There is only one way to forgivness, and that is through the death, burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ. That is what I mean by Satan and our own sin twisting things and deceiving people. The reason we need redemption is becuase God cannot be in the presence of evil. When we fell (In Genesis, Eve's sin), we all became evil from birth. We were separated from God, The Jews in the Old Testament gained absolution from their sins because of their hope in the coming Messiah (Savior). They gained temporary forgiveness through the animal sacrifices they made. Jesus was that Messiah, He put aside His deity for a time, took on human form, lived the human life and was tempted like a human, but unlike humans he was not born in sin. He lived a perfect life without sin and became our perfect and complete sin offering to God. While he was "dead" on earth he conquered death and Satan, And He rose again, (Their are eyewitness accounts of this in the Bible). Completely alive. If He had not risen then our hope in Him, and in eternal life would be in vain.