Job Titles

KenHigg said:
Cool. As an American, one really needs thick skin to follow thread that Col posts to, you never no when he'll jekell into a rude anti-America person. Even I liked the Tupperware post till I got to the end...:eek: :D

I'll see how thick a skin I can grow. In watching the threads here, I guess I won't be surprised in whatever gets thrown my way. I've read enough to see how each one's tactics are.
selenau837 said:
Lets not bring religion into this!!!! Also, how does this have ANYTHING to do with job titles.

If y'all are going to continue to bicker take it to the political forum so you can all destroy each other there instead of in the cooler wich should be somewhat light hearted!!

Guys, lets calm down and stop this bickering. It barely 9:30 am here and y'all are about to kill each other.

*stern look to all involved parties*

Sorry your thread is getting hi-jacked, Selena. I guess everyone could agree to take it somewhere else.
ShaneMan said:
I'll see how thick a skin I can grow. In watching the threads here, I guess I won't be surprised in whatever gets thrown my way. I've read enough to see how each one's tactics are.

Hum... Didn't know I had a tactic. Can you elaborate?
KenHigg said:
Hum... Didn't know I had a tactic. Can you elaborate?

Sorry Ken, wasn't clear enough. You were talking about Collin and Rich, so I was making a reference to them.
ShaneMan said:
Sorry Ken, wasn't clear enough. You were talking about Collin and Rich, so I was making a reference to them.

I'm the one that should be sorry - Didn't mean to paint you into a corner...:o
Do you do any hunting in that part of Texas? We see a lot of Deer and boar (wild hog) hunting on cable from Texas...
ShaneMan said:
Sorry your thread is getting hi-jacked, Selena. I guess everyone could agree to take it somewhere else.

Wasn't my thread, just wanted to steer it to the other forum so you can bloody each other and innocent victims don' get in the middle of it.

Nice to meet you, and BTW Rich and Col really are good guys. Hell even j is when he isn't being mean to me. *sniff* :rolleyes: :D

Just they all get VERY riled up and all. I have donned the hat of 'Peace Keeper'.
KenHigg said:
Do you do any hunting in that part of Texas? We see a lot of Deer and boar (wild hog) hunting on cable from Texas...

No, I don't do any hunting. I didn't grow up hunting so I guess I never developed an interest in it.
selenau837 said:
Wasn't my thread, just wanted to steer it to the other forum so you can bloody each other and innocent victims don' get in the middle of it.

Nice to meet you, and BTW Rich and Col really are good guys. Hell even j is when he isn't being mean to me. *sniff* :rolleyes: :D

Just they all get VERY riled up and all. I have donned the hat of 'Peace Keeper'.

Good to meet you, Selena. I guess I should have checked who started the thread before I gave you credit for it.
ShaneMan said:
No, I don't do any hunting. I didn't grow up hunting so I guess I never developed an interest in it.

Then at least you should have one less strike against you when dealing with Rich & Col :D
selenau837 said:
Just they all get VERY riled up and all.
The British don't get "riled up":rolleyes:

KenHigg said:
As an American, one really needs thick skin to follow thread that Col posts to

Actually its not a thick skin needed, its just being able to loosen up, chill and don't take things personally.

Selena837 said:
and BTW Rich and Col really are good guys
as we have stated on many occasions:cool:

Selena is right, this thread is not for this conversation. Kens comment about horse manure really started something:D

I shall start a new thread

selenau837 said:
Just they all get VERY riled up and all. I have donned the hat of 'Peace Keeper'.
*Hands Selena the cattle prod* :D

ColinEssex said:
Actually its not a thick skin needed, its just being able to loosen up, chill and don't take things personally.
Good advice. You may consider not getting into a tizzy whenever Ken makes a little poke at you, then.
Rich said:
I don't hate anybody, I can't because I'm not a Christian

selenau837 said:
Explain this Richy boy? I am a Christian, and just curious as to what you mean??

I was wondering about this myself. :mad:

selenau837 said:
I have donned the hat of 'Peace Keeper'.

Good luck with all of that. :rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
The British don't get "riled up" :rolleyes:

Could have fooled me. :D
Kraj said:
Good advice. You may consider not getting into a tizzy whenever Ken makes a little poke at you, then.

Especially when Ken at least makes comments only to the person who has "offended" him, rather than making broad, sweeping, (mostly innacurate) allegations against the entire population of Great Britain, as some of the UK posters (ahem) have done and continue to do towards us. ;) :cool:

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