Election Do-Over!!! (2 Viewers)

What or who is CDC?
The democrats are going to overplay their hands with impeachment and incarnation you can just feel it. You have the two lamebrains from California Chuck and Nancy. They will succeed in making Trump a martyr after demonizing half the country.
Nancy hates Trump so much she is determined to impeach him to stain his presidency legacy. She was talking with glee about impeaching Trump the first time. It is a dangerous precedent to set.

They are going to vote on impeachment on Monday, unless Trump resigns immediately. That is my understanding. It seems no one is behaving like an adult anymore. He has 12 days left. Let the time expire and get on with things. Too much hate!
If Trump is so brilliant as some on these forums proclaim
Please send us a link where any of the Trump supporters claimed that Trump is brilliant. I'm pretty sure that English is your native language but if you are attributing that belief to us, you have misread our comments and as punishment must reread them all again:) I, for one, have said on numerous occasions that he's not the great speaker he thinks he is.

She can say whatever she wants. Does that make it true? Does she have a medical degree? Has she examined him at length? Who is she to say he is deranged? Trump is the only President it a generation that hasn't gotten us into a foreign war. I guess that means nothing. How about his SEVERAL nominations for the Nobel Peace prize? Meaningless! How about Trump getting Kim to stop shooting rockets over Japan? who cares, they weren't flying over your house. Pelosi is the one who is deranged. She hates him with a purple passion. She stopped having meetings with him because he wanted to film them so the public could see her in action. She goes on TV and lies about what happened in their private meetings. He wanted to solve the problem. She couldn't have that because everyone would see how rude and disrespectful and unwilling to compromise she is. That cute little interview of her showing off the gourmet ice cream in the freezer ($19 a pint I think) of her $24,000 refrigerator was all for show.

He told people to inject bleach into themselves,
Sorry, I'm going to offend you. Stand back. People look away if you are easily offended. --- If you believe that , you are the one who is deranged.

I suppose when Biden gets in we will have the same old all over again
You would be wrong about that. Have you ever seen Biden draw a crowd? How about online where everyone is home and social distancing. I think they got ~ 1,000 viewers last month of the purported 80 MILLION who they claim voted for him. Are you listening to the cancel culture winding up to start the new inquisition? Biden stands up and calls for "peace" and the people who will be working for him are looking for blood.

The Democrats are the mobs of the French Revolution. They want anyone they accuse to be beheaded because if they say you are guilty, YOU ARE GUILTY.

America is facing a very bad time. You think there was chaos when Trump was President. That chaos was the Vandals at the gate. The Vandals are now inside the gate and they're out for blood. Just listen to them.
If Trump is so brilliant as some on these forums proclaim - why has the speaker of the house today stated that he is deranged and should not have the nuclear codes.
Are you really that gullible? Politicians lie. Especially when they have a political ax to grind to denigrate the opposition. Why would you believe what Nancy Pelosi is saying? Perhaps you should consider the pssiblity that Pelosi is actually the deranged person.
The CDC is the Center for Disease Control. The "experts" on all diseases. They are part of the deep state and don't believe they report to Trump.

The Democrats started pressing to impeach Trump BEFORE he took the oath of office in 2016. Nancy would like nothing better than to make Trump go down in history as the only president (I'm guessing here) who was impeached TWICE. I hope she succeeds. She's making herself look like an idiot.

The cancel culture is pressing Disney to remove the "Hall of Presidents" exhibit because it includes Trump.

Apple is talking about removing Parlar from the app store to keep Trump from having ANY platform!!!!

How's that for hatred? Who is deranged? I think the liberals are loosing their minds because Trump will be going away and who will they have to hate once he's out of the public eye. Maybe, they'll turn their vitriol to Colin.
Are you really that gullible? Politicians lie. Especially when they have a political ax to grind to denigrate the opposition. Why would you believe what Nancy Pelosi is saying? Perhaps you should consider the pssiblity that Pelosi is actually the deranged person.
Steve, if you read my post, I never said I believed what she said, I merely said, she said it and why should she say it. Please read posts carefully.

