How about being tried for a crime you didn't commit? Or a non-crime? I think someone you don't know should accuse you of ra***** her in Bergdorf's 40 years ago.
If Trump committed a crime in NYC, why wasn't he tried for it at the time? I'll help you out. There was no crime committed, not by Trump, not by anyone else. The current fiasco in NYC is a sham. There can't be a crime without a victim and there were no victims.
Just remember, you reap what you sow and you will be in deep doo-doo when Trump gets elected so you better plan on cheating again and cheating big because Biden is unelectable. He was unelectable in 2020 without cheating. The DNC made a huge mistake when they cancelled YOUR presidential primary preventing YOU from picking YOUR preferred candidate. But I guess that's the way you like YOUR democracy. The DNC decides who will be president. YOU get no say. Why do you think Trump ran as a Republican in 2016? He's been a lifelong Democrat. All his children are Democrats. He ran as a Republican because the DNC had decided that Hillary would be the 2016 candidate because they screwed her out of it in 2008 and made Obama the candidate. That is YOUR democracy.