Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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To clarify - my parents and many other parents unknowingly propagate a myth,

I don't call that lying. If you honestly believe something to be true it is not a lie to state it, it is just wrong, as in not correct.

Colin, I am reminded of My Fair Lady

"Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?
This verbal class distinction by now should be antique..."

Of course it is just a musical show, but to the USA viewpoint, it confirms that English isn't the first language of many native-born Englishmen, either.

I don't call that lying. If you honestly believe something to be true it is not a lie to state it, it is just wrong, as in not correct.

Maybe, but the effect on the children is the same.
it confirms that English isn't the first language of many native-born Englishmen, either.

Too bloody right. Too many Johnny foreigners in the UK now. Plus, it seems we are going to take thousands more in the near future.
That'll cause even more strain on hospitals, schools, housing etc. and they'll want it for free and benefits to live on and they'll bloody get it too thanks to Cameron.

That'll cause even more strain on hospitals, schools, housing etc. and they'll want it for free and benefits to live on and they'll bloody get it too thanks to Cameron.


Yes let's blame the present incumbent for a problem started long ago.

Yes let's blame the present incumbent for a problem started long ago.


That's what he is there for.

Do you know, we spend billions on foreign aid to tinpot little places, most of which is spent on wars, weapons and back pockets, very little gets to help the people.

BUT, our people here wait hours and die in corridors in casualty, cuts are being made everywhere, police, fire brigades and councils, disabled people have had cuts in benefits, now we are struggling with getting a GP at weekends.

Cut our foreign aid and look after your own, charity begins at home, not tinpot little African warmongers. Now we have thousands of people coming in to drain our services even more.

That's what he is there for.

Do you know, we spend billions on foreign aid to tinpot little places, most of which is spent on wars, weapons and back pockets, very little gets to help the people.

BUT, our people here wait hours and die in corridors in casualty, cuts are being made everywhere, police, fire brigades and councils, disabled people have had cuts in benefits, now we are struggling with getting a GP at weekends.

Cut our foreign aid and look after your own, charity begins at home, not tinpot little African warmongers. Now we have thousands of people coming in to drain our services even more.


We are one of a few of countries that's meets the 0.7% of GDP as foreign aid. We should be proud of that.

But yes we do need to be careful how many people we bring in etc. Germany is in dire need of young people, as it predicted to have extreme negative population growth. (and no major economy seems to have come up with a system other of growth in everything being essential). So its all very well for them to invite people in.

In a few years time the maybe 800k this year - god knows what next year, are then free to move within the EU.

I'm all for helping out, but in a controlled way. EU doesn't really allow us that control.

Other richer countries meanwhile , don't meet our asylum numbers, nor our overseas aid numbers etc

Australia - the worlds bludgers - so far - I'm talking about you!

20,000 extra, of the neediest, is a massive strain on our resources, but then its the right thing to do also.
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Do you know, we spend billions on foreign aid to tinpot little places, most of which is spent on wars, weapons and back pockets, very little gets to help the people.

BUT, our people here wait hours and die in corridors in casualty, cuts are being made everywhere, police, fire brigades and councils, disabled people have had cuts in benefits, now we are struggling with getting a GP at weekends.

Cut our foreign aid and look after your own, charity begins at home, not tinpot little African warmongers. Now we have thousands of people coming in to drain our services even more.

Col, you have to be more careful. You are beginning to sound like a U.S.A. Republican more and more each day. Pretty soon, folks will think you really ARE from the USA when you use that particular kind of rhetoric. Not that I disagree with your viewpoint, you understand, but it just could be misleading as to your REAL national origin.

Hello, it has been a while since I have posted on this forum. It has been a busy year and still is.

I write this letter to all those who profess to be either Atheist or Agnostic in their spiritual beliefs. I write it in the hope that these words might have some positive affect on all those negative beliefs. Before I go any further,,,YES,,,it is religious in nature but it is really not what you have been taught or are expecting.

Below, I have posted a you-tube video url to check out and challenge you to watch at least two hours of it with if not an open mind, at the very least an inquisitive one.

There is a little something for all of you. Those who believe the Bible is only a bunch of stories, for those who believe that God is non-existent, for those like Galaxiom who believes science will figure it all out..(p.s. it already has), for those like Fothingslosh, who believe that scripture verses tell us nothing.

Rabbie, you once challenged me to show the Bible was for real. Well, I do not have the words nor the knowledge but the person in this video does and it you will listen to him for the first two hours, I can almost guarantee you that your doubts will no longer be there.

As for all the other atheist or agnostics out there, at least one time before it is too late to accept Jesus Christ into your hearts, listen to the first two hours of this video. You all will become aware of how little time you have to make a better choice than you have already made.

Rem, one thing. No one else has to know. It is between you, the video and Jesus Christ.

