Are you an atheist? (4 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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It seems to me that if god exists he should provide a little more evidence of his existence. It does seem a little perverse to expect people to believe in you without providing any evidence and then punishing them for eternity if they don't believe in him. Doesn't seem a very nice sort of person to me.

how much more do you want? he sent his only son to die for our sins!!''

Have nice day :>)
No but it would be smart to consider that there really is no trickery or deceit or other extraneous factor. That is where the critical thinking comes in.

If you deny the existence of apple seeds after seeing them then you or not acting rationally. If you fly round the moon and see purple sheep and deny it then the same thing applies.

If I ever see any supernatural being that is clearly supernatural then I would reconsider my viewpoint. Until then I make my judgment based on the available evidence

Unfortunately Rabbie, I fear by that time, it will be too late.

Have a nice day :>)
how much more do you want? he sent his only son to die for our sins!!''

The New Testament is a work of fiction specifically written to "fulfill" the "prophecies" of the Old Testamant. Nothing that happened in it is supported by a single piece of physical evidence or any contemporary literary mention.

The book appeared from nowhere long after anyone who would have been alive at the time of the story would have already died, hence no eye witnesses.

Jesus Christ and all the "miracles" he is supposed to have performed are nothing but myths.
Take a close look at the Bible and it becomes clear that the God of Abraham is a hideous being and especially perverse.

A god that punishes the descendants of a person who displeases Him to the third and fourth generation. (Exodus 20:5 and Numbers 14:18)

He punishes all women to eternity for the sins of Eve by "multiplying the pain of childbirth." (Genesis 3:16)

Any self respecting human being with the barest of consciousness and a basic knowledge of the Bible would reject its stone age philosophy and the monster of a god that goes along with it.

Hi my old friend:

In one of the other post to DA7, it was said he was preaching to the converted. This is exactly what you are doing. As with all other religions, except Islam, atheism
(athiest) have a world view of Naturalism and some probably have the worldview of Transcendentalism. In other words they are their own gods thus they want nor do they need any God to show up and upsurge them. Yes, Atheism is a religion.

Like DA7 I have heard for myself what awaits us and have posted it in an earlier post, long past with proof at least to my satisfaction.

For a person to be an atheist, they always have to ask and answer these three questions:

1. Why is there anything and how did it come into existence?
Why do we even have an idea of God if no god exists?
Why is there a sense of right and wrong that cuts across time and cultures?

Take every day and if it were your last. You never know!
Have a great day :>)
For a person to be an atheist, they always have to ask and answer these three questions:

1. Why is there anything and how did it come into existence?
Why do we even have an idea of God if no god exists?
Why is there a sense of right and wrong that cuts across time and cultures?

Take every day and if it were your last. You never know!
Have a great day :>)
The only requirement for anyone to be an atheist is simply not to believe that any god or supernatural being exists. It is as simple as that. No need to ask any questions if you don't want to.

Theists however have to come up with an explanation of where their god(s) came from.

With regard to your questions (four actually rather than three) but perhaps arithmetic isn't your strong point.:)

1a. Because there is. It is no more meaningful than asking why there is gravity.

1b The cosmologists have given us their explanation in the Big Bang theory. Google it if you want more detail.

2. I think the idea of god/gods came into existence as early man tried to find explanations for the natural world. Manipulative people soon saw that this was a way for them to control people and get them to do what they wanted. This would also explain why there have been so many different belief systems over history.

3. IMO the sense of right and wrong evolved as it made for an easier way to organise a society. "Do as you would be done by" tends to make for a pleasant life style for all concerned.
2. I think the idea of god/gods came into existence as early man tried to find explanations for the natural world. Manipulative people soon saw that this was a way for them to control people and get them to do what they wanted. This would also explain why there have been so many different belief systems over history.

And fear. Fear of death. Fear of the unknown. Comforting lies.

Speaking as a parent of a young child, it would be much easier to answer questions like, "But why is your daddy dead?" with "Because God called him home" than "Everything dies."
And fear. Fear of death. Fear of the unknown. Comforting lies.

Speaking as a parent of a young child, it would be much easier to answer questions like, "But why is your daddy dead?" with "Because God called him home" than "Everything dies."

Why? It's life. It's nature. There's no need to shelter children from life.

What do you tell them when their dog or cat dies? Doesn't the Bible specifically say that animals don't make it to heaven?
Why? It's life. It's nature. There's no need to shelter children from life.

What do you tell them when their dog or cat dies? Doesn't the Bible specifically say that animals don't make it to heaven?

I have been tempted, over the last year, while we are deeply entrenched in the why phase, to go back on my promise to myself and tell her, "Because God, that's why!"

We go through very scientific explanations for everything (two biologist parents. pity her.), but I've been very harshly judged for it. I can definitely see the appeal, if we're talking about he dawning of religion, to create a magic being that is the ultimate why.
Hi Rabbie: Hope your day is progressing well.

It seems like we have been over and over the Bible and God so I will not rehash it here. However, I made a statement that Atheism is a religion. I guess there several good definitions of a religion but here is one that really takes the cake:

The IRS has specific requirements for what is and is not a religion.

The IRS criteria are:

a distinct legal existence,

a recognized creed and form of worship,

a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government,

a formal code of doctrine and discipline

a distinct religious history,

a membership not associated with any other church or denomination,

an organization of ordained ministers,

ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed studies,

a literature of its own,

established places of worship,

regular congregations,

regular religious services,

Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young,

school for the preparation of its ministers.

the article that I cut this list from goes into the logic and history behind how we define what is and is not a religion at greater depth

Atheism would fulfill the following criteria:


Live everyday as if it were your last!,,,, You never know

Have a great day :>)
Where did you get those requirements. They are VERY far from the truth of what the IRS recognizes as a religion. Heck, even the Church of Body Modification is recognized as a religion by the IRS.

And IRS recognition of a religion in no way defines a religion as existing as one. Who are they to dictate it?
4000+ posts and I doubt anybody has changed their opinions on the subject :)
come on Brian give me clue.

Way back I think post 3991 I asked you

Let us assume that we have a soul, what form does it take. Artists always depict human figures burning in hell or sitting in paradise, are they correct? Will we be recognisable , what will we actually do in paradise?

You refused to say anything on the subject to an atheist, I'm an agnostic BTW

Way back I think post 3991 I asked you

You refused to say anything on the subject to an atheist, I'm an agnostic BTW

Ok, Brian now I get it. I guess I didn't go back far enough. There are some answers to your question, but here is the preface. Will you take my answer from the Bible as the obsolete truth. If the answer is no, I would be wasting my time and your time. As mention many times on this thread and other threads, by both Bible bangers, atheist, and agnostics, you can't prove God et al, by logic. That s why I spend my time and resources with people who believe there is a God and the Bible is the word of God. Now I would like to know what is your logic for me spending my time arguing with an atheist about anything?
I'm not asking for an argument, I'm asking what form does a soul take, and what is heaven, we have been told what happens when we go to hell but not heaven. It seems to be a simple question. I'm not going to argue or denigrate you, but I know you hope to be in paradise with your God, but what happens there, how will you spend eternity?


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