Is it Actually Racist?


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 17:47
Dec 31, 2020
Apparently some guy has jumped on the Royal bandwaggon with a book on the Royal Family. Although what experience and qualifications he has to do this appears flimsy at best. He's apparently referred to as Megan's mouthpiece in the media. I don't know his name and don't have any interest in knowing it.

Anyway, the names of two people who it has been suggested commented, or speculated, on the skin colour of Harry and Megan Markle's first child before it was born are now in the public domain.

Is it racist to say that? Quite possibly someone may have also asked if the child may have ginger hair? Or the eye colour of the child where one parent has grey and the other brown eyes. Probably 20 billion people thought the same thing when they heard. And I notice that no mention is made of the source of these claims regarding the Royals. Nor just how reliable, honest, or valid that source actually is.

Maybe I'm wrong but I fail to see the difference between any of those three. Surely in any birth from a so called mixed marriage, there must be speculation of some sort? That speculation may well arise with subsequent generations following on. But as I say I just don't see why such a huge number are jumping on the racist bandwaggon.

Is it not a nonsence to say that it was/is a racist comment?
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Apparently some guy has jumped on the Royal bandwaggon with a book on the Royal Family. Although what experience and qualifications he has to do this appears flimsy at best. He's apparently referred to as Megan's mouthpiece in the media. I don't know his name and don't have any interest in knowing it.

Anyway, the names of two people who it has been suggested commented, or speculated, on the skin colour of Harry and Megan Markle's first child before it was born are now in the public domain.

Is it racist to say that? Quite possibly someone may have also asked if the child may have ginger hair? Or the eye colour of the child where one parent has grey and the other brown eyes. Probably 20 billion people thought the same thing when they heard. And I notice that no mention is made of the source of these claims regarding the Royals. Nor just how reliable, honest, or valid that source actually is.

Maybe I'm wrong but I fail to see the difference between any of those three. Surely in any birth from a so called mixed marriage, there must be speculation of some sort? That speculation may well arise with subsequent generations following on. But as I say I just don't see why such a huge number are jumping on the racist bandwaggon.

Is it not a nonsence to say that it was/is a racist comment?
Completely 100% agree with you.

There is absolutely nothing racist whatsoever about wondering (out loud or not) how the child will look given that he is from a mixed race couple.

Racism means hating or disliking another person SOLELY because of the color of their skin.

Everyone please, stop trying to expand the term to include any time anyone mentions Race-related things.

I myself would wonder too, if my daughter married a black man, I'd wonder oh how interesting - i wonder what the baby will look like.

What, would they rather everyone wonder but pretend not to wonder? that's the thing - liberalism is all about pretending stuff. Pretending stuff, endlessly and to very goofy ends
Racism has become a meaningless buzz word. It is being contorted by those wielding bullhorns to apply to anything they don't like. Facts and the (common) meaning of words are irrelevant.
I heard (on the BBC news) the Yankee gold digger didn't even hear it herself, she heard it by hearsay, so it's probably fabricated so she can have a swipe at the Royal Family. The sooner the vicious Yankee bitch is out of the picture, the better.
The sooner the vicious Yankee bitch is out of the picture, the better.
Would "vicious bitch" not be a sufficient slur? Must you insult all Americans also? I wouldn't call all Britts bigots' just because you are one. And you're right. I don't find you even the least bit amusing.
Would "vicious bitch" not be a sufficient slur? Must you insult all Americans also? I wouldn't call all Britts bigots' just because you are one. And you're right. I don't find you even the least bit amusing.
I dont dislike Americans at all, I think Americans are funny, but as with most Brits, (note only one 't' if using short version of 'British'), as with most Brits, Markel is nationally hated especially by the tabloids.
You probably won't find me amusing as it's too subtle. If it's not brash slapstick Lucille Ball type humour, Yanks just don't get it.
Must you insult all Americans also?
I don't think that Colin was attempting to insult all Americans at all. It was an expression used as a descriptor. Beats me why you take it literally. In England everyone automatically comes up with a name for someone they don't know or often a neighbour. Who knocked that over? It was that idiot Scot. Various references are made to people with <expletive> followed by the country, town or county they came from. The Bristol berk, damn Yorkshireman, ooarr from Devon, country yokel........the list goes on. But none refer to the whole population, it's purpose is an identifier. You guys call us various names, bloody Brits, Limyeys, in OZ we're Poms. We don't get upset or imagine it to be a slight against the whole country. I think that if Colin wanted to insult all Americans he would tell you so directly. Rather than by innuendo.
Maybe calm down a bit? What do you guys say over there? Hey be cool, or something like that, whatever.
Of course I'm not insulting all Americans. I have no reason to. Maybe some Americans here are a little oversensitive to comments. (I said maybe, and pointing no fingers)

