Biden Ends Presidential Bid.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 14:00
Dec 20, 2007
And they're off. I guess fogging a mirror wasn't going to get it after all.
And now he has backed Harris for President. She who cannot put together coherent sentences.
Oh well, I guess it gives the Americans here a chance to slag off and rubbish somebody different.
My opinion is that it gives Mr Trump an open goal with nobody to stop him now, not that there was anyway.
The failed border czar
Sorry, she was a success. That was the plan; to import illegal immigrants. That is also why Democrats, when it comes to voting, do not want the voter to document that they are eligible to vote. Democrats, despite their language, do not want election integrity.
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Did the odds of China invading Taiwan just go up?
Will Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran now make more trouble for Israel knowing that the election may result in Trump winning who will unquestionably back Israel?
my vote is for Kamala this time! go she/her! (I thought I'd put a "she/her" out there out of respect for her weird ass party)
And Trump Does????

Only about a thousand times better that Papa Joe (when he has no teleprompter) and two thousand times better than Kammie WITH a teleprompter.
Did Biden voluntary quit or was this really an undemocratic coup by the Democrats (the party that claims to be for democracy)?
Anyway - so much for the veracity of the claims by Biden that the Covid vaccines were effective in preventing Covid.
@Steve R. - I believe it is a rather technical question as to whether Joe's "ouster" was a coup or not. First, he's still president. However, after next January, he won't be. So as far as the country goes, there was no coup. More likely, it was the democratic chickens fleeing the coop that led to a bunch of dumb clucks like you and me trying to figure out what happened.

As to the legality of a late substitution, it has to do (among other things) with state laws on voting for the next president. Since the presidency is determined by the electoral college, we have to look to the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, paragraph 2 - which starts with the clause: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors". Which of course means that we have the possibility of 50 different sets of rules from 50 different state legislatures on determining electors.

There is also the fine point that the Democratic National Convention has not yet convened, so the party officially has no candidate. The only sticky situation would be for states that have already nominated their electors AND their state rules require them to support a candidate by personal name rather than by party. However, even that is normally handled by saying "electors are committed for only the first x rounds of voting." The whole point of "electors" is that they are surrogates for the people but have to make a choice for the president. They cannot allow a perpetual impasse to delay filling the office.

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