Covid: When conspiracy theories come true

I have to admit that my wife and I have had our COVID shots. When that pandemic scare started, we personally knew people who lost their parents to COVID-19. There were many deaths and I looked at the specs online for the vaccines. I knew we were not allergic to the ones based on albumin as a carrier (Pfizer, e.g.). We waited and when a little time had passed, we talked to the doctor and decided to risk it. During the peak of the pandemic, my brother-in-law got COVID and said it was like a bad flu but he recovered pretty well. His fiancee got it twice, she got over it in a couple of days. My stepson got COVID and said it was like the flu but not the worst he'd ever had. A close family friend got COVID twice and both times HE said it was like a two-day flu.

However, it seems like some vaccines were not very effective, or it might be that some aspect of COVID attacks people who are unusually sensitive to it. I've seen a LOT of back-and-forth commentary online and the part that is bad is that SOME folks develop clots in their lungs. THOSE are the people who needed something and yet the vaccine they got wasn't helping.

I'm convinced that I avoided COVID through three situations in descending order of effect:
1. I didn't get into crowds that often.
2. I take daily walks and I've read reports that COVID doesn't like vitamin D. Which I get from 75-minute walks once a day.
3. I took the vaccine (several times now) and have never reacted to it.

Now to find the things that have been suppressed all this time? Someone's head is going to have to roll for that, figuratively speaking. I'll bet we find that, when used during the first 48 hours, Ivermectin would have been a good palliative to help you throw off COVID more comfortably. All that NIH trash-talk about that and other useful off-label applications is just that - trash talk prompted by Big Pharma because they couldn't make any money off of the off-label drugs.
My wife and myself haven't had a single injection of any claimed Covid protection.

We are not anti-vaxxers and have been vaccinated for just about everything over the years. As were our children. We simply couldn't understand how a super-duper protection could be created in such a short time. They were claiming that they could with this type of science slightly amend it to cure just about anything with little or no testing. It made no sense. And after all, once it was injected you cannot get it out.
They were amending mRNA, which can amend your DNA in ways they cannot predict. How in such a short time, could there be such certainty and confidence about long term effects? We saw many cases with friends and family, where one was given one vaccine and the other partner another. Does that not indicate an experiment is in progress to you? And all of this followed many seminars over the previous five years or so by WHO, Gates and others discussing pandemics. Plus every government in the world shut their countries down within the same week. Within the same week, Governments who normally cannot agree even if it is day or night. It was cause for suspicion and caution in my opinion.

Additionally, we simply didn't see that the so called experts appearing on TV every day pontificating about the virus and attempting to convince with the graphs that they had just coloured in, had a clue about what they were saying. Chris Whitless, Liberty Vallance and Boris Johnson for some. We were startled when the senior UK nurse was sacked for not 100% following the diktat of what was increasingly looking like propaganda. (We think that Boris Johnson didn't have Covid but got himself into hospital to hide because the whole thing was simply beyond him) Some of those people dashed out and spent upwards of £700,000 on shares in vaccine manufacturers. Many MPs and others sold useless protection to the government making many millions in the process. When it was nearly over some of those were given knighthoods and huge rewards. In fact a woman credited with creating a vaccine was made a dame, or whatever. And then the vaccine she developed was withdrawn. We even had Bill Gates getting in on the act. That was the Bill who appears only to be interested in selling anything in the billions. Many other tax efficient but very profitable non-profit-organisations jumped on the band waggon.

Many people we know have had vaccines that have since been banned. Most of the people we know who were injected did catch Covid, often multiple times. There were people who were vaccinated who wouldn't visit, or allow us to visit because we weren't vaccinated. Including family members! I could never understand that, as we were the "unprotected" ones. They should, if the propaganda was to believed, were safe from infection and we posed no risk whatsoever to them. They believed the propaganda. Worse, even though it was pretty much fact that children were immune. They were vaccinated to save the teachers and lecturers. Some companies forced staff to be vaccinated with threats of dismissal. Doctors, consultants and nurses were sacked by the NHS for questioning anything related to Covid. Simply to force compliance. Which they did.
Flu vaccines should be kept at 2ºc to 8ºc and kept away from light. But how many times have you gone and seen a dozen of them rolling about on the doctor's desk waiting to be used?

