Continued theology discussion... Not sure what to call this really....

After Re-reading some of this discussion, I thought that this thought originally posted by Scott Atkinson in Post number 120 required an answer by me:

Now perhaps you understand how a Muslim or a Hindhu feels when they are have constantly been persecuted through the ages in the name of Christianity..

I have already answered this in this post of mine:

It is dangerous, and many Christians in history have been killed for this view. But, as a Christian, I would suffer here on earth to make the Truth known, so that as many as possible can come to Christ, so that I may rejoice with them in Heaven someday. Wars have always been fought over this, even in the Bible. Some people have fought wars in the name of Christ without really knowing Him, and thus the wars have been unjust. Not all wars though. Killing someone who doesn't believe the same as me goes against all that I stand for as Christian, and would be a sin, we are commanded to treat others with love and compassion, while not being remiss in sharing the Truth, because without that our love is pointless, and has no impact to save them from ultimate death.

As far as your statement about the misery hatred and anger religion brings, think of this: I know that my beliefs are the truth. What happens after you die and find the truth out for yourself? That life as you know it doesn't end with your physical death? The 100 more or less years on this planet becomes nothing in the face of eternity. The existence of Humans over time becomes like a vapor in regards to eternity. I promise you the Truth is worth proclaiming. Unjust violence is not (the bloody ware supposedly fought in the name of Christ, and those fought to annihilate Jews and Christians), but the Truth is.

I don't agree with trying to annihilate people on the basis of our disagreements; unless, of course, those people are trying to annihilate me first..... (Self defense).
I have come to the conclusion that Christianity is like politics...

1. You can never get a straight answer out of anybody

2. A question is more often than not answered with a question

Have you any feedback for me on why the bible says that incest was acceptable to procreate the earth, but is not acceptable now?
I have come to the conclusion that Christianity is like politics...

1. You can never get a straight answer out of anybody

2. A question is more often than not answered with a question

1. Did you not think my answer was not staight forward? (I pulled your number 2 here :) ) I thought I was, acknowledging wars that were fought unjustly on both the Christian and the nonChristian sides, and saying that I agree that violence is not the answer, but I won't allow someone to kill me...

Have you any feedback for me on why the bible says that incest was acceptable to procreate the earth, but is not acceptable now?

I do not, not yet, I took a break last eveining to reread a lot of stuff from yesterday, and to do some chores that I needed to get done around the house. I'll get to it soon though. Hopefully this evening.
I was pointing out that you have not read the book in its entirety so how would you be able to throw credible arguements relating to palaeontology, anthropology, politics from 2000 years ago, fairys, leprechons and despot leaders from World War II?
You have no idea how many books I've read in my lifetime therefore your post is based purely on ignorance

Don't even bother replyin to Fifty's posts, Iv'e already been sent to Coventry... ;)
1. Did you not think my answer was not staight forward? (I pulled your number 2 here :) ) I thought I was, acknowledging wars that were fought unjustly on both the Christian and the nonChristian sides, and saying that I agree that violence is not the answer, but I won't allow someone to kill me...


My post wasn't generally refering to you, it was just a general statment..
I see no reason for you to try to hurl insults with smiley faces appended to the sentence and then try to convey it as a joke. I do thank you for finally telling me that your post in reference to my beliefs being drug related was meant as a joke. I do not know how it is in your country but if you say or write something directly at a person in an insulting manner and do not offer an explanation when the request clarification it is obviously received as a direct insult.
I apologise if the loss in translation of language and culture is misleading you to feel I am trying to turn this to an exchange of insults or spiteful arguement rather then a discussion or debate.

Are you female, as only a women would drag something up that a man had said an eon ago :p

And as I remember from the post it was made on, it didn't make much sense, to me anyway, and had little substance, in my opinion, and the response was meant in humour.

If you cant be bothered to converse with me when I feel that I am trying to ask questions without being detrimental to you or your faith then so be it..