Pat, I don't need to post links to show how people here think Trump is brilliant. I just read your posts, which rightly or wrongly give that impression. Also, last year at the start of the pandemic, Trump said people may as well inject themselves with bleach, any type of bleach. Again, I didn't say I believed it, but he did say it.

Also Pat, you say I am the one who is deranged (yet another personal attack on another member by a moderator), I'd be interested in your medical degree, how you can examine someone from another continent, and who are you to say a diagnosis like that.
It's a shame you have chosen to take this path of attacking other members, there is no doubt that your Access skills are second to none, it's just your delivery of some of your posts that can be confusing. By the way, I'm still waiting for your clarification of the 'line' I stepped over, and of course your line, which is different.

So let's get this straight, if I quote what people (like Palosi) say, then I am accused of believing it which then leads to members here making personal attacks on my character. Or in the case of some, misreading what I write so that they can manipulate their reply to chastise me for something I didn't say.
Pat, you remind me of that American member here from Portland a few years back, Bob something, he thought he was gods gift because he answered all the access problems. He also made a long range diagnosis by saying I had mental problems.
Yes, I do hold grudges for years.
Trump said people may as well inject themselves with bleach, any type of bleach.
He never said that. That is someone's OPINION of a mis-quote they heard third-hand. Trump was explaining an experiment that scientists were doing. Only an idiot would "translate" that into a recommendation to drink bleach and they got you to believe their interpretation so I guess it worked.

I guess I fail to understand the point of quoting someone you don't believe unless you're just looking for a fight.

Oh, and since I wrote the last post, I found out that Google has prevented people from downloading Parlar from their store. The left is absolutely terrified of the beast they have unleashed. The next thing is to get the phone company to cancel accounts of people they hate or perhaps the electric or water company as the Mayor in LA does.

Don't think you are safe, THEY'll eat their own once they're done with conservatives.
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Oh, and since I wrote the last post, I found out that Google has prevented people from downloading Parlar from their store.
And you cant buy mcdonalds at a burger king.

They wont distribute the app but you can still access it with a browser.

What about trumps executive order banning WeChat? You ok with that?

He never said that. That is someone's OPINION of a mis-quote they heard third-hand.
Thats close, he actually said disinfectant not bleach.
Oh, and since I wrote the last post, I found out that Google has prevented people from downloading Parlar from their store. The left is absolutely terrified of the beast they have unleashed. The next thing is to get the phone company to cancel accounts of people they hate or perhaps the electric or water company as the Mayor in LA does.
Just the beginning. The left has already made inroads into boycotting content/companies that they do no approve of. As one flagrant example: Goya Foods boycott takes off after its CEO praises Trump. Just the other night, Tucker Carlson discussed that CNN is attempting to force Fox News off-the-air. Power-Drunk Democrats Join CNN In Lobbying To Ban Fox News From The Airwaves. So it is not simply about disabling the ability of conservatives to use social media, but also about suppressing the ability of conservatives to even conduct business.
Thanks for ignoring my requests Pat. I suspected that would happen.
Oh, and since I wrote the last post, I found out that Google has prevented people from downloading Parlar from their store. The left is absolutely terrified of the beast they have unleashed.

and Reddit Bans Pro-Trump Forum:

Also Apple Has Threatened To Ban Parler From The App Store

You, with a moderating responsibility here, have to understand better why others try to keep things in order.
and Reddit Bans Pro-Trump Forum:
Nothing but obvious political hit jobs for people/positions that you do not approve of. Very third world in nature and very anti-democratic. Even the normally virulent anti-Trump American Civil Liberties Union, that at one time actually stood-up for free-speech, seems to have finally taken some small recognition of this malevolent trend. The American Civil Liberties Union on Friday is raising concerns about social media platforms banning users, To loosely paraphrase an adage. "They may not be coming for you today when you let this malignant metastasis continue, but they will come for you tomorrow".
Conservatives are moving off the mainstream media like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and setting up shop elsewhere. The alternative sites are not difficult to find. ;)
The anti-Republican stance of these big tech companies will leave a void for Trump Valley to fill. Expect an explosion of Republican Friendly platforms, as the tech companies policy force a split down the country along political lines. Its just market forces going to fill demand, as free speech gets curtailed.

