Debatus interruptus

On Saturday, I attended a talk by The Hon Radoslaw Sikorski (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland) on the dangers of the current political situation. The presentation is available here although the Q&A's are off the record. You might find it of interest with regards the direction the EU is going.
When Biden took the presidency in 2020, I predicted that they would have to replace him after a couple of years due to his cognitive decline. I was wrong. What I didn't count on is how strongly people believe what they want to believe, not what is true. They want to believe that their elected leader is compus mentis, despite all evidence to the contrary. This lodged belief was exploited by heavy gaslighting from both the Democrat party and Jill Biden, who seems more power hungry than her husband.

This theme reminds me of Hitler. All arguments come back to Hitler. To think the German nation was griped with near universal hate towards the Jews seems rather absurd. Yet it appears that the human condition is to rationalise anything that conveniently sits within the narrative of the majority in your tribe.

I find the vacant expressions and confusion that Joe Biden showed all rather sad. Despite my belief in his corruption, and not agreeing with his political view, on a human level the ravaging of a human soul fills me with sorrow. I only hope medical advancements find a solution for these types of decline in the very near future.
With all of the talk of Slow Joe standing down,
I'm certain that there are many on this forum
who could do the job as well, or better than Joe.

I nominate ColinEssex.
POTUS does appear to be a job that can be done
remotely. Or in just a few hours a day from what I
can see. The time difference may be a bit of a
nuisance, But the Senate will just have to switch
to GMT and get up a bit earlier.
Boy JPL sure dropped out of his poorly-worded-in-hindsight namesake thread, didn't they?!
With all of the talk of Slow Joe standing down,
I'm certain that there are many on this forum
who could do the job as well, or better than Joe.

I nominate ColinEssex.
POTUS does appear to be a job that can be done
remotely. Or in just a few hours a day from what I
can see. The time difference may be a bit of a
nuisance, But the Senate will just have to switch
to GMT and get up a bit earlier.
I wonder who I might choose as Vice President. It'll need to be someone who can rabbit on without saying anything, someone who has a temper etc etc. No, I'm stumped for the moment.
I wonder who I might choose as Vice President. ....
That reminded me about about the company accountant we had back in my engineering during the period from the 1950s to 1980s.
I was production director at a medium sized structural engineering company. The accountant was promoted and chose the title Vice Chairman.
I'd never had much time for him or anyone who wasn't the very best at what they did and he was one of them. He was basically promoted for masonic association.
At a directors' meeting I asked him:
"Raymond, being Vice Chairman, does that mean that you are now in charge of sex and debauchery at the company?"

Within a few days he'd changed his prefix, new title on his office door, binned his presentation cards and ordered a new batch.
Democrats are such hypocrites. They incessantly attempted to claim that Trump was unfit for office and needed to be removed under the 25th Amendment. Now that Biden has demonstrated that he is unfit. Democrats are silent.
That's so true Steve. They would try to invoke the 25th on a cheap fake if they could.
That reminded me about about the company accountant we had back in my engineering during the period from the 1950s to 1980s.
I was production director at a medium sized structural engineering company. The accountant was promoted and chose the title Vice Chairman.
I'd never had much time for him or anyone who wasn't the very best at what they did and he was one of them. He was basically promoted for masonic association.
At a directors' meeting I asked him:
"Raymond, being Vice Chairman, does that mean that you are now in charge of sex and debauchery at the company?"

Within a few days he'd changed his prefix, new title on his office door, binned his presentation cards and ordered a new batch.
That's a good story. Vice, ha ...
Masonic as in the freemasons?
Surely this is a joke. If this is a video of a real person, the cat is out of the bag regarding mail in ballots.

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