Correct, that is the problem with the "incentives" proposed by the Obama administration.
But there is more serious concern with "incentives" that I need to reiterate. Incentives are a form of subsidy to the business. So they constitute a form of "welfare". If a business cannot compete: so sad too bad, out of business.
Also be aware that if an incentive is provided, someone has to pay for it through additional taxes. (The balanced budget is now a joke) So exactly how does it benefit the widget manufacturer to be given an incentive when the consumer buying his product has less money because he is taxed more to pay for the incentive?
Steve R,
I couldn't agree with you more. Maybe you took me for the wrong side here, I am a conservative. I was making the case of why I was glad the Offshore Bill died. You are also spot on when you talk about incentives becoming welfare. I think if a business gives incentives to promote, great! They also should not get these back in the form of a tax break because now all Americans paid for it. I don't agree with tax breaks because they only become manipulated by all. I haven't found the Fair Tax to be out of touch. I think this would eliminate the IRS, make taxes 100% legit, and make companies accountable for their own bills, not tax payers. I am all for capitalism but many people know too many ways to screw taxpayers over.