Attack on Israel

He's talking about something horrible he says he saw.
The Israelis have rented theaters in multiple cities around the world where they could show the captured videos taken by the Hamas animals during their murder and raping spree to audiences of selected journalists. None of these videos will be made public out of respect for the families and the victims but the world has to know what these animals did. Will you believe those reports when they start coming out? Or will you just hide your head and blame Israel because you didn't personally see the video?

Israel has agreed to multiple two state solutions. Every agreement was broken by the Palestinians or the Arab states around Israel. Gaza was under its own control as of 2005. Israel just walked away. Hamas was elected in 2006 and since then has refused to have any other election. Mohammed claimed that he was the last prophet for the people of the book and apparently Hamas is the last leader that Gaza will be allowed. Instead of allowing the billions in international aid to flow through to help the residents of Gaza, Hamas interdicted all of it. Instead of dispensing it fairly to the people it was intended to help, they sold it to those people so they could get more money for missiles to fire at Israel and annuities for the families of the poor misguided people who martyred themselves by killing Jews. They never bothered with infrastructure to provide water and electricity or any type of business where the citizens could earn income to better themselves.

Hamas is an evil terrorist organization and no Israeli is safe as long as Hamas exists. And apparently Jews are no longer safe anywhere in the world given the mood of the rioters that are threatening Jews everywhere. That's the bottom line. Hamas made it absolutely plain on Oct 7. Jews are unsafe in their own homes. The second Holocaust is emerging as we are discussing this. The world is allowing Jews to be persecuted again and we are not stepping up to stop it. We are no better than the feckless Germans who allowed the first Holocaust. We have seen history. We know what this type of rhetoric leads to.

What would you you have the Israelis do? How could you live next door to someone who thought that you didn't deserve to be alive and promised to kill you if they could. Can you answer that question honestly? Could you sleep at night knowing that next door lived an evil terrorist who was intent on killing you as soon as the opportunity presented itself because you don't deserve to live? Hamas has proven over and over and over again that they will never live up to any peace treaty that allows Israel to exist. What EXACTLY should Israel do? Make peace? Why would this time be the charm?
The Palestinian civilians voted for terrorists and their policy of the destruction of Israel and Jews. They have blood on their hands.
If you look at the election that Hamas won, all of the parties that ran, only 41% of all votes went to what was called Change & Reform (Hamas) at the time.

Then look at what is going on around the world, In Russia, storming an airfield to get the Jews! Who cares if they are civilians escaping a war zone. Let's get the Jew! Look at Paris today, where someone went to the metro and shouted the usual phrase whilst threatening to detonate a suicide bomb. Or the murder in the UK recently, as a result of Palestinian conflict. Or the murder of the teacher in France. I could go on but you get the point. Maybe someone could point to the Jews doing this sort of thing endlessly, or is that just a little bit harder to find?
It is unfortunate. It seems we see a rise in these outbursts every time Israeli-Palestine conflicts arise.
If you look at the election that Hamas won, all of the parties that ran, only 41% of all votes went to what was called Change & Reform (Hamas) at the time.
Yes, that is normal in a democracy. In fact we already discussed this here.

A quote from my previous post:

If they do not support Hamas, it does not mean that they want peace. There are other terrorist groups in Palestine that receive significant support, such as Palestine Islamic Jihad and Lion's Den. So when the majority support Hamas, it does not mean that all the remainder do not support terrorism.

This source suggests that very recently 58% support a return to armed resistance. Or in other words, they want war.

Most Palestinians want to fight the Israelis, it seems.

It is unfortunate. It seems we see a rise in these outbursts every time Israeli-Palestine conflicts arise.
It is indeed. I think it is a religious war of muslims vs non-muslims. As I see it, muslims view themselves in this hierarchy:

Muslim > White/Black > Jew

Perhaps the Jews are singled out throughout history because they represent a small proportion of the population, relative to say Black, White, Asian etc. I know they are not technically a race, but they are perceived as such and hence anti-semitism is a form of racism.
Yes, that is normal in a democracy.
The reason I bring that up again is that I do not think it is normal to lump ALL Palestinians together and say they voted for terrorists to kill Jews, and that they have blood on their hands. there are even Palestinian Christian groups - do you think they want to kill Jews??

47% of the Palestinian population is children.

If Israel was really in Australia, and Jews went to live there, I don't see a world where Palestinians are building boats or swimming across the ocean to hunt Jews down.

As more atrocities are committed again the Palestinians, I am sure more of them will want to fight Israelis, or have a bone to pick with the Israeli Government.. Yet, with what army?

I don't know if there is some old Biblical/Religious acts that drove the groups apart, or Religious wars that the hatred stems from.
The Torah and Bible talks of old wars and completely destroying the people in present day Israel.

16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.
18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God.

