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ColinEssex said:
Exactly. . . . . . .one of Kens first posts of the day is a personal insult to another forum member:rolleyes:

Still, its nice that all the other forum members will see it and note that neither you nor I said anything personal against Ken to prompt such a remark


Because the first post of yours I read was another in your long list of flippant insults against America. At times you're simply rude and don't seem to care. You're little ditty on Tupperware could have been made without insulting us. But you just had to tack it on - who knows why. You're a nice guy in general and a lot of your assumptions seem to be valid. But for some reason you have a thing against America. A long as you make these flippant insults, you'll get the same reaction from me...
I'm still sore that Wazz is leaving me off his list.
jsanders said:
I'm still sore that Wazz is leaving me off his list.

I guess it's pretty simple here... Col likes to insult America, no one knows why, but because he does, I insult him.
The reference to a free F16 fighter plane was a parallel to the free weapons that the USA has given to Israel. said:
The U.S. also gives Israel weapons and ammunition as part of the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program, providing these articles completely free of charge. Between 1994-2001 the U.S. provided many weapons through this program, including:

64,744 M-16A1 rifles
2,469 M-204 grenade launchers
1,500 M-2 .50 caliber machine guns
.30 caliber, .50 caliber, and 20mm ammunition

The Afghanistan map reference was in relation to where Bin-Liner is hiding.

I fail to see why that should insult you

In the UK, our Government prefers to sell weapons, it helps our balance of trade figures no end.:rolleyes: said:
According to the Campaign Against Arms Trade, the UK government introduced new guidelines in July 2002 allowing it to bypass its own export criteria and authorise the sale of UK-manufactured components to the US which are then incorporated into F-16s bound for Israel. There is credible evidence that Israeli F-16's have been deployed aggressively in Gaza and the West Bank, making a mockery of the guidelines the government itself wrote.

In the UK we make about £1 billion a year on weapons sales worldwide.

ColinEssex said:
The reference to a free F16 fighter plane was a parallel to the free weapons that the USA has given to Israel.

The Afghanistan map reference was in relation to where Bin-Liner is hiding.

I fail to see why that should insult you


For the one million'th time, it's not the issue, it's the way you present it. Couldn't you have presented the F-16 issue in a more civil manner instead of tacking on to the end of the facetious Tupperware post?

Your point is well taken, it's just a bit hard to digest when it comes in such an insulting manner. If you tried to bring these issues up without coming across as rude, you may even convince some of us that what we're doing is wrong a do a little good around here...
wazz said:
new list:

1. Adminstrative Assistant
2. Consultant and Software Developer
3. Data Control Engineer
4. Data Reporting Specialist
5. Finance Technician
6. IT Support Officer
7. IT Systems Supervisor/Quality Manager
8. Operations Analyst
9. Programmer II
10. Senior Executive Technical Support Engineer
11. Senior Special Agent
12. Software Developer
13. Support Technician
14. Technical Analyst
15. Quality Control Analyst

apprentice sweep, jenny
KenHigg said:
For the one million'th time, it's not the issue, it's the way you present it. Couldn't you have presented the F-16 issue in a more civil manner instead of tacking on to the end of the facetious Tupperware post?

Your point is well taken, it's just a bit hard to digest when it comes in such an insulting manner. If you tried to bring these issues up without coming across as rude, you may even convince some of us that what we're doing is wrong a do a little good around here...
one mans meat is anothers poison, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder etc this is an international forum Kenneth, sometimes you just have to read between the lines :eek:
Rich said:
apprentice sweep, jenny

Yippy, I made the list, I made the list!

Thank you Richard, I am now officially the honorary shop sweeper.
KenHigg said:
you may even convince some of us that what we're doing is wrong a do a little good around here...
so by default, that means some of you think that you (I presume you mean the US government) is actually doing the right thing?

Do you need convincing then, young Kenneth?

ColinEssex said:
so by default, that means some of you think that you (I presume you mean the US government) is actually doing the right thing?

Do you need convincing then, young Kenneth?


And just how are you making it better by insulting us?

And what exactly do you mean by 'young' Kenneth?

I'm guessing you were shooting for #5 (?)

young ( P ) Pronunciation Key (yng)
adj. young·er, young·est
1. Being in an early period of life, development, or growth.
2. Newly begun or formed; not advanced: The evening is still young.
3. Of, belonging to, or suggestive of youth or early life: He is young for his age.
4. Vigorous or fresh; youthful.
5. Lacking experience; immature: a young hand at plowing.
6. Being the junior of two people having the same name.
7. Geology. Being of an early stage in a geologic cycle. Used of bodies of water and land formations.
KenHigg said:
And just how are you making it better by insulting us?

And what exactly do you mean by 'young' Kenneth?

I'm guessing you were shooting for #5 (?)
I'd have gone for #7
KenHigg said:
And just how are you making it better by insulting us?

And what exactly do you mean by 'young' Kenneth?
:D you make me laugh, Ken - you're sooooo serious - you need to loosen up a bit:rolleyes:

I'm still unsure where I "insulted" you - I thought the Tupperware post was quite witty actually:rolleyes:

Rich said:
yes I'm confused too, who called who a horses ass :confused:

That was an old insult from Ken:rolleyes:

Todays was
Do they make one large enough to hold all the horse manure that comes out of your mouth?

Rich said:
some of us do, it's really very simple, in a word, Bush :mad: :cool: :p

So one man is all it takes for you or Colin to hate America and Americans? All of your anti-American/anti-America flames, are because you do not like/hate President Bush?

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