Now what do the medical profession see? More specific types of cancer, increases in aneurisms and blood clots. What will the long term effects? Particularly on vaccinated children as they become adults and have their own children with the changes in their DNA?

Now we are seeing pressure by GPs to encourage patients to have the newest vaccine each autumn and winter, no doubt in an attempt to increase their income by increased vaccinations. Even the flu jab is suspect with an efficacy of 10% to 40% but always heavily promoted. Three thousand patients with a jab at, at least £40 a time. All done in a day with all the staff and their children assisting. Not bad money if you can get it. Little wonder they push these, possibly useless and possibly dangerous drugs. Who hasn't been ill after a flu jab? I stopped them in 2017 because within a few days or a week I was always ill. In 2017 I was really bad after one for over a month. During Covid the NHS approved the unapproved US flu vaccine for use in the UK.

There is little doubt that the drug companies with the assistance of the doctors are studying right now, just how they can create another pandemic.
Keep it simple, maintain the fear.
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We simply couldn't understand how a super-duper protection could be created in such a short time. They were claiming that they could with this type of science slightly amend it to cure just about anything with little or no testing. It made no sense. And after all, once it was injected you cannot get it out.
Amen, amen and A-MEN
They were amending mRNA, which can amend your DNA in ways they cannot predict.
That's bull!
Particularly on vaccinated children as they become adults and have their own children with the changes in their DNA?
and again!

The basic biology of DNA is that DNA is an instruction set for building various proteins. The instructions are passed from the nuclear DNA to the ribosomes where proteins are built in the cytoplasm via the mRNA. It does not go the other way.


Of course Pfizer, Moderna et al say it is safe. As do governments. Vested interests do not always provide a balanced conclusion.
mRNA vaccines to be effective must be kept at low temperatures. Has anyone in a vaccination centre seen any adherence to that?
The Corona-Virus Act came into law in the UK in March 2020. It wasn't a knee-jerk reaction, it was previously prepared and went through on the nod almost before the public knew anything about Covid. . Probably one of the most onerous Acts since the last war.

We were told that tobacco, asbestos and Teflon was safe and could not affect the human body. With Teflon didn't it take over twenty years? Have the volunteers from the early Corona-Virus tests been compensated, or are they still fighting for the money promised?
There was factual knowledge in the 1920's and earlier that cigarettes and asbestos caused premature deaths. It was claimed by governments that asbestos was safe, mainly because there wasn't an alternative, or replacement. It took over sixty years for change, whilst thousands died. Today vaping is promoted as safe. Albeit in relation to cigarettes but nonetheless, mention of possible downsides. Just that it is safe..

The thing is that this vaccine experiment isn't even five years old. If you are happy to accept the assurances, then fine. But there is a great deal of peer debate that is sceptical. Just like climate change, none of the money goes to sceptical opinion. The fact is that just two or three years on and we simply do not know. But there are worrying and unexplained indicators. Maybe keep an eye on the ONS (Office For National Statistics) to compare numbers before and after. Also bear in mind that the during the pandemic UK government doctored data and instructed death certificates to state Covid as cause wherever possible during the pandemic. Virtually everyone dying in a care home were given Covid as cause. Some of these people aren't as pleasant as they make out.

To reiterate, from previous form, we simply do not know if Pfizer, Moderna and governments are being entirely honest with us do we?
It really makes you wonder about everything we were told about COVID-19 from the start. For years, anyone who even suggested the virus might have come from a lab was shut down, censored or called a xenophobic conspiracy theorist. But now, even government agencies admit it’s a real possibility. Trump was one of the only people who brought it up early on, yet the media and politicians worked hard to make sure no one took the idea seriously. So, were they wrong back then, or are they still not telling us the full story now?

If vaccines haven't already found their way into our food supply, it's just a matter of time.

Off to eat my breakfast, tri-tip and eggs :D
At least RFK, Jr will be cleaning up the CDC and FDA. I'd love to see an official apology and a list of people who were sacked due to the lies.