Yes, I know some of you will attack the Bible, the Author, God, me and just about anything else in order to convince yourself that you are right but please watch the first two hours first.

Choose Wisely and Good Luck to all.........

Atheism is a religion. It requires faith and belief that there is either no God or god or outside force, call it what you will.

Trying to prove there is no God or gods is as impossible has trying to prove there is God or gods.

However, the law of averages would suggest there is life in the universe that is a notch up from us. Now consider for a moment how we compare to a chimpanzee. The difference is about 10,000 times greater than the difference between a chimpanzee and the ant.

Now consider the's the middle of a hot and nice sunny week. The little lizards and insects are out and about. Then you decide to mow the lawn and then water the garden. Their millions of years of instinct say this situation is impossible. Thus to them you are supernatural.
Below, I have posted a you-tube video url to check out and challenge you to watch at least two hours of it with if not an open mind, at the very least an inquisitive one.

I have a reasonably open mind but that doesn't extend to trusting confessed plagiarizers. So thanks for the 2 hour invite but I'll pass. :cool:
  1. Only an idiot who refuses to accept that their beliefs may not be the ultimate be-all and end-all can possibly think atheism is a religion, seeing as atheism is defined by LACK of belief in the supernatural, while religion REQUIRES belief in said supernatural. All you do by calling it a religion is show yourself as a closed-minded chest-beater with no actual interest in actually discussing the topic at hand. "Atheism is a religion" is the mantra of the religious fanatics who, knowing full well they cannot hold their own in a discussion on religion, attempt to divert it by making knowingly false claims about atheists in an attempt to derail the conversation from actual discussion about religion.
  2. I have little interest in spending two hours watching some deluded fool attempt to explain that the Bible is literal truth because the Bible says so. Even if I did, the work week is a lousy time to expect ANYONE to spend two hours watching that drivel.
  3. I have never said that the Bible tells us nothing. It does a wonderful job of relating the genocidal, blood-soaked history of Israel. The teachings attributed directly to Jesus make for, overall, a wonderful guide for how to live a good life. Of course, they require love of one's fellow man, charity, acceptance of the poor and the needy, and even the acceptance of immigrants, so virtually no Christian - specifically including Bladerunner - can be bothered to actually FOLLOW those teachings. The problem is that most Christians prefer to follow the Old Testament, cherry-pick the bits and parts of the Bible that they can use to support their hatred of others, even to the point of taking part of a sentence in Jesus' condemnation of divorce completely out of context in order to 'prove' his 'DO NOT DIVORCE' statement was really 'NO GAYS ALLOWED', and generally try to use the Bible to justify their absolutely unwavering devotion to greed and hatred as them being 'True Christians'. As Gandhi put it:
    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
  4. The typical stance of virtually all Christians is that God created the universe. Mike's suggestion that God is simply an alien is...unusual...for a Christian.
  5. However, the suggestion that there are aliens 'a notch above us' indicates a profound lack of understanding of what evolution is and how it works. There is no 'above' or 'below' when it comes to evolution - there is simply what survives, and what does not. There is certainly an impetus toward greater complexity, but only insofar as it increases the odds of survival and reproduction.
  6. "Choose wisely". How insanely pompous, smug, and condescending.
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If a two-hour video can convince anyone to change what they hold to be true, they didn't spend much time or effort getting a grip on their reality (actual or perceived).
Now consider for a moment how we compare to a chimpanzee. The difference is about 10,000 times greater than the difference between a chimpanzee and the ant.
Mike - do you really think a chimp is closer to an ant than a human? I would argue the reverse - a chimp is actually very close to a human in physiology and abilities. The smartest chimps are smarter than many humans. Chimps can be taught language and tool use. A one year old chimp and a one year old human could almost be indistinguishable, except for the hairy arms, etc.
I'm trying to understand this PART of your post - only the part I quoted. I don't get the rest of your post either, about atheism actually being a religion or the part about the lizards in the garden. I think you're quite wrong about both of those as well, but I only want to tackle the chimpanzee comparison right now. Would you care to elaborate?
"Choose wisely". How insanely pompous, smug, and condescending.

Actually, it is an excerpt from the "2010" Space Odyssey sequel in which a superior intelligence ignites Jupiter to become a mini-sun to enable life to form on one of the Jovian moons. So it is a crib from another source that tries to give the impression of the existence of a god-like intelligence. The "Choose Wisely" (or was it "Choose Well"?) comment is part of the alien admonition to let life develop as it will on that moon.

Pompous? Absolutely - but then again, what religious proselytizers aren't?
Smug? See previous question and answer.
Condescending? See previous question and answer.

