Currency re-vamp (1 Viewer)

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ColinEssex said:
Johns marriage to Yoko was to say the least - tempestuous. They rowed alot and Yoko kicked him out. . . . .then he had an affair. . . . . .

I'm reminded of the film the Stones made ie Rock'N'Roll Circus. The film wasn't released for 25yrs, it was said at the time that the Stones were not happy with their own performance and in particular that of Brian.
Having seen the film the true reason's now obvious, Lennons bitch ( that's American for wife by the way) was wailing like a demented frigging cat on stage.
Had she not been Lennons wife Keef would have put his boot up her ass and sent her where she belonged as soon as she opened her gob:rolleyes:
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dan-cat said:
Would you include John's heroin abuse in this or did this happen later?

Seems odd to place a person with so many issues on such a high pedestal
KenHigg said:
Seems odd to place a person with so many issues on such a high pedestal
You mean like Jesus and the prostitute ? :rolleyes:
ShaneMan said:
Never thought about it from that angle so I guess that could have some merit, but then the next line says something like, "it's easy if you try." How would that fit with your line of thinking on what the author was saying?

I always took it, within the context of the rest of the song, to mean that you can imagine anything, however far-fetched, but that the actual reality was much harder or even impossible to achieve.

I also read into it the message that religion - of any type, not just Christianity - often caused more conflicts, wars, etc. than anything else. By imagining that the whole concept of religion didn't exist, you were effectively removing one 'difference' that various people have exploited and/or used to justify killing. Therefore, it was easier to imagine people 'living life in peace'.

At the time he wrote it, he was ging throigh one of his hippy phases, unless I'm mistaken. So it's the sort of thing I'd have expected him to come out with.

Now, don't get me started on 'Yellow Submarine'...:D
dan-cat said:
Would you include John's heroin abuse in this or did this happen later?
All the Beatles were using drugs of one name or another right from the early days in Hamburg (that's in Germany, which is in Europe) - however, the difficulty John had in getting the "green card" is because of his anti-war stance at the time when the USA was napalming children just for the fun of it.

ColinEssex said:
at the time when the USA was napalming children just for the fun of it.


They haven't changed much after over a quarter of a century, have they?:rolleyes:
dan-cat said:
2) The speculation was fuelled by the increasing probability of deportation for heroin abuse.

Why hasn't Bush been deported for his abuse ?:rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
Seems odd to place a person with so many issues on such a high pedestal
What are the "so many issues" then Ken?

ColinEssex said:
the difficulty John had in getting the "green card" is because of his anti-war stance at the time when the USA was napalming children just for the fun of it.

and yet he was still welcomed in the US despite his adultery, long-term seperation from his wife, substance abuse, anti-establishment views etc etc...

Yep, it sounds like he really hated the place and we hated him doesn't it :rolleyes:
Rich said:
Why hasn't Bush been deported for his abuse ?:rolleyes:
nobody except the USA is mug enough to have him in their country

or what about Arnie? he's foreign (not American) and did porno films and they make him a governor of California:confused:

ColinEssex said:
or what about Arnie? he's foreign (not American) and did porno films and they make him a governor of California:confused:

Austrio/Germanic isn't he? that makes him an ideal candidate for the US:rolleyes:
ColinEssex said:
or what about Arnie? he's foreign (not American) and did porno films and they make him a governor of California:confused:


Which porno films did he do? :confused:

I was a big fan of his back in his action years (hey, I was an impressionable teen, what can I say :D ) and while I wouldn't want to see him in porn, I thought I knew all the things he'd been in.
dan-cat said:
and yet he was still welcomed in the US despite his adultery, long-term seperation from his wife, substance abuse, anti-establishment views etc etc...

Yep, it sounds like he really hated the place and we hated him doesn't it :rolleyes:
its really strange. Nobody at the time could understand his motives for wanting to live in the US (and we never will) As Rich says it was that "bitch" that really had a hold over him.

Question - is a "bitch" (an American term for wife I understand) worse or better than a "son of a bitch"? which presumably is the male offspring of any American wife

ColinEssex said:
What are the "so many issues" then Ken?


Drug addictions (heroin, cocaine), adultery, abusive relationships with his wives, eating disorders...
ColinEssex said:
its really strange. Nobody at the time could understand his motives for wanting to live in the US (and we never will) As Rich says it was that "bitch" that really had a hold over him.

Perhaps you could ask 'Keef', after all he lives in Connecticut. He is still alive isn't he?
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dan-cat said:
Perhaps you could 'Keef', after all he lives in Connecticut. He is still alive isn't he?

Ringo has homes in LA and Colorado - perhaps he could elucidate?
Matty said:
Drug addictions (heroin, cocaine), adultery, abusive relationships with his wives, eating disorders...
but obviously John thought that was the norm in the USA - it certainly is now:confused:

Matt - Here's a still featuring Arnie:rolleyes:


ColinEssex said:
Matt - Here's a still featuring Arnie:rolleyes:

I'm shocked and appalled. :(

Never again will I be able to watch one of his characters doing something wholesome, like slaughtering people or setting off explosions.
ColinEssex said:
but obviously John thought that was the norm in the USA - it certainly is now:confused:

Ah I see. So the things he did weren't bad at the time, because it was perfectly normal. Let's just nullify my list then. :rolleyes:
ColinEssex said:
but obviously John thought that was the norm in the USA

Is that what Bill Wyman, Gary Glitter, Pete Townshend thought of paedophilia in the UK? That it was the norm?

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