Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Troube with that scenario you will be tumbling and falling, and it will be pitch black, and you will be in burning pain. Not much for talking/

Let us assume that we have a soul, what form does it take. Artists always depict human figures burning in hell or sitting in paradise, are they correct? Will we be recognisable , what will we actually do in paradise?

You right, no proof that you would call proof but if you are right I will never know, but if I am right you will know, boy you will know!!!!!!!

You might be there with me because you chose the wrong path, heck I bet He will be more mad at those that chose the wrong god than those that chose none.

A real postcode lottery this religion lark.

Let us assume that we have a soul, what form does it take. Artists always depict human figures burning in hell or sitting in paradise, are they correct? Will we be recognisable , what will we actually do in paradise?


We are not talking about what an artist depicts. We are talking about if atheists are right, I will turn to dust and its all over, and I will never know that they were Right. Now I acknowledge not all atheist believe alike, as all religions definitely don't all believe alike. As to what I believe is too leniently for this thread, but if I am right, atheist will definitely know. Something that I do not take pleasure in.
It seems to me that if god exists he should provide a little more evidence of his existence. It does seem a little perverse to expect people to believe in you without providing any evidence and then punishing them for eternity if they don't believe in him. Doesn't seem a very nice sort of person to me.
It seems to me that if god exists he should provide a little more evidence of his existence. It does seem a little perverse to expect people to believe in you without providing any evidence and then punishing them for eternity if they don't believe in him. Doesn't seem a very nice sort of person to me.

I have learned a long time ago not to try and tell God how to do things.
Atheists, by their nature, want proof before they subscribe to a position or a theory. That's why they're (we're) atheists in the first place. But the same sort of critical thinker that would normally be an atheist, is the same sort that is willing to modify their beliefs in the light of strong evidence that they hadn't heretofore considered. So the statement:
"If God appeared in front of me, I Might change my mind"
is perfectly consistent with the position that "I don't accept your fantastic theory without proof, but if you do come up with the proof, then show it to me and we'll talk."
To me it's the only tenable position of the lot.
It's not like your car example.
It's more like:
I don't believe your theory that there are flocks of purple sheep on the far side of the moon. I can't disprove it but it's not up to me to do so. I'm perfectly entitled to say there there ARE no such flocks of sheep. At the same time, since such a thing is unknowable to me, I can't say without any doubt that it is absolutely impossible. Show me evidence of the sheep, and I'll reconsider.

If I don't believe that there really is a seed inside a Apple, and then someone slices the apple in half and shows me the seed, if I still then do not believe it then what else proof could exist to convince me?

I disagree with your sheep example, here is why:

God appearing in front of me is like me flying to the moon and seeing purple sheep on it, for me to deny it after that point, in my opinion, is stubbornness. Now, how can I prove that this supernatural being in front of me is God? is a valid question, but my point is this, given that there is no trickery or deceit or some other extraneous factor, God has just appeared in front of me, to then question whether he exist is not critical thinking, just denial.
If I don't believe that there really is a seed inside a Apple, and then someone slices the apple in half and shows me the seed, if I still then do not believe it then what else proof could exist to convince me?

I disagree with your sheep example, here is why:

God appearing in front of me is like me flying to the moon and seeing purple sheep on it, for me to deny it after that point, in my opinion, is stubbornness. Now, how can I prove that this supernatural being in front of me is God? is a valid question, but my point is this, given that there is no trickery or deceit or some other extraneous factor, God has just appeared in front of me, to then question whether he exist is not critical thinking, just denial.
No but it would be smart to consider that there really is no trickery or deceit or other extraneous factor. That is where the critical thinking comes in.

If you deny the existence of apple seeds after seeing them then you or not acting rationally. If you fly round the moon and see purple sheep and deny it then the same thing applies.

If I ever see any supernatural being that is clearly supernatural then I would reconsider my viewpoint. Until then I make my judgment based on the available evidence
If I ever see any supernatural being that is clearly supernatural then I would reconsider my viewpoint. Until then I make my judgment based on the available evidence[/QUOTE]


You see I have, and until you see it for yourself there is nothing that I or anybody else can say that could change that. My ministry is never centered around trying to get people to understand there is a God. My ministry is helping those that have seen God better their lives. I do pray however that you or anybody else will not have to experience the extremes that some have had to go thru to get to that point.
We are not talking about what an artist depicts. We are talking about if atheists are right, I will turn to dust and its all over, and I will never know that they were Right. Now I acknowledge not all atheist believe alike, as all religions definitely don't all believe alike. As to what I believe is too leniently for this thread, but if I am right, atheist will definitely know. Something that I do not take pleasure in.

