The situation with drug prices (and all American healthcare, BTW) is horrible - but, we should try to do everything in our power to come up with solutions that are as agreeable to the free market as we can. As soon as a great lifesaving or life-improving drug comes out, it's tempting to get the feeling as human beings "Oh, how did we ever live without it?" - But we did. We lived, or died, without it, all this time.
We lived without cars for most of human history too, and now it feels like everyone really ought to have at least some car, but not everyone does. Society churns on.
I do support the government severely limiting the patent time for new drugs; yet, the profit has to cover R&D - and certainly do more than that, it has to fund more R&D, and actually provide the incentive to plan for more R&D. A lot of focus is on the drugs that succeed, but there are thousands of busy little scientists with white coats working all day long, all their life long, on a bunch of stuff that fails, too - to come up with the one that succeeds. (or succeeds until we find out it's killing us, like Zantac).
Like Pat said, many things "sound" good on paper. Welfare sounded compassionate to some people in the 60's and 70's, but now in multiple states you can make $80-$100k/year by not working. Of course, those benefits are paid for by robbing those of us who ARE working and the even FEWER who are BOTH working AND paying taxes. We continue to allow the people who pay no taxes - and even the people who don't work - to have the same equal vote as everyone else, in passing laws to demand more taxes to give them more stuff. It's an unfair system that makes no sense. Where that is going to lead (and has) is so obvious a 10 year old could predict it: Slowly, the % of the voting populace who sees it as a no-brainer to earn none-to-low amounts (paying no taxes), yet voting for more taxes on those who pay taxes to give them more stuff, will and has increased. Eventually the minority who is paying for everything will no longer tolerate doing so. People don't like being robbed. Perhaps they'll dump tea in the water or something, I dunno ...