I'd be interested in finding out whose cognitive dissonances survive Libre's new thread on the subject of Cognitive Dissonance. But then again, those who have such deeply seated religious beliefs might not be accused of constructive cognition anyway.
Blade, I saw an article in the newspaper this weekend about how the KJV was expressly written with a goal in mind - to counter the beliefs leading to various schisms. The Bible that many people use - good old King James - wasn't divinely inspired. It was created to support the motives of the church hierarchy. And STILL you want to tell us that the Bible is infallible? HAH, I say. HAH and HAH indeed.

Other than that, good to see that you are still alive and kicking.
Actually, it is an excerpt from the "2010" Space Odyssey sequel in which a superior intelligence ignites Jupiter to become a mini-sun to enable life to form on one of the Jovian moons. So it is a crib from another source that tries to give the impression of the existence of a god-like intelligence. The "Choose Wisely" (or was it "Choose Well"?) comment is part of the alien admonition to let life develop as it will on that moon.

Pompous? Absolutely - but then again, what religious proselytizers aren't?
Smug? See previous question and answer.
Condescending? See previous question and answer.

I'd be interested in finding out whose cognitive dissonances survive Libre's new thread on the subject of Cognitive Dissonance. But then again, those who have such deeply seated religious beliefs might not be accused of constructive cognition anyway.

Actually, given Blade's background (his name does NOT come from the movie), I rather doubt he meant it as a quote from 2010. Several times he has told us all we need to start believing his way lest we burn forever in Hell, and I'll give you about 99% odds that's what he meant here, too.
Hmm ... and the other religious freak meant we all just strayed from the one true faith (a rather different one, though, from the first religious freak's one and only and true faith) and I'm sure somewhere there were trials and tribulations scheduled for all of us who fail to return to the fold in time to avoid the beating by the pretty vindictive god (the idea of a vindictive god frying your butt for shear fun is apparently shared by many religions)
Blade, I saw an article in the newspaper this weekend about how the KJV was expressly written with a goal in mind - to counter the beliefs leading to various schisms. The Bible that many people use - good old King James - wasn't divinely inspired. It was created to support the motives of the church hierarchy. And STILL you want to tell us that the Bible is infallible? HAH, I say. HAH and HAH indeed.

Other than that, good to see that you are still alive and kicking.

It is good to be back but I need to inform you the fellow that was giving the video has as many Doctorates as you do. The Bible (KJV) has a few words that are misdefined when using the Hebrew, Septuagint (Greek Translation for those who do not know). One of those words is 'the Church'. It should have been Eclessia (Greek) which means assembly of the people. Now you may think that is the same but there is no where in the Bible that God anoints our present Christian churches to do his work. In other words the churches of today are "NOT OF GOD' including the Catholic Church. When the Bible (KJV) speaks of the Church, Jesus is speaking about the people like you and me.

I think you will find that this author will show you that out of 66 books written by 40+ authors over 3,000 years containing 31,173 verses in the Bible (both OT and NT), that 1817 prophecies explained through 8,353 verses or 26% of the Bible are dedicated to Prophecy. So far the Prophecies, the one that have been fulfilled are 100% correct. These prophecies spans both OT and NT (" what is concealed in the OT is Revealed in the NT). Yes, you can prove that God exist, by reading the Bible alone It is a supernatural Book and each word in it is linked to another. Even our science tells us that there is a separate reality because all the constants including the speed of light (it is slowing down) are changing. The Bible also spoke of Aliens. As I said, the Bible is supernatural and God is definitely Extraterrestrial. By that I mean we live in a bubble, confirmed by our science. The Outside universe is FINITE...(it may be expanding but it is finite) and this author likes to state and I paraphrase: '10to the (-43) power is the smallest anything can get without losing it locality, thereby being everywhere in the universe at the same time.' This has been again confirmed by our science there by placing us in a bubble or a Hologram.

BY our calculations the universe is 15 billion years old. yet when you place the formulas of our scientist on this number and allow for the speed of light and a few other factors that are necessary for space travel, the Time line of creation comes down to guess what......6 days. Oh, me.....The exact number touted in the Bible that it took to created the heavens and the earth.

The bottom line, is I have given you a man who read and interprets the Bible, while giving solid foundations for his findings that even you DOC would find amazing. The You-tube video not only gives you the one I wanted you to see(at least the first two hours) but it also gives numerous other videos ( in the side bars) by this fellow that has a world of information. I urge you and others to watch them. Where you spend eternity could depend on them. Of course there are some like CAT.....????/ that do not care where they spend eternity.

Are you aware that we live in 10 dimensions??????The Bible tells you and a Rabbi in the 12th century tells us we live in 4 dimensions with 6 other dimensions still unknown. Are these not what scientist are chasing with the
Hadron Collider??????

Now I know several of you do not want to hear this but it is a fact.

Here is another video the might just might shake even your beliefs DOC, at least just a little.

Happens to you when you die......

Have a good day Doc

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