I'm in Love with ChatGPT

With the advent of speech recognition in Microsoft Word - 2001? I spent many hours training the damn thing to recognize my speech. After a few initial hiccups I became quite fluent with the process of speaking and having my speech transcribed for me.

There are certain places you can't use this process, for instance the local Costa coffee shop. Well; you could... You could sit there talking to yourself, but you might get some funny looks and people might well be expecting a van to pull up, a couple of orderlies stepping out and sizing you up for a straight jacket.

No, it's not a good thing! If the urge to write visits me while I'm sat in the coffee shop I get out a notebook I carry with me for the odd occasion that this happens. Sometimes I end up writing on any old piece of paper. It's strange, but when an idea comes to you, you just have to get it out...

That's when I wrote the attached. It's been scratching around on my desk waiting for me to sit down and dictate it into a digital document with a speech recognition program.

Then I noted that someone said that chatty had the ability to translate handwritten text into digital text. So I took a picture of the document, exactly that picture you see there! I know what you're thinking you must be a doctor or something. No, I just didn't master the skill of cursive writing... But believe it or not, the thing is, chatty converted it in to digital text for me:-

View attachment 115266here's the after:-

Rebecka was so excited. The trip of a life time (Rebecka’s Holo latent DNA test pointed to a potential for time energy intonation) Winning a free cruise on the Ribbon liner, “Splendor of the Stars” that alone was epic, but to top it all, a stay in the Hogwarts hotel (orbital) weightless stadium “Quidditch Stadium” to see a real Quiditch match. Now on the last leg of the journey Her flying across the sea on a Hydrofoil ferry. To Board another ferry the “Splendor of the Stars” and ocean going liner sized vessel linking Egypt to a Geo Stationing artificial Via a 50 mile diamiter Gossina tube made of mana metal.

Rebecka was bored, sitting in the cafe with her Dad. Then she saw Peter again. He looked at her and she could tell he was bored too. “Dad” she said “Can I go up on deck.”

Peter pointed up-he wanted her to go up on deck with him.

Yes said Dad but don’t fall off!!!
Rocketbook is great for that too. I have 2 of them, priceless for note taking
I asked chat GPT who is Joe Biden's vice president and got the following answer:-

Joe Biden's vice president is Kamala Harris. She made history as the first female vice president, the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, and the first African American and first Asian American vice president.

I'm confused? can she be both African American and Asian American at the same time?
I'm confused? can she be both African American and Asian American at the same time?
Why not? You can be incompetent and successful - under that precedent, the sky's the limit!
I asked chat GPT who is Joe Biden's vice president and got the following answer:-

Joe Biden's vice president is Kamala Harris. She made history as the first female vice president, the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, and the first African American and first Asian American vice president.

I'm confused? can she be both African American and Asian American at the same time?
That is a truly terrible answer. She can't be from Africa because she's from Jamaica and India. Last time I checked Jamaica was not in Africa. It's one thing to say she's black, which she's obviously not but there's no real way to refute it, but you certainly can't say she's African-American
Adrian Bowyer, the genius behind the whole RepRap 3D printing movement, just shared something interesting on Twitter. He used ChatGPT-4 to help create a design for an air vent that can be printed on a 3D printer. It’s a neat example of how AI can be used in practical ways. If you're into 3D printing, you might want to check out his post for more details: Adrian Bowyer's Tweet:

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