There is another post by one of our TDS suffers in a different section calling Trump a liar for disputing the number of deaths in the Ukraine war. They called Trump a liar as he tried to tell the public that COVID was more like a bad flu and that certain drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine had potential to mitigate COVID symptoms if taken early enough. Trump wasn't lying then and he isn't lying now regarding the numbers of dead in the Ukraine. He is simply sharing what he is hearing during his security briefings. Why do people with TDS have so much trouble with this after so many times being proved wrong? It is exhausting and disheartening to see how gullible people can be and how obstinate. They just dig in their heals. THIS time he's lying!! They are absolutely convinced of it.
It took the scientific community 40 years to realize that ranitidine was causing cancer 40 years after the time it was the most popular drug in the world. The idea that they made the covid vaccine safe in a few months of studying was always ridiculous and will always will be ridiculous
There is something else at play with the COVID vaccine. And that is that the FDA has rules regarding what can be fast tracked and what can't be. One of those three rules is - there cannot be any existing drug that mitigates the disease the vaccine is intended to cure. That meant the CDC and FDA and their lap dogs in the media had to do a full court press to discredit ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine or the vaccine could NEVER have been fast tracked. As we know now, both drugs had some efficacy if administered early enough. They were not cures per se but they seemed to prevent COVID from settling into the lungs and making breathing impossible. We KNOW for a fact that hydroxychloroquine is safe since it is used around the world in the malaria belt as a prophylactic to prevent malaria when taken daily during malaria season.
@Cotswold - you do realize that what these show does not support the misinformation that I was flagging in your post.
They were amending mRNA, which can amend your DNA in ways they cannot predict.
Website 1 - is about epigenetics, and in this case mRNA having an effect on the regulation of DNA: ie its suppression or promotion of the genetic code to result in more or less of the coded protein - it does not alter the DNA. The DNA is not amended, and it is not a study into the COVID vaccine.
Website 2 - This directly contradicts your claim - the link says
CLAIM: A Swedish study shows that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine changes recipients’ DNA.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The study tested whether the vaccine’s mRNA could be converted to DNA, and found that this was the case in certain lab-altered liver cell lines under experimental conditions. It did not assess whether the vaccine alters the human genome, or what the effects of that would be, according to experts and the study authors. Experts say additional research is needed because the findings in the lab setting cannot be used to make inferences about what might happen in a human body.

THE FACTS: Social media users are citing a study from Sweden that was published in February to push the unproven theory that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines permanently alter recipients’ DNA.

A clip being shared online in recent days shows three doctors, who have spread misinformation about the vaccines in the past, discussing the Swedish study and falsely claiming it demonstrates that “the Pfizer vaccine reverse transcribes and installs DNA into the human genome,” leading to harmful effects.
So it appears to be an unjustifiable jump - at least not one that can be claimed with any certainty - as you did.
Website 3 - this talks about the mRNA in COVID vaccines producing proteins (including some differences) - which is what mRNA does and what I
To reiterate, from previous form, we simply do not know if Pfizer, Moderna and governments are being entirely honest with us do we?
Nor you.

said is its job. It has no relevance to the misinformation you where peddling about mRNA amending DNA.
said is its job. It has no relevance to the misinformation you where peddling about mRNA amending DNA.
Whilst you clearly believe what you are saying.
I am saying that you cannot accept everything at face value, particularly from Big Pharma, or governments'. We all need to decide if they are, or are not misleading.
DuPont swore blind that Teflon was safe and produced their versions of conclusive scientific evidence to support their claims for over 20 years. With some government or state support I may add. Today there is the opinion that not a single person alive is without Teflon in their body. From cooking, carpets, clothes, water supplies, etc....the list goes on. We never cook with Teflon coated containers, so will never have an Air Fryer that must have the cheapest possible coatings .

Plus alternative scientific opinion is not always agreeing with Big Pharms and governments'. Despite the bullying and attempts to shut them down. Covid virus was only isolated in 2019. The Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine was withdrawn in 2024 after 1Billion doses had been given. Brilliant news!
Up to now it is very early days but you believe their AI and vague science if you want to. I do not.