Just thought you were bigger than that...
Sorry I am no longer posting to this thread as it seems the differences lost in translation to your language and culture is not putting forward what I wish to convey.

Sorry, I am slow apparently. The first link is wikipedia, and this is what it shows for "Origin and development":

Origin and development:
The word [I][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]monotheism[/COLOR][/URL][/I] is derived from the [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Greek[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]μόνος[/COLOR][/URL][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff][5][/COLOR][/URL] meaning "single" and [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]θεός[/COLOR][/URL][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff][6][/COLOR][/URL] meaning "[URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]God[/COLOR][/URL]".[URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff][7][/COLOR][/URL] The English term was first used by [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Henry More[/COLOR][/URL] (1614–1687).
The concept sees a gradual development out of notions of [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]henotheism[/COLOR][/URL] (worshiping a single god while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities) and [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]monolatrism[/COLOR][/URL] (the recognition of the existence of many gods, but with the consistent worship of only one deity). In the [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Ancient Near East[/COLOR][/URL], each [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]city[/COLOR][/URL] had a local patron deity, such as [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Shamash[/COLOR][/URL] at [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Larsa[/COLOR][/URL] or [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Sin[/COLOR][/URL] at [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Ur[/COLOR][/URL]. The first claims of global supremacy of a specific god date to the [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Late Bronze Age[/COLOR][/URL], with [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Akhenaten[/COLOR][/URL]'s [I][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Great Hymn to the Aten[/COLOR][/URL][/I] (speculatively connected to [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Judaism[/COLOR][/URL] by [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Sigmund Freud[/COLOR][/URL] in his [I][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Moses and Monotheism[/COLOR][/URL][/I]). Currents of monism or monotheism emerge in [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Vedic India[/COLOR][/URL] in the same period, with e.g. the [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Nasadiya Sukta[/COLOR][/URL]. Philosophical monotheism and the associated concept of absolute [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]good and evil[/COLOR][/URL] emerges in [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Classical Antiquity[/COLOR][/URL], notably with [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Plato[/COLOR][/URL] (c.f. [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Euthyphro dilemma[/COLOR][/URL]), elaborated into the idea of [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]The One[/COLOR][/URL] in [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Neoplatonism[/COLOR][/URL], later culminating in the doctrines of [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Christology[/COLOR][/URL] in [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Early Christianity[/COLOR][/URL] and finally (by the 7th century) in the [I][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]tawhid[/COLOR][/URL][/I] in [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Islam[/COLOR][/URL].
In Islamic theology, a person who spontaneously "discovers" monotheism is called a [I][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]ḥanīf[/COLOR][/URL][/I], the original [I]ḥanīf[/I] being [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Abraham[/COLOR][/URL].
Austrian anthropologist [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Wilhelm Schmidt[/COLOR][/URL] in the 1910s postulated an [I][URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff]Urmonotheismus[/COLOR][/URL][/I], "original" or "primitive monotheism."

So instead of me having to construct your argument for you, or gather your evidence to support your claims for you, could you point out what part of this is evidence for: "that it has been documented that monotheism has been followed for as long as records have been kept or passed along from person to person."

No confusion, but when you dish out disrespect, expect to receive it back.

I apologize if anything I have said has offended you, it was never my intention.

I am just trying to get to the facts of this thread thats all.

As I have said before I am not anti christianity, again as mentioned in another post my children actually attend a Church of England school and are taught about Jesus Christ, God and faith, so I consider myself very open minded.

Lets start again and get off on a better note..
Where is this documented? I was under the understanding that monotheism was relatively new (2000-3000 years). I'd be very interested in reading this document(s) as I've never come across them before (and as I've said, I have studied religion extensively).

I was interested in this question, so I googled it and found this Wikipedia article. I have attached a portion of it, that I think is a very general answer, I wonder if anything earlier then mentioned here is found. I don't think this changes your understanding at all though, I just found it interesting.