Cotswold is right, I'm a Bristol Berk born and bred, complete with a Bristol accent. If I was from Liverpool I would be a Scouse Git. I lived in OZ for 3 years in the 70's, the word 'Pom' is the polite version of what they call Brits, but give as good as you get and you can all have a good laugh, none of it is malicious, just good fun.
Although I never could drink ice cold beer, being a Pom, beer had to be room temperature, that was always a source of amusement. In OZ, men are men (and so are some of the women), they could spit with alarming accuracy.
Various references are made to people with <expletive> followed by the country, town or county they came from.
What a lower linguistic culture.

In many languages you mean what you say, and someone with such a native language will literally understand what you say.

The English royal family is flooded with the blood of German nobility. People certainly speak differently in public there.
We in Germany had Luther, Goethe, Schiller, Lessing, Kant and many, many others.
Critical race theory seems to think that if you are white you are racist, and if you deny your racism then that is evidence of your racist views. Some kind of circular argument?

Your white supremacy and white privilege is embedded in your culture, disadvantaging those in minority groups (tell that to the Asians). So, we lead to situations in Harvard where if you are black, you need lower scores than whites. If you are asian, you need higher scores than whites. They are trying to socially engineer a "perfect" ratio of whites, blacks, and asians in their campuses. "Diversity is our strength!" So, look at race first, achievement and effort second. Penalise Asians, who demographically have less than half the numbers compared to blacks in the USA.

I believe there is some lawsuit against Harvard brought by an Asian. Not sure what the current state of that is. Didn't it go to the Supreme Court or something?

Edit: Do I believe Blacks have disadvantages in the USA? Yes. But so do other people who are: born into poverty; have physical disability; born with a low IQ due to the genetic lottery; the less attractive (beauty gives advantage); those who's parents abuse them; those with a genetic disposition to xyz; gingers; short men; people with traits that leads to increased likelihood of addiction; and so on. My view is that in this zero sum game, if you change the odds so one person gets an "unfair" advantage regarding admission grades, then you penalise the person that did not. Remember, that person who go penalised had no say about their upbringing or "privilege". They are just another dude who wants to get into Harvard.

I think the best way for Blacks to improve their life chances is through their own culture, but that is a complex and difficult thing. Born into poverty means you are surrounded by crime, and environment influences life choices. Also, I think developing tech like AI will have massive social implications, leading to the commoditisation and price reduction of much of the stuff that we buy today. This can only help poorer neighbourhoods.

Ultimately, why should race be the deciding factor for admissions? Why not IQ, for example? Let those disadvantaged by low IQ get in.
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Thomas Sowell pointed all this out well over 30 years ago. He proved, over and over that engineering admissions into business, universities and social policies, actually disadvantaged the very people that the bureaucrats claimed to be helping. Donations to universities depend on its adherence to these diktats. Business is also bound to follow these rules and report on how well they are performing in their annual reports. Governments pour money in to these schemes. So in the interests of greed nothing has changed but has only got worse. And will continue to do so. This is why so many public companies have promoted substandard management, always resulting in lower profits.
What a lower linguistic culture.

