Harris/Walz Ticket

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 05:49
Jul 5, 2006
Biden is now out-of-the-picture. The Democrats put forth a presumptive ticket. (It will be formalized at their convention). As the election draws close, we should be in for some major "fireworks". Break-out the popcorn.


I was very impressed with JD Vance's comments on this "marriage". ‘His record is a joke’: Vance tears into Harris VP pick Walz at Philadelphia counter-rally
"If we remember the rioting in the summer of 2020, Tim Walz was the guy who let rioters burn down Minneapolis," he recalled of the riots which began in Minnesota in response to the death of George Floyd during his arrest in Minneapolis.

"And then Kamala Harris was the one who bailed the rioters out of jail," he added." So there's an interesting team in that sense."
They are two peas from the same pod. I wonder how much they had to pay the attendees.
I wonder how much they had to pay the attendees.
This was a free concert by Megan Thee Stallion disguised as a Kamala rally. The Rolling Stone article is here. The fake news wants people to believe this was a genuine rally.


I believe it was Rosie O’Donnell who said that she wanted Harris to win so that we would have an society based on equality. That is a bunch of crock. The Democratic party is racist, they are anti-Semitic. The Democrats are implementing DEI, which is a racist program. Democrats want to require you to join a union in-order to work, that is a violation of your freedom. Democrats passed farm legislation that gave benefits to only Black farmers. Fortunately, the US Supreme Court found that legislation to be unconstitutional. Democrats have no intention of having an "equal" society. For O'Donnell to say that Democrats want an equal society is a disgrace.
An excellent podcast over-viewing what a Harris/Walz agenda would look-like,
I believe it was Rosie O’Donnell who said that she wanted Harris to win so that we would have an society based on equality. That is a bunch of crock. The Democratic party is racist, they are anti-Semitic. The Democrats are implementing DEI, which is a racist program. Democrats want to require you to join a union in-order to work, that is a violation of your freedom. Democrats passed farm legislation that gave benefits to only Black farmers. Fortunately, the US Supreme Court found that legislation to be unconstitutional. Democrats have no intention of having an "equal" society. For O'Donnell to say that Democrats want an equal society is a disgrace.
They want a society where everyone comes out equal, which REQUIRES treating people UNEQUALLY to make up for peoples' own shortcomings, failings, or general choices.

It's now called Equity and is very racist IMO. I guess it's also called socialism, but let's hope enough people vote Republican to stop that from happening, what a sad gray gloomy life that would be to live in such a place.
In my prior post, I neglected to include Martin Luther King's admonition: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Today's Democratic party is not about a person's "character", but how they are entitled (for benefits) based on their victim-hood. Achieving under meritocracy with the Democrats is "dead". The Democrats, may soon erase King from the history books since his advocacy is no longer compliant with Democratic party theology.

They prefer the likes of Al Sharpton, a murderer who was never prosecuted, instead of King. King was about equality; they want outcome-based equity
Those on the left proclaim that those endorsing Trump practice the cult of the person. That assertion appears false as the media is fawning allover Harris/Walz which is the promotion of the cult of the person.

What is astounding, Walz has immediately been transformed by the media/Democrats from an old white toxic male to an all-American person upholding wholesome mid-west family values.
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What is astounding, Walz has immediately been transformed by the media/Democrats from an old white toxic male to an all-American person upholding wholesome mid-west family values
I know right? It's hilarious.

