Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

The Democrats seem to be only able to put forth good vibes, and nauseating, cloying platitudes about love and joy.
They are very light on substance.
Plus they've had the last 3 years, what have they done? Printed so much money we got $7/dozen eggs and tried to steal from some people in order to forgive other people's student loans - really morally awful, these people
Anyway, you do not seem to aware that Biden is the bigger liar. Most of Trump's supposed "lies" are humorous hyperbole. Democrats don't seem to understand humor. Instead they contort that humor into "lies" for repulsive political gain.
How many people get hurt if Trump over estimates his crowd size? ZERO
How many people get hurt if Biden tells them if you take the jab, you won't get COVID? Countless
How many people get hurt if the FDA tells the public that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are poison and don't help minimize the effects of COVID? Thousands.
How many people get hurt if Pelosi says you have to vote for the bill to know what is in it? Millions - including me!
How many people get hurt if the CIA tells Bush that Iraq is hiding weapons of mass destruction causing him to start a war? Thousands

There are lies and there are damn lies. I'll leave it to you to judge the difference

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