The dice are rigged, following cause and effect from the birth of the Universe. That is why we are all fated. Whilst quantum physics suggests randomness, it may be that it only gives the appearance of randomness. We just don't have the tech to be sure yet. Perhaps the tilt of the numbers are so slight, we don't have the computational power to check to be sure.
Or, cause and effect can still factor in randomness. Just because we don't know which way the electron will spin, doesn't mean to say it is not part of a cause and effect. It just means the outcome is nondeterministic. Having a fatalistic perspective does not mean you can predict the outcome. It just means it is preordained, and that includes uncertainty. The preordained element is that you will follow all the laws of physics.
As a side note, the cause that determines the electron spin is your observation. The fact you don't know until the electron is observed means causation is required to "set the spin" (my own term). If you didn't observe (set the cause), would the electron be spinning in any particular direction at all? Does Schrödinger's Cat come into this argument somewhere?
My thoughts above are all quite speculative. I'm just throwing it out there to confuse us all.