So you are not going to answer my questions but you will decide the topics we can talk about.
You also appear to state that it is all over when you die, no after life then.
You won't tell us what you believe but believe that you are correct .

I will try not to be rude but you do appear to make many vague unsubstantiated statements on this thread. Now I do realise that some things are too personal to talk about on an open forum , but question as to whether you should then hint at them to back your arguments and beliefs.


You see I have, and until you see it for yourself there is nothing that I or anybody else can say that could change that. My ministry is never centered around trying to get people to understand there is a God. My ministry is helping those that have seen God better their lives. I do pray however that you or anybody else will not have to experience the extremes that some have had to go thru to get to that point.

Preaching to the converted?

It seems to me that if god exists he should provide a little more evidence of his existence. It does seem a little perverse to expect people to believe in you without providing any evidence and then punishing them for eternity if they don't believe in him. Doesn't seem a very nice sort of person to me.

Take a close look at the Bible and it becomes clear that the God of Abraham is a hideous being and especially perverse.

A god that punishes the descendants of a person who displeases Him to the third and fourth generation. (Exodus 20:5 and Numbers 14:18)

He punishes all women to eternity for the sins of Eve by "multiplying the pain of childbirth." (Genesis 3:16)

Any self respecting human being with the barest of consciousness and a basic knowledge of the Bible would reject its stone age philosophy and the monster of a god that goes along with it.
If you deny the existence of apple seeds after seeing them then you or not acting rationally. If you fly round the moon and see purple sheep and deny it then the same thing applies.

If I flew around the moon and saw purple sheep I would probably check for other symptoms of hypoxia. :D

Hypoxia (also known as Hypoxiation or Anoxemia) is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply.
The symptoms of generalized hypoxia depend on its severity and acceleration of onset.

In the case of altitude sickness, where hypoxia develops gradually, the symptoms include light-headedness / fatigue, numbness / tingling of extremities, nausea and anorexia.[5] In severe hypoxia, or hypoxia of very rapid onset, ataxia, confusion / disorientation / hallucinations / behavioral change, severe headaches / reduced level of consciousness, papilloedema, breathlessness,[6] pallor,[7] tachycardia and pulmonary hypertension eventually leading to the late signs cyanosis, bradycardia / cor pulmonale and hypotension followed by death.
So you are not going to answer my questions but you will decide the topics we can talk about.
You also appear to state that it is all over when you die, no after life then.
You won't tell us what you believe but believe that you are correct .

I will try not to be rude but you do appear to make many vague unsubstantiated statements on this thread. Now I do realize that some things are too personal to talk about on an open forum , but question as to whether you should then hint at them to back your arguments and beliefs.


I may have misunderstood your point, and you may have miss my point. I don't recall saying there is no after life. My statement is that atheist (in general) believe there is no after life. I definitely believe in an after life. I went back and read it and still not sure if you are asking me for evidence that there is a God. If that is the question, then yes I don't try and defend God. If they are an atheist then that is there business. I have no argument with them. Neither would I try to explain to an atheist what we would look like and do in eternity. (Either End) Preaching to the converted, and then only if they believe the Bible is the word of God. Now if God has called some to try and convince others there is a God that again is there business. My point was and still is, the general beliefs of atheist is that when we die we turn to dust. (the end) If they are right then I will never know. If I am right they will know. I make no assertions beyond that. Does that answer your question adequately?

ps. I usually don't get too deep on any thread as I don't have the time, but am laid up with cataract surgery, and go under the knife again on the 21st. Lord willing I leave the first of June for Bloxi, MS. I mention this so that if any AWF people live near there would like to get together for coffee please contact me
If I flew around the moon and saw purple sheep I would probably check for other symptoms of hypoxia. :D

I think you missed the point I was making. By checking for hypoxia you are admitting you saw something even if it was an hallucination. It would be irrational of you to deny you had seen something even if it was illusory.
I don't recall saying there is no after life. My statement is that atheist (in general) believe there is no after life. I definitely believe in an after life.

you posted

We are talking about if atheists are right, I will turn to dust and its all over, and I will never know that they were Right.
I took the "I" to be the poster i.e. you

I think that you needed to use "" to make it clear that you where quoting.

... Neither would I try to explain to an atheist what we would look like and do in eternity.


You don't know , haven't a clue


you post on a discussion thread but wont discuss, but that would be stupid wouldn't it?


You don't know , haven't a clue


you post on a discussion thread but wont discuss, but that would be stupid wouldn't it?


I know I am slow and getting slower by the day, but what is it you want me to discuss.

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