So after ~20 years in Phoenix, we're starting to think of moving to a place that's:
1) more scenic, in terms of deciduous forest and non-desert type beauty
2) has waterways, green grass and trees, and maybe even an ocean Coast
3) isn't too much more humid than AZ - somewhat is OK/expected, but we don't want to move to 'full' humidity
4) is cooler than Phoenix by at least ~14-15 degrees, which Albuquerque just barely accomplishes
5) is affordable
6) maybe has winter, but not a super long / cold one
We've ruled out Nevada due to being too much like AZ. Ruled out Colorado as having too hard of a winter. Ruled out southern California for being expensive and a bit too much, culturally speaking. Still pondering Oregon and Washington, I know I'll have a lot more humidity, but the in-between climate is appealing to me. (ruled out the major cities like Seattle and Portland for mostly-obvious reasons, but considering the smaller cities in either).
It would be nice to land on a coast, if possible, without paying too much - or within an hour.
I'm trying to figure out what Northern California is all about. You just don't hear much about it. I look on the map and the whole northern half seems abandoned by any sizeable cities to speak of. What is it like to live in the northern half of CA - excluding Sacramento and San Francisco ??
Place we are considering strongly enough to go take a trip there and check them out - Rio Rancho NM (greater Albuquerque), and Boise ID (my idea as I know a lot of tech jobs there).
For the most part, employment isn't an issue as I work from home......But it would worry us to end up in a REALLY small town, in case I ever have to look for an in person job.
Does anyone have ideas and insights - about anything, or northern CA ? I'm always interested in people's perspectives about cultural, political, or any other ramification of living somewhere. For example my brother lives close to Portland, and he confirmed it's everything it's known for, both good and bad.
I'm bit scared of moving to CA, which my wife wants, because I feel like we would encounter too many troublesome things that just make life more complicated there. We did live in San Diego for a year and I remember finding out there was no walmart supercenters there, we had to drive to El Cajon just to get ground turkey. I remember thinking this is just one small thing yet it's rocking my world........LOL
Edit - also it needs to be in the western half of the US as the eastern half is too fraught with natural disasters in the S and winter in the N