Iran: A Nuclear Power?

Iran is obviously going to do what ever they want to do inspite of sanctions.

It seems to be a world gone mad. All of the economic giants are lining up behind their own rogue nations for self serving reasons.

Is a global conflict imminent?
Well if it goes nuclear I would prefer to be at ground zero then to have to deal with the fallout.
It seems to be a world gone mad. All of the economic giants are lining up behind their own rogue nations for self serving reasons.

Is a global conflict imminent?
Funny, and that from an American, I would leave obtuse humor to the guys from the Islands

Iran is obviously going to do what ever they want to do inspite of sanctions.

I couldn't have answered better myself. IMHO, the UN and this administration have proven themselves inadequate.
TEHRAN, Iran – Tehran warned on Tuesday that it will take strong action against five detained British sailors if it is proven they had "bad intentions" when their racing yacht entered Iran's Persian Gulf waters and was seized.
The detention could heighten tensions between Iran and major world powers, including Britain, that are demanding a halt to Tehran's controversial nuclear program.
London rushed to keep the incident from getting tangled up in the two nations' disputes — wary of how political tensions have snarled attempts to free three Americans arrested by Iran this summer after they strayed across the border from Iraq, reportedly by accident during a hike.

Iran. It's a shame, because the population in Iran is actually fairly moderate, but their leaders are obviously in serious need.
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran warned on Tuesday that it will prosecute five British sailors if it is proven they had "bad intentions" when their 60-foot racing yacht entered its waters, in what Britain says was an innocent case of a vessel accidentally going astray in the Gulf.
London was trying to keep the incident from getting tangled up in politics — not only in the rancor between Tehran and the West over Iran's nuclear issue but also the country's own internal postelection turmoil, which has pumped up the leadership's fears of foreign plots.
Such tensions have already snarled attempts to free three Americans arrested by Iran this summer after they strayed across the border from Iraq. Washington and their families say the three unintentionally crossed into Iran while hiking, but Tehran — after investigating them for months — recently accused them of espionage.

We (US and Britian) are going to need to become even more close in the next few years.
I wonder what 'bad intentions' they could have with a racing yacht?
We (US and Britian) are going to need to become even more close in the next few years.
yeah, you send in the choppers and we'll send in the sas to get them out
TEHRAN, Iran – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Tehran is reviewing the option of decreasing cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog after it issued a resolution critical of Iran last week.
Speaking in a live television interview late Tuesday, Ahmadinejad also criticized Russia's support for International Atomic Energy Agency's resolution, calling it a mistake.
"Friendly relations with the agency are over. We will cooperate as much as they offer us compromises. We are reviewing this," he said.

I wonder what he thinks is gona happen. Somebody will have to kill him for bringing a knife to a gun fight.
TEHRAN, Iran – Iran on Wednesday test-fired an upgraded version of its most advanced missile, which is capable of hitting Israel and parts of Europe, in a new show of strength aimed at preventing any military strike against it amid the nuclear standoff with the West.

Soon bombs will be dropped on the Iranian homeland.
Maybe if we can get the Iraqis trained up sufficiently they can do it on our behalf - that would be progress wouldn't it.

No one's answering; everyone is scared.

And rightly.

The world is turning on it's head and everyone is just trying to make some kind of sense from it
Maybe if we can get the Iraqis trained up sufficiently they can do it on our behalf - that would be progress wouldn't it.

It looks like your tongue in cheek might get a little test.
BAGHDAD – Iraq is "not going to be pushed around" by Iran, the top U.S. diplomat in Iraq said Saturday following an Iranian takeover of an oil well along the two nations' disputed border.
U.S. officials said they approved of Iraq's speedy defense of its sovereignty amid ongoing concerns over Iran's influence on its Mideast neighbor.
"It does speak to the overall view here that they are not going to be pushed around by Iran," U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Chris Hill told reporters.
Iranian forces earlier this week crossed into Iraq, seizing an oil well just over the border in the southern Maysan province. The takeover — which included planting an Iranian flag on the well — was met by protests from Baghdad.
They were taken into custody for illegally being with in a country's territory. Why take chances? I really doubt that a suicide bomber would be wearing his I AM A TERRORIST tshirt to go to work as much as somone engaged in espionage would have their I AM A SPY ball cap on...

I wonder what 'bad intentions' they could have with a racing yacht?
Does it seem logical that either the US or Israel would be killing professors known to be dissenters?

Or is it more likely that the demented leadership of Iran thought to kill two birds with one stone?
TEHRAN, Iran – A nuclear physics professor who publicly backed Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi in the disputed June presidential election was killed Tuesday when a remote-controlled bomb rigged to a motorcycle blew up outside his home.
State media identified the victim as Masoud Ali Mohammadi, 50, a professor at Tehran University, which has been at the center of recent protests by student opposition supporters. Before the election, pro-reform Web sites published Ali Mohammadi's name among a list of 240 Tehran University teachers who supported Mousavi.
The government blamed the bombing on an armed Iranian opposition group that it said operated under the direction of Israel and the U.S. Iran often accuses both countries of meddling in its affairs — both when it comes to postelection unrest and its nuclear program. Israel's foreign ministry had no comment.
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