In many languages you mean what you say,
What total nonsense.

If my mother did what she said when I was little (touch that pie and I'll kill you) I would have died when I was about 10.
That's not nonsense, it's the difference: German mothers and certainly many other mothers wouldn't even think of something like that, let alone say it.
My mother never did. My father on the other hand...
Born into poverty means you are surrounded by crime, and environment influences life choices.
What if there was a massive historical injustice? Like, let's say there was a lower class of people who were historically considered property, had no rights, and who's entire toil in life contributed solely to the accumulation of capital in the hands of their owners. Then, over the passage of time it was deemed that the ownership of humans was unjust. So the lower class of people had their rights returned to them, but not the capital of their labour.

Now, enter your claim they are born into poverty. What do you think the African American social profile in the United States would look like if slaves retained possession of the capital they created? All the labour in the United States for many many generations was performed by humans to whom NONE of the benefits of their labour accrued.

I think the best way for Blacks to improve their life chances is through their own culture,
I think the best way for blacks to improve their life chances is a redress of capital, where American whites acknowledge the massive historical thievery blacks have been the victim of, and make it right. Whites disproportionately win at the game because whites disproportionately control the capital.
That's not nonsense, it's the difference: German mothers and certainly many other mothers wouldn't even think of something like that, let alone say it.
You said in many languages you mean what you say. I'm demonstrating you are talking nonsense. It actually is possible that one can say something without actually meaning it.
Perhaps in your culture (wherever that is) its different.
I think the best way for blacks to improve their life chances is a redress of capital, where American whites acknowledge the massive historical thievery blacks have been the victim of, and make it right.

That sounds suspiciously like reparations for something that whites did. Except that blacks were made slaves BY blacks, who sold them to whites and other blacks and anyone else who would put up the price.

Then there is the matter that I have never inherited a DIME from a slave owner or the son of a slave owner or the grandson of a slave owner or the great-grandson of a slave owner. (And I've done the Ancestry.COM exploration to be able to confidently say that.) Based on what I've found in my genealogy studies I do not accept the idea that I have directly benefited from being white. I worked my way through a community college and earned my PhD while doing night and weekend jobs. My dad was blue-collar, a fire-fighter. My mom was an accounting clerk for the phone company. We struggled through hurricanes, had to rebuild our back den after Hurricane Betsy, had medical issues, and didn't have wealth spilling out of our pockets at any time. Our roof leaked here and there. We had vehicles, we had jobs, but I never saw a silver platter, much less having anything handed to us on one.

But let's go back to reparations. Appeasement in any of its forms is a show-stopper unless you can be certain that it is a one-time thing. See, for example, Israel's continued appeasement of Hamas and its logical predecessors since 1948. How well did that work out? Or look at Clement Attlee's appeasement of Germany before the Battle of Britain broke out.

You want to make some kind of compensation? Fine. But you don't get something for nothing. You want to pay some kind of reparations to "make it right"? OK, but you have to tear up the race card, never again to be used in any legal setting.

And for the record, we in the USA don't have a lock on corporate greed. Other countries have their share of greedy corporate moguls. So you are talking at least partly about human nature; not a national problem but a humanity problem.
What if there was a massive historical injustice? Like, let's say there was a lower class of people who were historically considered property, had no rights, and who's entire toil in life contributed solely to the accumulation of capital in the hands of their owners. Then, over the passage of time it was deemed that the ownership of humans was unjust. So the lower class of people had their rights returned to them, but not the capital of their labour.
Where do I sign up for my reparations? Seems to me that blacks won the right to vote in this country before women did. I can offer many stories of outright discrimination against me. It never made me into victim. For me to be a victim, I would have had to buy into the view of the men around me.
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Would "vicious bitch" not be a sufficient slur? Must you insult all Americans also? I wouldn't call all Britts bigots' just because you are one. And you're right. I don't find you even the least bit amusing.
run for president Pat, run!
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