I have a hard time seeing this as anything other Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian People orchestrated by the Israeli Government.
The reason I bring that up again is that I do not think it is normal to lump ALL Palestinians together and say they voted for terrorists to kill Jews, and that they have blood on their hands.
I agree. I would not lump them all in together. Those who did not vote for war and who seek peace do not have blood on their hands, and my comment was directed to those who want war with Israel i.e. the majority. But that is already obvious, isn't it. Who would say Palestinians who want peace have blood on their hands. No one.

there are even Palestinian Christian groups - do you think they want to kill Jews??
But you have brought up something interesting: do the Christian groups want to kill Jews? Well, perhaps you are suggesting that the Christians are highly unlikely to want to kill Jews. Therefore, your implication is that it is less about if you are a Palestinian or not and more about what your religious beliefs are. Or in other words, if you are a Muslim, you want to kill Jews, if you are a Christian, you don't. In that case, it is less about being Palestinian and more about hating Jews through religious fervour.

I have a hard time seeing this as anything other Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian People orchestrated by the Israeli Government.
Do you think the Jews are trying to protect themselves from attacks? If the missiles keep coming - which they are - do you think the Jews should stop their counter-offensive and say, "Let me have it, I deserve it! Get the kids and elderly first!"

And whilst you are at it, do you think all those Hamas rockets have peaceful intentions, are not indeed an intentional genocide against the Jews?
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How can you say you want to fight terrorism with terrorism?
How can a country with an arsenal 5 times its population go to war with a country that don't even have it's own electricity?
How can you know what is true when the media reports one side of the story because it have an agenda to fulfil?

Throughout history it's only one people has been at the center of wars, conflicts and turmoil. It can't be that everyone else is wrong and they are right, something is up with that and we really need to dissect this properly an analyze what is the root of the problem.
47% of the Palestinian population is children.
Who have been trained from birth to hate Jews to the exclusion of everything else. That makes them baby terrorists and that is why none of the surrounding countries will give them sanctuary. They are all dangerous. Teaching your children this kind of hatred is pure evil. Just look at Ilhan Omar. We saved her from a fate worse than death in a refugee camp, educated her and even elected her to Congress and all she does is spew hatred. She hates America. She doesn't thank us.
As more atrocities are committed again the Palestinians, I am sure more of them will want to fight Israelis, or have a bone to pick with the Israeli Government.. Yet, with what army?
So the Jews are purposefully attacking civilians? They are maiming and raping, and taking captives to torture at their leisure and video while they do it???? Or are they bombing military targets? Is it the fault of the Jews that Hamas hides its military installations inside civilian buildings just to make sure that the Jews have no clean military target? The choice of the Jews is civilian casualties or don't fight back. The Jews do their best by always warning before bombing to give the civilians a chance to evacuate but you know what? Those evil Hamas pigs won't let the civilians evacuate.

Where were you on Oct 7 when REAL atrocities were being committed? You were calling for moderation.
Vocal when Jews attack, silent when Palestinians attack.
Are you sure there are Christian groups among the Palestinians? Christians would never have left Israel in 1948. Why willingly make themselves refugees when they had no beef with the Jews? Christians have been systematically driven out of all Arab countries and persecuted and that started in the 30's so in 1948 the Christians would have known that they were not welcome in any of the surrounding countries.
I guess there were some who were living in the parts of Israel that were given to the Arabs in 1948. But they are a persecuted minority because Muslims hate everyone who isn't Muslim.

we really need to dissect this properly an analyze what is the root of the problem.

Already did. The Quran gives AT BEST mixed messages on the subject of violence, but it explicitly allows/condones/urges violence against infidels. Hamas explicitly has stated since their inception nearly 2 DECADES ago that their intention is to eliminate/kill/destroy Israel. The root of the problem is a religion that CLAIMS to be a religion of peace but that too many people use as an excuse for aggression against Jews.

Every time in the past 70+ years that Israel relented, Islamic extremists renewed the attack.

You want to get peace in the Middle East? Easy. (At least easy to say.) Get all those alleged peace-loving Muslims to PROVE their desire for peace by eliminating their extremist groups, by removing them from power, by making them leave the area and tell them to go away and don't come back. Because it is the extremists who trigger the violent responses just as soon as the shooting stops from the previous conflict. They wait only long enough to re-arm and then attack Israel again.

It is the extremists who place munitions where people live. They do that thinking that they will be able to shoot their missiles and no one will shoot back because of the innocent people around them. Guess what happened this time... the tactic to hide behind women and children failed. Because this time their cowardly tactics have become visible to others.
You can read here about the extent to which the IDF goes to prevent civilian casualities.

