Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate? (1 Viewer)

Given your concern over "fairness" what answer would you give to a BLM protester who claims that is unfair to punish them for vandalizing police stations when police crimes against Black people often go unpunished?
The Criminal "justice" system no longer metes out actual justice. It has been corrupted by left leaning judges and DA's who choose which crimes are worthy of prosecuting. My granddaughter was recently the victim of a crime. Someone broke the window on her car and stole a bag. There was video of the crime from a nearby camera. The police never looked for the criminal. The criminal was black. I wonder if that was why? You can't make up for the bad practices of the past by turning those bad practices against whites now. That is not justice in any reality I live in.
It is common for prosecutors to waive bail for non-violent offenses. For that matter, bail funds were setup for 1/6 rioters by people associated with Trump.
Rioting is violent. Parading is not. Big difference and the J6 people were denied bail for NON VIOLENT "crimes".
The Criminal "justice" system no longer metes out actual justice. It has been corrupted by left leaning judges and DA's who choose which crimes are worthy of prosecuting. My granddaughter was recently the victim of a crime. Someone broke the window on her car and stole a bag. There was video of the crime from a nearby camera. The police never looked for the criminal. The criminal was black. I wonder if that was why? You can't make up for the bad practices of the past by turning those bad practices against whites now. That is not justice in any reality I live in.
I don't see how the failure of the police to investigate a crime is the fault of left-leaning judges and DA's. That sounds like the fault of lazy and incompetent cops, protected by their union.
It is common for prosecutors to waive bail for non-violent offenses. For that matter, bail funds were setup for 1/6 rioters by people associated with Trump.

There is nothing unusual about condemning criminal actions in a protest while sympathizing with some of their goals.

Isaac, your point seems to be

1. 1/6 rioters should not punishing for assaulting police because BLM rioters were not punished for vandalizing police stations
(True Equivalency)

2. BLM rioters should have been punished for vandalizing police stations even though police often commit unpunished criminal acts against Black people,
(False Equivalency)

Can you lay out your objective standard for who should be punished and who should be unpunished?

Wrong, I've said this 1000 times, we need parity in prosecution. Either prosecute violent rioters or don't prosecute them, but don't select just the ones from one side while letting the others roam free for years creating J6*1000. Selective prosecution is wrong & unfair no matter how many ways you try to justify or defend it

And I'm not sure why you continually say "BLM rioters...vandalizing police stations". They did a heck of a lot more than vandalize police stations. But you already know that, you're trying to create a sense of innocence on their part - you sound a lot like the rest of them
You probably were the guy who wrote the moniker "mostly peaceful protest" on that CNN screen with a raging inferno behind it LOL
The BLM and Antifa rioters destroyed businesses and therefore the lives of poor people as well as their neighborhoods. Many don't ever recover from riot damage. I think parts of LA are still boarded up from the riots that took place there in the 70's and 80's. Locals loose their pharmacies and groceries and dollar stores and have to take a bus to shop because there are no more local options. The damage was largely to the poorest among us but we can't talk about that.

We also can't talk about the large numbers of rioters who were paid and bussed in to rile up the locals and get them to loot and burn. The police stand back and let the blacks burn down their own neighborhoods. THAT is the crime because you can bet your sweet bippy that if the riots were happening in Beverly Hills the police would be johnny on the spot to stop them.
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I don't see how the failure of the police to investigate a crime is the fault of left-leaning judges and DA's. That sounds like the fault of lazy and incompetent cops, protected by their union.

Who said the police didn't investigate the crimes? You do realize a person doesn't get sentenced just because they got charged, right?

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