I was interested in this question, so I googled it and found this Wikipedia article.

Have to be very careful. This isn't actually a wikipedia article. This is a wiki article. The difference is that 'the' Wikipedia is held to some generic standards. 'A' wiki can be obtained by anyone, and they can make it say anything that they want. As an example, there is such a thing as 'Conservapedia'. Made by conservatives for conservatives to create an encyclopedia of all truths, accordinging to them, anyhow.

I don't doubt all of the information on the wiki you posted, but after reading through it, it is obvious that the writers are coming from the standpoint that the bible must be accurate, therefore scientific evidence that might prove the contrary is automatically wrong. That is very unscientific and thus immediately suspicious.
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Have to be very careful. This isn't actually a wikipedia article. This is a wiki article. The difference is that 'the' Wikipedia is held to some generic standards. 'A' wiki can be obtained by anyone, and they can make it say anything that they want. As an example, there is such a thing as 'Conservapedia'. Made by conservatives for conservatives to create an encyclopedia of all truths, accordinging to them, anyhow.

I don't doubt all of the information on the wiki you posted, but after reading through it, it is obvious that the writers are coming for the standpoint that the bible must be accurate, therefore scientific evidence that might prove the contrary is automatically wrong. That is very unscientific and thus immediately suspicious.

OK. I didn't give any claim to its accuracy. I don't necessarily trust Wikipedia at all. It's just something i found that i thought was interesting. Thank you for the clarification.
It is referenced in the first link provided by Google and again in many of the other links even if your extensive study methods do not compell you to reseach all of the offered links.
No, it isn't. It does make reference to the start of monotheism, but it's closer to the dates suggested by Adam. There's nothing on it that mentions anywhere near as far back as you suggested. Some of the other links thrown up by that search do the same.

Edit: I just noticed that you're no longer posting to this thread. Something to do with your original message being lost in translation. Pity.
Perhaps I as a ex-believer can xpress some views in a calm fashion. I am not criticising anyone's beliefs here and trust that their beliefs give them comfort.

The notion of life after death was seeminly not a part of Old Testament Judaism but becam a real issue in the time of Jesus with the Pharisees believing in a life after death and the Sadducees believing the opposite. This explains the rarity of references to Hell in the Old Testament.

Now there is a certain appeal in thinking that death is not the end and we will meet our loved ones again and this, I believe, leads to the human desire for god/gods and religion.

Now it seems to me that the Old Testament is a collection of oral tales that were pased down for many generations before being written down at a later date. So of course they were liable to being corrupted.
Do you boys need some coffee or something?

Hopefully you will all have served your respective religions.
I have avoided posting here because my beliefs can be somewhat abrasive on this topic. Kryst, you've made your beliefs clear. I will start out by saying that we will need to agree to disagree. But don't take my message as in any way personally attacking you.

To start with, I was brought up as a Methodist. However, at some moment after my mother became terminally ill, I started to read the Bible to her. It comforted her. But it made me ask more and more questions that I could not get answered. The answers made no sense. The claims were contradictory. Finally, in order to resolve this, I had to do a formal analysis starting a priori with what I knew of the Bible.

I'll spare you the deepest parts of the analysis. What I did was to look at the conditions under which the Bible was written and tried to be objective about it. In essense, I was addressing a cognitive dissonance.

I realized that the Bible was written based on stories told among uneducated, superstitious, nomadic shepherds and poor tradesmen in small villages. They were trying to explain the world around them by making up stories that made sense to them. In their world, it was OK to believe in magic, so they chose a magical solution for everthing and called it God.

I am reminded of Asimov's quote, which I must paraphrase: Any sufficiently advanced technology looks like magic if you don't understand the science. Well, this applies to the facets of nature, too. If you don't understand science but you feel a need to somehow have an answer to the question of how things came about, you have two choices: Admit you don't know, or make up something.

