I never have understood this...

selenau837 said:
Nice playing with ya.

...and it's been a pleasure to watch. :eek: :p
dan-cat said:
...and it's been a pleasure to watch. :eek: :p

*plops a handul of mud on your head*

Teeheeheeheehee Thanks.
Rich said:
Brady actually wants to die, he's being force fed at the minute, do you think he should be granted his wish? He never gave a shit for the poor kids he butchered :(

ooops did I tell you

I can be a damn awful shot when I try. On the other hand I can take out trebor mints at 25 yards a treat.

Trebor mints. Small round sweets or close enough to sperical objects.

Record is 9 in 1 min 20 secs

Rich. Think of how n
must he is costing and he is just plain not worth the money. Soham guy. Same situation. he is not worth a plugged nickel as they say.

His girlfriend is as guilty as well

Len Boorman said:
Rich. Think of how n
must he is costing and he is just plain not worth the money. Soham guy. Same situation. he is not worth a plugged nickel as they say.

His girlfriend is as guilty as well

I know I know, but in reacting to their barbarity with the same barbarity we bring ourselves down to their level, how can we then say we are any better as a society
selenau837 said:
So you're saying it is more punishment for him to live than die?

If that is the case, then why not put to death those who want to live and don't put to death those that do.

That way it is true punishment.

Please try.

Well that's odd, doesn't your country profess to be pro life and prohibit euthanasia ?
When Canada got rid of the death penalty in the 70s, I was one of the first to say "What happens when these murderers return to society", which they do in this country in as little as 12 years. Some kill again but may do not. We have also had some celebrated cases where DNA etc. proved they didn't do it at all.
So whats my solution. How about a Gulag in the high arctic. There's no place to escape to because you'll die if you try. Theres a no fly zone overhead and any aircraft trying to land is shot down. The walls protect the guards from the prisoners. There's no TV, no cells and 2 meals a day. The Gulag's motto is "Hurry up and die of natural causes or at the hands of another inmate".
Rich said:
Well that's odd, doesn't your country profess to be pro life and prohibit euthanasia ?

Usually Republicians are Pro-life and for the death penality.
Democrats are usually Pro-Abortion and against the dealth penality.

Odd, no matter which way you look at it.
selenau837 said:
Usually Republicians are Pro-life and for the death penality.
Democrats are usually Pro-Abortion and against the dealth penality.

Odd, no matter which way you look at it.

Odd in a way, except when you consider that babies are innocent and people who are eligible for the death penalty (generally) aren't. :p
MrsGorilla said:
Odd in a way, except when you consider that babies are innocent and people who are eligible for the death penalty (generally) aren't. :p

Exactly, that is why I'm a Republican. Prolife and for the death penality. Save the innocent and...well you know the rest.
Rich said:
I know I know, but in reacting to their barbarity with the same barbarity we bring ourselves down to their level, how can we then say we are any better as a society
Unfortunately you cannot deal with the uncivilised in a civilised manner.

They do not understand.

MrsGorilla said:
Odd in a way, except when you consider that babies are innocent and people who are eligible for the death penalty (generally) aren't. :p
Babies don't become people until they are born
Len Boorman said:
You could have laid it at Blair's door instead

Yes, he's the prat who's taken away the right of responsible parent to instill discipline in their children, what fools we are:rolleyes:
Rich said:
Yes, he's the prat who's taken away the right of responsible parent to instill discipline in their children, what fools we are:rolleyes:


You have really gone too far this time.

I believe you meant to say

Yes, he's the prat

Bloody hell. . . . I just can't leave you lot alone for a minute:rolleyes:

I come in and find this thread has grown by about 10 pages.:rolleyes:

We've got 2 girls mud fighting;) disgusting. . . . [am I on the email list for pics?]:D

We've got Ken and Rich virtually in agreement:eek:

We've got Lisa calling Ken a "lily livered peacemaker"!!!

and most worrying of all, we've got Len turning into an American:eek: Len - hurry to the GP and get some tablets:eek:

"Dang my britches honey child" and "he's not worth a plug nickel"

"a plug nickel"????? wassthatallabout:confused:

Well Col its like this

I am basically a Southerner (Kent) and there was so much agreement going on between Rich and the Colonies together with the mud wrestling that I had one of my "turns"

Daughter is most concerned and has made enquiries for a place in the "Home for the bewildered"

Will be better when Rich and Ken start at each other again.

Will re-read some earlier threads, that will get me back to sanity

L :D :D :D :D
Len Boorman said:
Daughter is most concerned and has made enquiries for a place in the "Home for the bewildered"
Understandable really, we all get bewildered by some of the American postings;) :D

So what is the feeling about the 9/11 guy not getting the death penalty. Whilst I do not support the death penalty, putting someone to death because something they did not do seems completley wrong. No matter how terrible 9/11 was.
selenau837 said:
I do believe in the death penality.

selenau837 said:
This is not black and white. I hate the though of innocent people being executed, but those like Ted Bundy, TDK Killer, Dommer, etc. Those all deserve the death penality.

selenau837 said:
Ok, they why not use the death penality. For those that can never be sent back to society. To me that is more humane. I would rather die then spen 80 yrs in jail as Bubba's boyfriend.

Then why advocate it?

You’re wanting it both ways.

On the one hand you say they deserve to die, and on the other you say its worse to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Which is it?

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