Are you an atheist? (3 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Barry, it's not compulsory for you to read this thread if you find it irritating

mmm Did they exile your sense of humour somewhere other than Wiltshire?:rolleyes:

Barry - I apologise once again.
Who includes the sponsored links...?

Graciously accepted.;)

I believe the ad links are generated by Google and are a computer program's idea (sic) of items of interest related to the topic.
Oh, that's very sweet of you, but I definately meant to type LMAO, washed my hands earlier, couldn't do a thing with them...

well careful what we type next time...i didn't realise what "Superman dat ho" meant until i looked it up on the urban....and don't get me onto "The Stranger"...:eek:
Gee thanks, that just gave me bulemia!!! :eek: Are people really that rude?

?? which?? both?? you should read the Magna Farta by Viz, this is a classic piece of 'literature'

..i must apologise for opening up a world of depravity to some'one who sounds so innocent to these 'worldy' things
Hmm, thanks, I think I'll pass on that. I remember seeing a copy of Viz when I was a student. I certainly wouldn't want to tarnish my near perfect reputation...

i haven't read a copy of the regular issue for maybe over a decade or two.. but i had to pick up a copy of the standalone 'bible' of mirth... but then if you are as clean living as you come across then stay well away.. the very mention of Angry Monkey (Pit Bull) would corrupt in an instance...oh and The Stranger is in there...but no mention of super heroes..
Gee thanks, that just gave me bulemia!!! :eek: Are people really that rude?

you dnt just 'get' bulemia its a self induced eating disorder which progress's over time depending on the persons mental state.... just so you know.
you dnt just 'get' bulemia its a self induced eating disorder which progress's over time depending on the persons mental state.... just so you know.

i;m a certified fruit i may be at risk :confused::eek:
I don't believe in atheism. :rolleyes:

First, I’m not of the Christian faith, so please don’t view me as some Bible thumping wacko. I’m just someone who has hope.

Education is not an indicator of belief. Intelligence has nothing to do with belief. In order to believe something, you let go with your mind and you trust your heart.

Love is the same way... there is no scientific evidence that you love someone. The physiological responses that can be recorded to support love can be obtained when you show someone a piece of chocolate. How do you know you are truly in just do. How do you know there is a just do.

My IQ falls under the genius category and I believe in God. I have obtained my Masters degree and I believe in God.

I find it funny that atheists believe in not believing so much that they feel the need to spread the gospel of their disbelief to others. For some reason it is important to them to convince others to not believe. Why? Did someone steal your cookie?

I quietly believe in God. It is not my place in the world to convince others of my belief and I won't change my views based on theirs. If someone wants to have an intelligent discussion, I am always happy to do so as long as it's a sharing of ideas and not an attempt to change someone. That's not my job.

Science would find it hard to answer the question of God's existence as proving the negative is a difficult task. There is no test to see if God doesn't exist. You can get an EPT to test for pregnancy, but there is no DGE test to answer the question of "Does God exist"?

It's funny that a good portion of atheists probably believe in the existence of aliens or ghosts. None of that has ever been proven. Many atheists are probably conspiracy theorists, but none of that has ever been proven. How do they know these theories are true...they just do.

Everyone believes in something. It's just hard for some to believe in a higher power as sometimes it doesn't make sense how the world could be so messed up with the existence of God. But is it really that easy to believe that we all used to be some green sludge that evolved after some cataclysmic event?

If people want science and belief to coexist, I offer math as a reason to believe. There are two types of mathematical errors that can be made. Type 1: You believe something is true when it is not. Type 2: You believe something is not true when it is. When deciding whether to believe in God think of which type of error you would rather make?

Type 1 is that you believe in God, live a life worthy of God’s praise (which means that you are a good person), then die and cease to be with God not actually existing.

Type 2 is that you live your life however you wish with no thought as to whether you will be judged for your actions in the end, then you die and God judges you harshly for living a life less than worthy. By the way, I do not view God as a punisher ready to deal out vengence with the drop of a hat. There is greatness in God. The punishment for not being worthy is brimstone and fire, it is the absense of His love. Just like a child who never receives the love of its parents, it would be a cruel existance.

Personally, I would rather live my life believing in something greater than me with a hope that there is more to life than this meager existence. If I’ve “wasted” my life being a good person (following the 10 Commandments and such), then I don’t really think my life was wasted as I hope that I would be a good person without the idea of God.

I liked what Chris Rock’s character (Rufus) said in the movie Dogma: "Mankind got it all wrong by takin' a good idea and building a belief structure out of it." Then later in the movie Rufus asks Bethany (another main character- actually the focus of the movie): “You saying you believe”? She responds: “No, but I have a really good idea.” Do I believe in God? I have a really good idea.
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I find it funny that atheists believe in not believing so much that they feel the need to spread the gospel of their disbelief to others. For some reason it is important to them to convince others to not believe. Why? Did someone steal your cookie?

