Hello, it has been a while since I have posted on this forum. It has been a busy year and still is.
I write this letter to all those who profess to be either Atheist or Agnostic in their spiritual beliefs. I write it in the hope that these words might have some positive affect on all those negative beliefs. Before I go any further,,,YES,,,it is religious in nature but it is really not what you have been taught or are expecting.
Below, I have posted a you-tube video url to check out and challenge you to watch at least two hours of it with if not an open mind, at the very least an inquisitive one.
There is a little something for all of you. Those who believe the Bible is only a bunch of stories, for those who believe that God is non-existent, for those like Galaxiom who believes science will figure it all out..(p.s. it already has), for those like Fothingslosh, who believe that scripture verses tell us nothing.
Rabbie, you once challenged me to show the Bible was for real. Well, I do not have the words nor the knowledge but the person in this video does and it you will listen to him for the first two hours, I can almost guarantee you that your doubts will no longer be there.
As for all the other atheist or agnostics out there, at least one time before it is too late to accept Jesus Christ into your hearts, listen to the first two hours of this video. You all will become aware of how little time you have to make a better choice than you have already made.
Rem, one thing. No one else has to know. It is between you, the video and Jesus Christ.
Yes, I know some of you will attack the Bible, the Author, God, me and just about anything else in order to convince yourself that you are right but please watch the first two hours first.
Choose Wisely and Good Luck to all.........