Bush urges end to oil addiction

FoFa said:
Yes, or we don't care what you think, WE HAVE THE NUKES, NAANI NAANI BOO BOO :p

and George Bush with the finger on the trigger :eek: :rolleyes:
jsanders said:
Giving tax breaks to the richest.
Show me the tax law that states (everyone over $1,000,000 in earnings get this tax break (or something to that affect).

Giving tax breaks to move your business over seas
There maybe a tax break that can apply to moving overseas, but I don't recall (and I could be mistaken here) any tax break that states, MOVE YOUR BUSINEESS OUT OF THE COUNTRY TO BE ELIGIABLE FOR THIS TAX BREAK, basically.

Refusing to even consider import tax
NAFTA kinda disqualifes most of that, and the public dosn't want it in general because it will raise the prices of EVERYTHING since we do participate in a global economy.

Cutting funding for medical and education for the working poor
They cut a lot of funding, how else can they support IRAQ!

Spending 500,000,000,000 dollars on a police action
Only by cutting spending :p

Demoralizing FEMA
Sounded like a good idea at the time

Cutting fines to Coal Mining Operations for safety violations and killing 15 people in two months
Owned stock in the companies

Transferring yet another trillion to the ultra rich. (This part is a guess)
So this must be the highly publisied RICH welfare checks going out weekly? :confused:

Alienating Europe
They are alien, whats the big deal :rolleyes:
That's funny, Fofa

I have to actually get some work done today being in the middle is very tiring.
Rich said:
Can't cope, eh :rolleyes: :p

With the incessant whining of the far left, or the irrational non-logic of the right?

It’s quite frankly hard to determine which is more abrasive.

Either way they are interfering with my work.
Rich said:
Sweeping the floor that difficult ?:confused:

Actually yes. Finding those little dirt clods is hard work.
jsanders said:
Actually yes. Finding those little dirt clods is hard work.
If clods are what you're looking for, what easier place to find them than the 'Cooler?. :D
His speech comes one month after the new budget which reduced the funding for the National Renewable Energy Lab by 28 million.

You got the demon on the run there Georgy Boy.
jsanders said:
They cannot be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. Period.
Iran have stated that they are developing nuclear power, not nuclear weapons.

Incidentally, when GWB was giving his Union address on urging Americans to cut down on fuel / oil etc etc.
Did you know that on that day, he used over 4,000 gallons of fuel by using various means of transport?. . . . . . in one day?????
Aparently whenever he uses a helicopter, there's always 2 because one is a decoy. Air-force one uses one gallon per mile.

Seems its the usual American president thing. . . . . . don't do as I do, do as I say


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ColinEssex said:
Did you know that on that day, he used over 4,000 gallons of fuel by using various means of transport?. . . . . . in one day?????
Aparently whenever he uses a helicopter, there's always 2 because one is a decoy. Air-force one uses one gallon per mile.


You'd think he'd use something more appropriate, which in his case would be a donkey
Rich said:
You'd think he'd use something more appropriate, which in his case would be a donkey

But what would he do with his ass?:confused:
BarryMK said:
But what would he do with his ass?:confused:
Continue talking out of it I suppose:rolleyes:

No reason for him to change


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