electromagnetic radiation, then what DID you use to come up with that number? That is why I asked about a reference.

Ugh, tried to PM this but Doc's PMs are turned off.

So, Doc, much as I hate to say it, Blade's mostly right on this one. Most of the current estimates actually put it at 92 billion light years. This would be due to the expansion of the universe; the farthest objects that we can see were much, much closer to us at the time they generated/reflected the light that we are now seeing.

References: (83b ly) (92b ly) (92b ly) (93b ly) (92b ly)

NASA dodges the question by pointing out you can't actually measure the size of the universe without knowing its shape.

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