The last thing the Left has been encouraging/promoting is mid-west family values, until now all of a sudden they realize they might benefit from some votes there
What's weird about the "weird" and "creepy" mantra was I thought only Donald Trump was the meanie who said mean things about people and insulted them? I thought the rest of them were decent statesmen who wouldn't dream of such a thing? and here they are doing it
This whole thing is surreal. How they can switch gears and do a coverup to clean her up in the media. The fools are there to lick it all up. Debate #1 will be interesting no matter what the rules are. Trump was shot by an attempted assassin, he's like a super hero. She just doesn't stand a chance.
This whole thing is surreal. How they can switch gears and do a coverup to clean her up in the media. The fools are there to lick it all up. Debate #1 will be interesting no matter what the rules are. Trump was shot by an attempted assassin, he's like a super hero. She just doesn't stand a chance.
The system is rigged, hard left. The best way to change that is to play the long game. Schools and education are key.
Don't mind the liberals saying we're weird, when they're obsessed with plying their sex fetishes to 8 yr old girls in elementary school and messing with their concepts of gender and sexuality at a young age - we know who's weird.
We are NOT the same.
The image below was prompted by the White House now saying that Harris was never the border czar with the media purposely editing prior stories to remove and or modify the wording that she was designated the border czar. Now the White House is in the midst of revising Walz's military record to whitewash his lies. Clean-up on aisle 2024 is underway.
Recall that in Orwell's novel 1984: "Winston Smith works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to rewrite historical documents so they match the constantly changing current party line. This involves revising newspaper articles and doctoring photographs—mostly to remove "unpersons", people who have fallen afoul of the party." Seems that the Democratic party is in the midst re-writing history to erase troublesome facts from the historical record. Consequently, the electorate would be denied access to the facts necessary for them to make an informed decision that the Democrats are actually lying to them.


From: https://www.usnews.com/news/elections/cartoons/political-cartoons-on-kamala-harris
play the long game
Totally agree. Whatever outrage you currently cherish, it is not much compared historically to emancipation, civil war, women's suffrage, depression, world wars, or Vietnam. History has provided bitter pills and dramatic social change. If the worst we have to endure right now is Trump vs Harris, omg, crack a cold one and break out the popcorn. We've got it pretty good.
If the worst we have to endure right now is Trump vs Harris, omg, crack a cold one and break out the popcorn. We've got it pretty good.
I completely agree with you, and in fact appreciate the point being made .... it reminds me to be thankful and mindful of how good we currently have it. I just think vigilance as to 'what is the next thing/things that could bring us down again' is totally warranted too. Just read a WP article about Schumer's bill to change the supreme court's jurisdiction that chilled me to the bone. Could be anything though, and I think the 'outrage' keeps people on their toes, albeit also including probably plenty of stuff that doesn't need that much outrage.
I think the 'outrage' keeps people on their toes, albeit also including probably plenty of stuff that doesn't need that much outrage.
Along the lines of "follow the money," I ask myself, who profits from stoking outrage, and why?

1) I think angry people are more motivated to vote, so there is function in politics to not advertise how content the electorate could be.
2) I think media profits from stoking outrage. News is shifting away from a presentation of facts to a presentation of narratives. Narratives are more engaging, more entertaining. TV news agencies at large networks used to operate at a financial loss, but news now is a strictly a for-profit enterprise, ratings and profits. In this regard, there is profit in presenting narratives your audience wants to hear. You don't want to turn your viewers off, you want to excite them and engage them, so outrage them.
3) I think a fundamental attribute of human nature is a need for a sense of belonging. I think people have a more acute and satisfying sense of "us" if they can cast themselves as distinct from an identifiable "them." I think this is leveraged by 1) and 2) above, for profit.

So things are safer, richer, gentler, kinder, and just generally better than ever before, yet at the same time few receive that message because there is no profit in presenting it.

I think of it as an outrage engine. Outrage is a manufactured product, a form of propaganda, and the purpose of its manufacture is to manipulate you; your vote, and how you spend your money. Outrage is a feature of our economy, not a feature of our ideology.

In fact, ideology and outrage are like oil and water. If you shake the bottle hard enough, yes, they mix, but ideology is subject to debate, revision, introspection, reflection, all the things that outrage prevents. And if you set the bottle down for a minute, outrage and ideology readily repel each other and become easily distinguishable.
All true, though I can't shake the idea that plenty of these issue do deserve a very strong concern - but what you say is true at the same time, and surely being leveraged b/c why wouldn't it be - so I'll have to ponder this next time I see something that sorta outrages me, thanks Mark

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