Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

He's not feeble, he's just a sociopathic old guy.

Yet the rumors have persisted for years about the sociopathic nature of the Clintons with so many bodies over their years since the Whitewater debacle in Arkansas. And the Bidens have been tracked with lots of monetary legerdemain - such as Joe getting the Ukraine prosecutor removed from national office before that prosecutor could charge Hunter Biden for his transgressions. Sorry, but the idea of you calling Trump sociopathic, given the posts you've made lately, is a serious case of a pot vs. kettle.
Reading between the posts I get the impression that Kamala isn't universally popular.
But unless she is removed, she is in the running for POTUS. Whoever is VP are basically irrelevant are they not? She is the anointed one.
I did hear that if she is removed all of the donations has to be returned to the doners. From the outside It looks to have descended into farce.
Maybe it is time for the grown-ups to stand up and start making decisions? Because up to now nobody appears to be in charge.
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Against a feeble old guy.
What do you mean?
Biden is as sharp as a tack! Biden also showed off his physique by saying that he would take Trump out to the woodshed for a proper disciplinary action given the opportunity. After all he disciplined corn pop!
‘He Is as Sharp as Ever’: Jean-Pierre Claims Biden’s Mental Fitness Has Not Declined
Jean-Pierre: What I can say is this is a president who is strong and resolute in delivering for the American people. That’s what I see. I see a president, when I’m in sitting in front of him, you know, going through the day or talking about what he’s doing next, he is someone that engages with us. He wants to know, he pushes us, he prods us, wanting to figure out the bigger picture of whatever we’re trying to explain to him or even granule details.
Try to forget that trump is now the oldest presidential candidate running for office and think of him as the youngest felon ever to run.
Your beef is with Jill Biden and the DNC, not Trump. Trump did his job, he won the debate.
Nothing to brag about though, as you did, you did brag about it.
I completely blame the Democrats. In every way the Conservative/MAGA brainwashing has been proven to be much more effective.
Yet the rumors have persisted for years about the sociopathic nature of the Clintons with so many bodies over their years since the Whitewater debacle in Arkansas.
Trumped up charges, invented by Kenneth Star, who was instrumental in changing the way American politics play out.

It's fabrication when it is aimed at Trump, but reality when aimed at the Clintons?

I merely say what the majority of Americans say. Trump worship is a phenomenon similar to Hitler worship.
Nothing to brag about though, as you did, you did brag about it.
I completely blame the Democrats. In every way the Conservative/MAGA brainwashing has been proven to be much more effective.
Now you have kamala to defeat the orange Hitler, do you feel better? My guess is no.
God help us if Bobblehead actually becomes President.
Certainly gives all those "Double Haters" something to think about. Guess they're just "Single Haters" now.
Now you have kamala to defeat the orange Hitler, do you feel better? My guess is no.
For a while, I thought that America would vote for anyone but Trump, even a senile old man. It turned out to be more pitiful than I had expected. The problem on the left is Woke, and their fanatical screechy voices sounding like fingernails on a blackboard.

On the one hand, the insane lies of a megalomaniac with 60 million followers and on the other a smaller number of people that most of us want to ignore. It is in this way that propaganda on the Right has evolved past the broken messaging on the left.

What a choice, eh?
Some of us don't actually believe all the party propaganda.
Yet you support the Democrats who are lying to the people?
The party claiming to protect democracy, is actually diminishing democracy. Consider that applies to all the unjustified third world style lawfare and character assassination that has been fostered unto Trump and other Republicans.
Yet you support the Democrats who are lying to the people?
The party claiming to protect democracy, is actually diminishing democracy. Consider that applies to all the unjustified third world style lawfare and character assassination that has been fostered unto Trump and other Republicans.
Seriously? If you made a tape of all of the despicable actions of Trump is would be several thousand hours long.
How are the Dems diminishing democracy?

As far as character assassination? Again, seriously?
Seriously? If you made a tape of all of the despicable actions of Trump is would be several thousand hours long.
How are the Dems diminishing democracy?

As far as character assassination? Again, seriously?
So, you really accept Democratic propaganda without question!
Kamala Harris is either as stupid as she sounds or she has been lying to you for at least two years. WE knew Joe had lost it and so did the people who were close to him. So, as the VP, she has few official duties. One of them is to convenine the Cabinet and remove Joe if he is unfit for office. Instead, she shirked that duty in addition to all of the other assignments she has been given.

So, WHO has been making decisions regarding the country? Hunter?

The real question though is WHY are YOU not upset about this? Do you think that it is OK for the PTB to lie to you. You voted for Joe but you got someone else. Is your TDS so blinding that this doesn't anger you even a little bit? Now Joe can't make it through the election. They have to dump him and replace him. How do you feel about that? You might have chosen a different candidate if they hadn't fixed the primary. The Dems sure are good at fixing elections, even against their own people but you just don't care. All you can see is your TDS.
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