I would like to think that folks were honest enough to say they didn't know - but we all know that NOBODY likes to admit they don't know something. Look at all of pantheons around Europe - including the Norse, Finnish, Greek, Roman, and Eastern Mediterranean groups. Then there was the Egyptian pantheon as well. Though they were separated by a vast ocean, the Mayans had their own little pantheon running around, including Quetzalcoatl, the Serpent God. The point of this is that EVERY culture made up their answers to how the world was made, how the "heavens" were ruled, what happened to the souls of the wicked and the worthy after death. There is no reason to believe that the nomadic shepherds were any different.

Here is where the realization hit me. There is no difference in concept between what the nomadic shepherds created vs. what the other cultures created. They are ALL, in my opinion, stories to amaze, amuse, and frighten children, told in a way that primitive and uneducated minds can handle. But they are no more true than Aesop's Fables or Grimm's Fairy Tales.

On another forum, I got involved with the question of why people believe in God. The only answer I have ever managed to find is that they were taught while little children. ("Suffer the little children unto me." And hoo, boy, is "suffer" an operative word in that case.) After that, you interpret what you see differently. The only way to break through that is to start questioning until you can see that the belief in question is groundless and an alternate belief makes more sense.

Trust me, it was not a pleasant - or fast - journey. But as each learned belief went under the spotlight, it faded. I have finally reached the point where I no longer "hand my life over to God." Instead, I have reclaimed control and with it, shed the burdens of shame, guilt, and fear of divine retribution that come with Christianity. I no longer wait for advice from an absentee landlord. I take matters into my own hands and make my decisions for myself.

OK, here is my opinion on a common question: What if the God of the Bible is real? The God of the Old Testament is a petulant, selfish, narcissistic, vengeful, mercurial child. (Had to be in order to keep children's attention, don't you see?) But if that is really what God is like, who would want to worship such an abomination? And if that is not what God is like, then what happened with Sodom, Gomorrah, the Great Flood, slaughter of non-conforming villages, etc. etc. What happened with all the blood sacrifices? What happened with stoning of adulterers and homosexuals?

Actually, I have answers for the last two anyway. If you look at the nature of small, nomadic tribes, they can't afford to have people who don't honor blood lines and don't procreate. Life back then was tenuous on a good day and not even slightly tenuous when it was a bad day.

In tribes with limited blood lines, it was a danger to the survival of the tribe to allow folks to live if they weren't going to honor family lines (which adultery disrupts) and if they were going to not contribute to the next generation of the tribe (which homosexuality doesn't do.) But that is a purely cultural explanation that didn't require God to get involved at all.

There is where we have the dichotomy. Believers tell me, "Look at God's wonder all around you." I say, "Look at the diversity of nature, brought about by natural scientific principles that don't require God's intervention." Believers ask me, "But how did life start?" To which I answer, I believe that abiogenesis is possible since the precursor experiments have already been done to get to the building blocks of life in "primordial soup" conditions.

We could discuss this forever and not reach a conclusion because it is a matter of what you believe and whether you were ever able to successfully start breaking down those beliefs that are in your way to finally seeing what I see as the truth.

But of course, the religious among you will see it differently. I expect that. It is all a matter of interpretation.

Speaking of which, some posts back, someone asked a question about what would happen if we discovered intelligent alien life. May I recommend a book on this subject? It is called A Case of Conscience and was written by James K Blish. It directly deals with exactly this subject, when Earth humans find an alien race that appears to be totally moral without an deity or deities. The central character is a botanical researcher who also happens to be a Jesuit priest. (They are, after all the scientific ones. Le Maitre, who proposed the Big Bang theory, was a Jesuit.) Anyway, the rest of the story is the priest's struggle with the impossibility of the situation according to Catholic dogma and the final resolution of the problem. I consider it an absolute masterpiece of walking the line between secular and sacred ideals in conflict. I enjoyed it tremendously.

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