If you want to believe the stuff about mRNA, then as I have said, fine but I am sceptical. If I am wrong to disbelieve it is my choice, not yours, or governments'. But let's face it, if there were side effects, do you think for a moment that Big Pharma would tell you about them? Would they be more likely to secretly attempt to fix the issue and then, if failing quietly drop it? Answers on a postage stamp to......
Whilst you clearly believe what you are saying.
I am saying that you cannot accept everything at face value, particularly from Big Pharma, or governments'. We all need to decide if they are, or are not misleading.
DuPont swore blind that Teflon was safe and produced their versions of conclusive scientific evidence to support their claims for over 20 years. With some government or state support I may add. Today there is the opinion that not a single person alive is without Teflon in their body. From cooking, carpets, clothes, water supplies, etc....the list goes on. We never cook with Teflon coated containers, so will never have an Air Fryer that must have the cheapest possible coatings .

Plus alternative scientific opinion is not always agreeing with Big Pharms and governments'. Despite the bullying and attempts to shut them down. Covid virus was only isolated in 2019. The Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine was withdrawn in 2024 after 1Billion doses had been given. Brilliant news!
Up to now it is very early days but you believe their AI and vague science if you want to. I do not.

If you want to believe the stuff about mRNA, then as I have said, fine but I am sceptical. If I am wrong to disbelieve it is my choice, not yours, or governments'. But let's face it, if there were side effects, do you think for a moment that Big Pharma would tell you about them? Would they be more likely to secretly attempt to fix the issue and then, if failing quietly drop it? Answers on a postage stamp to......
Plus science changes its mind every month. But of course it has to because the whole point is to keep inquiring and doubt the past. If you weren't keeping an open mind, it wouldn't be the scientific method
Whilst you clearly believe what you are saying.
I am saying that you cannot accept everything at face value, particularly from Big Pharma, or governments'. We all need to decide if they are, or are not misleading.
DuPont swore blind that Teflon was safe and produced their versions of conclusive scientific evidence to support their claims for over 20 years. With some government or state support I may add. Today there is the opinion that not a single person alive is without Teflon in their body. From cooking, carpets, clothes, water supplies, etc....the list goes on. We never cook with Teflon coated containers, so will never have an Air Fryer that must have the cheapest possible coatings .

Plus alternative scientific opinion is not always agreeing with Big Pharms and governments'. Despite the bullying and attempts to shut them down. Covid virus was only isolated in 2019. The Oxford-Astra-Zeneca vaccine was withdrawn in 2024 after 1Billion doses had been given. Brilliant news!
Up to now it is very early days but you believe their AI and vague science if you want to. I do not.

If you want to believe the stuff about mRNA, then as I have said, fine but I am sceptical. If I am wrong to disbelieve it is my choice, not yours, or governments'. But let's face it, if there were side effects, do you think for a moment that Big Pharma would tell you about them? Would they be more likely to secretly attempt to fix the issue and then, if failing quietly drop it? Answers on a postage stamp to......

Anybody who actually understands the entities and the relationships that are involved in clinical trials and drug approvals, and still believes everything they say, frankly is a moron
Plus science changes its mind every month.

Then there is Finagle's Law of Experts: You can take all the experts on a particular subject and lay them in a straight line, head to toe, and they STILL won't reach a conclusion.
If you want to believe the stuff about mRNA, then as I have said, fine but I am sceptical. If I am wrong to disbelieve it is my choice, not yours, or governments'.
Just sayin' the crap that you were promoting about RNA altering DNA is BULL. That was ALL I was saying. I did not argue about any other point (altho much more was contentious). I hope you can comprehend. And while you might believe anything you want to, to try and put out a false narrative - which is counter to established scientific understanding (not withstanding that science does advance and thereby change through the scientific method) is either deliberate/malicious misinformation to falsely advance that crap view in public fora, or myopic uninformed rubbish on your part.

Came across this today - published 1 Feb 2025 in Journal
Scientists just discovered an RNA that repairs DNA damage
You might think on the basis of the headline that it might support your original statement. However the RNA does not alter the genetic code of the DNA it repairs damage to enable it to function accurately in providing the instructions to then make the messenger RNA (the rNA invovled in repair of the DNA is NOT mRNA - it is non-coding)

And @Isaac has such an opinion about his own infallible opinions that he follows the blind blindly.

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