Edit: I've just checked the stats on Parler. It seems like it has risen considerably in rank in a short period.


What about trumps executive order banning WeChat? You ok with that?
Yes, I am. Do you believe the ban was political? Or was it for national security? What about the other Chinese apps he banned? Were they all political too or maybe, just maybe Trump knows something that we don't know? Do you think he gets national security briefings ? Do you think they lie to him? OK, we know they lie to him but are they lying about what China is doing to take us down using cyber warfare? Maybe Trump banned them because he owns stock in the US alternatives :unsure: That would be a nefarious reason and we KNOW WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Trump's actions are ALWAYS evil, right? I wonder why the lame-stream press isn't pushing that theory.

Instead of always assuming that Trump is dumb and evil, perhaps you should look inside yourself. What brings you to judge him so harshly? I don't think Biden is evil. I believe he is borderline senile (we won't mention his years of selling political influence to enrich the Biden family) and that means that we're gong to end up with an actual America hating Marxist as President within the year. That'll work out well for all of us. For a while, I thought you might be with law enforcement. Hope for your sake it's not the police because we're cancelling the police. If it's the FBI, I'm all in favor of cancelling them given their corruption. Local police are pretty much all we have between us and Mexico. Isn't it curious, we go to Mexico to enjoy the beaches and the sunshine and the Mayan and Aztec culture as well as the Mariachi bands and food and they come here to get away from crime and now to get free health care. They'll be sorry when the police are gone.

You, with a moderating responsibility here, have to understand better why others try to keep things in order.
So are you saying that conservative voices should be cancelled because you disagree with them?
And you cant buy mcdonalds at a burger king.

They wont distribute the app but you can still access it with a browser.

What about trumps executive order banning WeChat? You ok with that?

Thats close, he actually said disinfectant not bleach.
He didn't tell people to inject themselves with anything.

He simply wondered out loud whether something that kills bacteria outside might be used in some way to kill bacteria inside. The same thing we all are wondering "why can't they do that?" Nothing unusual nor strange to say at all.

And anyone who hasn't learned to completely put Col on ignore yet needs to pay better attention. He doesn't even believe the things he says, he just tries to rile people up. I would call him a troll, but they're usually smarter. Don't waste your time responding to his drivel at all - eventually, he'll go away.
He didn't tell people to inject themselves with anything.
Correct. Another unfortunate example of the media distorting what was (not) said to imply something else that was extremely derogatory. People who assert to be "journalists" twisting the words of others in a negative manner should be ashamed of themselves. They are not reporting the news to the public, but propaganda disguised as news.
He didn't tell people to inject themselves with anything.

He simply wondered out loud whether something that kills bacteria outside might be used in some way to kill bacteria inside. The same thing we all are wondering "why can't they do that?" Nothing unusual nor strange to say at all.

And anyone who hasn't learned to completely put Col on ignore yet needs to pay better attention. He doesn't even believe the things he says, he just tries to rile people up. I would call him a troll, but they're usually smarter. Don't waste your time responding to his drivel at all - eventually, he'll go away.
Why would I go away? I've been here over 20 years.

Anyway, I'm bored with USA politics. The orange clown will be out in 10 days. Then we can start bickering on a new subject perhaps
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Edit: I've just checked the stats on Parler. It seems like it has risen considerably in rank in a short period.
Its been all over the news since the election.

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