The IDF Far Exceeds Requirements of the Law of Armed Conflict (

By hiding in civilian buildings and preventing civilians from evacuating when Israel warns them of impending attacks, Hamas is totally responsible for ALL the civilian casualties. "Atrocities", just look at what Hamas does if you want to see Atrocities. Stop accusing Israel of committing atrocities. It is Hamas that is committing the Atrocities both against Israeli citizens and most despicably against their own citizens. Where are the calls to Hamas to stop hiding behind the skirts of women? What kind of a man would even do that? The answer is a Muslim "man". The fact that they do this shows you how evil these people are.
Ted Cruz, in his podcast, made one of those obvious observations that are easily overlooked until it is exposed with a very loud bullhorn. Cruz noted that the Biden administration in condemning antisemitism, only cites examples of asserted antisemitism by unspecified vague so-called White supremacists. Never cited, as concrete examples, is the blatant antisemitism expressed by left wing extremists which is currently a wildfire sweeping many college campuses. Unbelievably, press secretary Jean-Pierre attempted to assert that Islamophobia is of greater concern than antisemitism. Moreover, never called out by the Biden administration is the antisemitism of certain Democratic members of Congress, such as Congresswoman Jayapal. The assertions by the Biden administration that they reject antisemitism is nothing but hot-air to gaslight the gullible.

By coincidence:
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This is Netanyahu's display from late September:

Look, he represents love, life and peace. All my arguments have lost their strength after this. I extend my apologies to all of the religious fanatics in this thread, the Jews were defending themselves after all.

It was sarcasm.
So after Israel displaces all these Palestinians from Gaza and redraws the map where will they be settled? :unsure:

Three guesses and the first two don't count.
Unbelievably, press secretary Jean-Pierre attempted to assert that Islamophobia is of greater concern than antisemitism.
I wonder where in the world mobs of Jews are marching with slogans of kill the Palestinians? Anyplace? Just one mob, please? It just confirms the hypocrisy of the left. They call Israel bombing legitimate military targets "atrocities" but don't think that raping, maiming, killing, capturing unarmed civilians in their own homes is out of the ballpark worse in the greater scheme of things. They also refuse to acknowledge that Israel actually tries to avoid injuring civilians when they target military installations and they certainly don't intentionally ra**, maim, kill, capture innocent unarmed Palestinians. In fact, the only reason that Palestinian civilians are getting killed is because the Muslims are hiding behind the skirts of women. These are not men, they are pigs.
So after Israel displaces all these Palestinians from Gaza and redraws the map where will they be settled?
Once Hamas has been vanquished, Israel will help to rebuild Gaza as they did in the past. Everyone forgets the efforts Israel made to build houses for refugees. When the houses were built, they were actually given to the families who would live there. Hamas put an end to that program. They couldn't allow Israel to look like the good guy. Let's not forget the green houses and thriving flower business Israel gave to Gaza. That is of course rubble. Can't have anything in the country that the citizens might thank the Israelis for.
Breitbart had two headlines, that should cause your eyebrows to rise in quizzical surprise.

In a previous post, I noted: "Unbelievably, press secretary Jean-Pierre attempted to assert that Islamophobia is of greater concern than antisemitism." Now there is the headline below!!!!!
Harris wrote:
Taking on hate is a national priority. Today,
and I are announcing the country's first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia. This action is the latest step forward in our work to combat a surge of hate in America.
The obvious implication --- antisemitism is not a concern to the Biden administration, but Islamophobia is. The deaths of over 1,400 people in Israel and the rising tidal wave of antisemitism on college campuses are of no concern to the Biden administration. But somehow the death of one Palestinian boy in the US is a major national tragedy according to the Biden administration documenting rampant systemic Islamophobia. The Biden administration is continuing Obama's antisemitic and pro-Iran policies.
The Democrats are openly demonstrating hypocrisy concerning democratic political processes. When Trump was running for President, the Democrats hysterically complained, non-stop, that the Russians were interfering in the US democratic political process. Now it appears that the Democrats, under the Biden administration, are openly interfering in the democratic political process of Israel. It should also be noted that Obama previously interfered in both Israeli and British democratic political processes.
  • Wow
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I sure hope the Jews of America are taking notes. They have been a reliable voting block for the Democrats for reasons that escape me. Perhaps they will see the light before it is too late. I have tried to talk to a few of my friends but they are so hard-core Democrat that they can't open their eyes to the issue. They make excuses and since the lame-stream media doesn't report things like this (let us not forget how anti-semitic the NYT is and always has been), they don't see the reports. If the NYT hadn't hidden the reality of the Holocaust from the general public, hundreds of thousands of Jews could have been rescued.
I think the only way you can see the horror if you are on the other side, is to imagine unprovoked Jews masked up raiding Palestine targeting civilians, raping them, taking them hostage, firing missiles for years indiscriminately into civilian areas. Then the Plastinians raiding Israel in self defence. But when you start with a hatred of Jews and Israel, you cannot see things clearly. You start with the presumption that the Jews are doing wrong, whatever the action is that they take.

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