Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate? (1 Viewer)

You can condemn Trump for pardoning people for assaulting cops while agreeing with him on other issues. What do you even mean by left wing and right wing?
Trump didn't issue blanket pardons. Some people who may have committed violence may have snuck into the wrong group. This can happen when you are pushing thousands of pieces of paper around. The J6 people were pardoned for a SPECIFIC "crime". Not for any crime they might have committed in a 10-year time period. AND none of the people were friends/family of Trump. Joe DIRECTLY benefitted from the pardons he issued. They were personal and intended to protect Joe and family and friends.
How is punishing people for assault and vandalism illegal persecution?

As it's been explained to you many times, over-punishing and just certain people clearly visible along partisan lines is, or should be, illegal persecution.

Why is it so easy for libs to see generalized patterns across racial groups, but so hard to see it here? Willfil blindness or pre-conditioning?
The left sees everything in terms of race discrimination, but fail to notice political discrimination. Go figure 🤔
If more people of a particular ethnic/racial group commit crimes, then logic would expect more of those people to end up behind bars. The dividing line is more along income than ethnicity though. The more money you have, the more likely you are to get away with serious crimes. I leave you to the "laptop from hell" with all it's glorious and graphic evidence. Prostitution, pedophilias, drug usage, money laundering, lying on a fire arms application, etc. For starters.
The left sees everything in terms of race discrimination, but fail to notice political discrimination. Go figure 🤔
Just as an add-on. The left views the "law" as serving political objectives. Laws which do not further a left wing political objective are simply ignored by left.
@The_Doc_Man Yes, there are occasions where employers abuse and endanger their workers but you are making the exception the rule. Those cases don't come even remotely close to how incompetent people are protected by unions or employees forced to join a union even though they don't want to. In my travels around the country as a consultant, I ended up in many largely union companies. One of the horrors of my long career was developing a payroll system for a multi-national company who had to deal with dozens of unions in multiple states in order to pay anyone.

In theory, for the abuse (which may be subjective) and outright endangerment, the situations should be able to be handled pro-bono by law firms that replace the unions at far less cost to companies and the cost of products out the door. Keep in mind that unions always know what is going on in their shops and the union management may elect to look the other way. The practice of forcing employers to actually pay employees who do NO actual job for the company but who report only to the union is a case of coercion.

The justice system is supposed to protect the public. Certain kinds of lawsuits should be far easier for an individual to initiate and fund. Other types of lawsuits should come with risk attached so that frivolous lawsuits result in the initiator paying the legal fees of all involved and also court costs.

There's a guy who was somehow related to J6, and they put him in prison for SEVEN YEARS essentially for the crimes of
- possessing a sawed off shotgun unregistered
- having saved 2 grenades from the army from his time in special forces years before
- having saved a piece of classified paper because it was a Report that he himself authored while special forces

So yeah, he technically took some contraband as memories - 7 years in prison. Oh, and he also "trespassed at the Capitol on January 6 wearing military gear" Oh my! Taking souvenirs from your former employer and marching around in military gear, how scandalous!
Considering florida law states up to 15 years for the shotgun alone I'd say he got off easy. 10 year minimum for 1 grenade.
It's also subject to floridas 10-20-life statute.
Funny I renewed my LTC this morning and there were no questions on it even similar to the one hunter answered.
I bought a gun a few years ago and there was definitely the question, something like, are you addicted to any illegal drugs ? I'm not even sure the word illegal was there
Considering florida law states up to 15 years for the shotgun alone I'd say he got off easy. 10 year minimum for 1 grenade.
It's also subject to floridas 10-20-life statute.
Yeah but I'm saying given the circumstances that was really harsh. I'd be willing to be there's a lot of people out there who've saved things from their Army days they probably weren't supposed to. It can be misleading sometimes to look at the maximum sentences, sometimes they're ridiculous given the context of what the person was really doing
Yeah but I'm saying given the circumstances that was really harsh. I'd be willing to be there's a lot of people out there who've saved things from their Army days they probably weren't supposed to. It can be misleading sometimes to look at the maximum sentences, sometimes they're ridiculous given the context of what the person was really doing
I believe the Florida statute states mere possession.

Massachusetts has a provision for life sentence.
Maybe with renewal you get the abridged version?
Actually I only get asked if I have any changes. Normally I don't even look at the paperwork. I only reviewed it to see if there were any questions to that effect.
Trump pardoned everyone, including those who assaulted cops. Excessive sentences should be handled by commutation.

Are you willing to explicitly condemn Trump for pardoning rioters who assaulted cops?
Trump is on a very fast moving train to success in delivering what he promissed. Your point of contention pales in comparrison Bidon's pardons of his whole family to cover their crimes.
Yeah but I'm saying given the circumstances that was really harsh. I'd be willing to be there's a lot of people out there who've saved things from their Army days they probably weren't supposed to. It can be misleading sometimes to look at the maximum sentences, sometimes they're ridiculous given the context of what the person was really doing
A live grenade is an extremely dangerous thing to have in house.

Are you saying that the laws on illegal weapons possession are too severe or do you mean that shouldn't be applied to certain people? Sentencing minimums were created so judges can't just decide to negate a law.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Trump is on a very fast moving train to success in delivering what he promissed. Your point of contention pales in comparrison Bidon's pardons of his whole family to cover their crimes.
Do you think Trump will do better than that guy who was President from 2017 to 2020? And even if he does it has no relevance to his pardoning of a violent criminals.

I am remember when the Right opposed moral relativism.
Do you think Trump will do better than that guy who was President from 2017 to 2020? And even if he does it has no relevance to his pardoning of a violent criminals.

I am remember when the Right opposed moral relativism.
A lot better. It's called learning. Right now he is making history doing exactly what he promissed to do. I kind like that.

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