I don't believe in "not believing". I just feel no need to "believe" in something of which there is no evidence. I also don't feel like I need to "spread the gospel of disbelief". However, as has been discussed before on this thread, a lot of evil in the world has been perpetrated by people who "believe" in the name of whichever god it is that they "believe" in. I think if people were less prone to belief and faith, they would also be less prone to participate in evil.

Science would find it hard to answer the question of God's existence as proving the negative is a difficult task. There is no test to see if God doesn't exist. You can get an EPT to test for pregnancy, but there is not DGE test to answer the question of "Does God exist"?

Science doesn't have to prove the negative. Pregnancy is something that exists. God is something that, based on evidence up to this point, does not appear to exist. You can only test for the existence of something if you actually have some evidence that the thing exists, which, in the case of god, we don't.

It's funny that a good portion of atheists probably to believe in the existence of aliens or ghosts. None of that has ever been proved. Many atheists are probably conspiracy theorists, but none of that has ever been proven. How do they know these theories are true...they just do.

Wrong on all three counts. I don't believe anything "just because". There has got to be good credible evidence.

Everyone believes in something. It's just hard for some to believe in a higher power as sometimes it doesn't make sense how the world could be so messed up with the existence of God. But is it really that easy to believe that we all used to be some green sludge that evolved after some cataclysmic event?

What is more believable: out of nowhere, there appeared an all powerful being that then created the universe, the earth, and all life on earth, but nothing on any of the other planets. The being then went into hiding as was never heard from again, even as his creation became destructive (and self-destructive).


After one of many "big bang" events, a planet was was formed with a combination of a warm temperature, a thick atmosphere, and lots of water. The combination of these factors led to an active chemical "soup" that after millions of reactions, by chance led to the creation of a one-celled creature. Evolution explains the rest from there.

Obviously I choose the second answer, while you choose the first.

If people want science and belief to coexist, I offer math as a reason to believe. There are two types of mathematical errors that can be made. Type 1: You believe something is true when it is not. Type 2: You believe something is not true when it is. When deciding whether to believe in God think of which type of error you would rather make?

To answer that question, you have to say, what are the consequences of each error? In the case of god, there are no consequences to making the second error. There is not one speck of evidence that people who do not believe in god suffer any consequences in this life (other than the grief we get from evangelicals), and there is no evidence whatsoever of an afterlife.

People don't behave morally because they are afraid of being judged by god. People are moral creatures by nature, not because of their religion. You aren't going to find anyone who, if you take away their religion, is suddenly going to go rob a bank. If you live a good life, and when you die it turns out that god does exist, do you really think he is going to say, well, you did everything right, but you didn't believe in me, so you are going to hell? Really? I would classify a god who thought that belief in him was more important than doing good deeds as a narcissistic ass.

Given the incredibly small possibility of there actually being a god, I feel very comfortable not believing.
It's funny that a good portion of atheists probably to believe in the existence of aliens or ghosts. None of that has ever been proved. Many atheists are probably conspiracy theorists, but none of that has ever been proven. How do they know these theories are true...they just do.

Where did you get that from? Why would a "good portion" of athiests believe in ghosts? I would expect the opposite to be true.
Conspiracy theorists? That has nothing to do with whether or not you believe in god. I imagine there are a lot of conspiracy theorists who are also bible-thumping whackos.

Personally - and as an athiest - I do think that there has to be other planets somewhere in the universe that is similar to ours, and has evolved life, just like ours. But even if there was a god, it could be possible that he created 10 planets that sustain life, just to see which one fared best - and he/she just chose not to tell each planet about the others.:confused:

I've been an athiest for years. If you choose to think that I "believe in not believing", that's entirely up to you. I "believe" you're wrong, though.

I don't go around pushing my athiesm off on others. Most of my friends don't know. My wife IS a bible thumping, born-again christian and it would crush her if she knew, so I keep it to myself. And, as Alisa said, just because I have no religion, doesn't mean I have a desire to rob a bank.
I find it funny that atheists believe in not believing so much that they feel the need to spread the gospel of their disbelief to others. For some reason it is important to them to convince others to not believe. Why? Did someone steal your cookie?

If someone wants to have an intelligent discussion, I am always happy to do so...
How sad, then, that you feel the need to start this 'intelligent' discussion with a question implying that the atheists are acting in a childish manner.
I really missed this thread while it was dead, thanks for resuscitating it :)
There have been some credible posts by believers in this thread but fire2ice's was not one of them, infact I believe that he did a disservice to all sincere believers.

In that case, could you send on your address?
Only I'd like to come knocking on your door and give you some good news...:D
Thanks for the offer, but I have plenty of those in my neighborhood already . . .

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