Hey Alisa, good mornin' to ya. I will start at the last of your statement first. I have been on this forum for a number of years so my statement about respect wasn't aimed at you, I just didn't want anyone to start making remarks and your right, this has been a civil discussion, so it probably would have been better unsaid. "What experiences?" Like I said, they are "personal experiences", it is pretty difficult to open up, on a forum, and start to discussion things about me and my life with folks I don't know and take the chance that they are going to come back and start questioning me about them, however I will give you a few. In 1985 my son died, 2 years ago my stepson died, right now my 16 year old stepdaughter in a fight for her life with a very rare type of cancer. In these experiences, I personally, feel that my faith in God has been what has "seen me through" these experiences. This "works well" for me cause I feel like I have been given a calm in the midst of a storm.
As far as my beliefs not being questioned. I don't mind someone questioning my beliefs. I like to hear from people who make me think and try very hard to not be close minded in what they are saying. If they become forceful or are trying hard to get me to see it their way and come over to their side of thinking, then or course I would not want my beliefs questioned. Who would? I am participating in this conversation because it is civil and I figured everyone else was giving their two cents worth so why couldn't I. Most who have responded don't seem to be coming across like they are trying to convert anyone, just stating they way they see things. I don't think I have done anything different from them. As far as live and let live, to a large degree if we as humans actually practiced this, then the world might be a more peaceful place to live.