Horse or cow?

*dumb blonde look* Umm, that is 375??
Pauldohert said:
So it does - Rich has been told enough times that he should know its offensive anyway.

Get the Top 10 Search Results for "Chink"

hey wanker, here's 40,000 odd posts that you can go and spread your message to.
Oh and you better tell the University of Helsinki just how offensive they are too
The takeaway "Chinky" (as it is called) that is so much a part of the British high street

Kraj said:
Dayyum, pimp daddy! Time to chill out, brutha!



Next thread :) :) :)
selenau837 said:
*dumb blonde look* Umm, that is 375??
Lol... no, that's 420. 375 is referring to infamous member Mike375 who is thankfully no longer around.
Kraj said:
Lol... no, that's 420. 375 is referring to infamous member Mike375 who is thankfully no longer around.

Sorry that should have been 'what' is 375. Sorry honey. My finger slipped on diet coke.
KenHigg said:
Sure you are, what was it that he called the Aborigines...?
You mean the term sand niggers? that wasn't aimed at aborigines, please research the subject before comparing me with him:mad:
Rich said:
You mean the term sand niggers? that wasn't aimed at aborigines, please research the subject before comparing me with him:mad:

I tried and the post were lost... Anyway, sorry to attack you like that. I think I get your point about the food stuff. :) :)
Pauldohert said:
So it does - Rich has been told enough times that he should know its offensive anyway.

5 entries found for chink.
To select an entry, click on it.
chink[1,noun]chink[2,transitive verb]chink[3,noun]chink[4,verb]Chink

Main Entry: Chink
Pronunciation: 'chi[ng]k
Function: noun or adjective
Etymology: perhaps alteration of Chinese
usually offensive : CHINESE

For More Information on "Chink" go to

Get the Top 10 Search Results for "Chink"

Why would I want to search for Chink, that's not a word I've used here, learn to read before opening mouth:rolleyes:

Why would I want to search for Chink, that's not a word I've used here, learn to read before opening mouth

You posted the above Rich - you searched for Chink - I have read it quite clearly?

Very interesting the Helsinki site - I have no doubt you call a chinese meal a "Chinkie" and that many others do. I also have no doubt that you referred also to uing this word for a person.

Both may be common place - both are offensive.
Last edited:
ColinEssex said:
A dodgy chinky meal can certainly be offensive;) :D

I've never had a dodgy one from my local, that's why I'm having a redskin around for a chinky tonight.
Next week we're out for an Indian, the following week we're taking Mum out for an English 'cause she doesn't like foreign food, I'm not sure if she'll go Dutch though, still at least it's cooked unlike Jap food.
I think at Easter we'll go out for a Thai, because it's both my brothers birthdays..........
Rich said:
.. because it's both my brothers birthdays..........

So you have two brothers and they have the same birthday? Are they twins? Anyway, That's a right nice gesture, taking 'em out to eat and all ;) Good show mate!
KenHigg said:
So you have two brothers and they have the same birthday? Are they twins? Anyway, That's a right nice gesture, taking 'em out to eat and all ;) Good show mate!
No, they share birthdays over the Easter period, different days
Rich said:
No, they share birthdays over the Easter period, different days

Do you think they'll bring a little b'day cake and sing the b'day song for your brothers at the Thai restaurant? (That might be funny, hearing the b'day song in a foreign language :):))
ColinEssex said:
We're having a chinky tonight;)


You're confusing me now. It's taboo to have a team called the 'Manchester Chinkies' but ok to say you're having chinky for dinner?
KenHigg said:
You're confusing me now. It's taboo to have a team called the 'Manchester Chinkies' but ok to say you're having chinky for dinner?
Yes, because the "chinky tonight" refers to the food, not a person.

I often cook a chinky at home.

ColinEssex said:
Yes, because the "chinky tonight" refers to the food, not a person.

I often cook a chinky at home.


and when you said the following you were referring to the shop and not the shopkeeper. Is that right?

ColinEssex said:
Yes, we have a paki newsagent across the road from us. He's very nice, he's open from 6am to 7pm, very handy.
Actually I was but I appreciate it is not clear in my statement. (I know you won't believe that)


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