Job Titles

*tries to steer the thread back to Job Titles*

Hi, my name is Selena and I am a Quality Control Analyst.
ShaneMan said:
So one man is all it takes for you or Colin to hate America and Americans? All of your anti-American/anti-America flames, are because you do not like/hate President Bush?
I don't hate anybody, I can't because I'm not a Christian
ShaneMan said:
So one man is all it takes for you or Colin to hate America and Americans? All of your anti-American/anti-America flames, are because you do not like/hate President Bush?
I don't hate Americans, as I have stated on many occasions.

Bush? Hmmm, lets see, voted in by the populace, started an illegal war, has managed to destroy all the worldwide sympathy the US had after 9/11 and has made the USA the most hated country on earth - he can't string a sentence together, can't speak off-the-cuff, ignores Kyoto guidelines, oh and is a right tit.

Nice man

ColinEssex said:
I don't hate Americans, as I have stated on many occasions.

Bush? Hmmm, lets see, voted in by the populace, started an illegal war, has managed to destroy all the worldwide sympathy the US had after 9/11 and has made the USA the most hated country on earth - he can't string a sentence together, can't speak off-the-cuff, ignores Kyoto guidelines, oh and is a right tit.

Nice man

Ah but he is the leader of the Free world, that's why he's going to shake hands with the Hammas leaders :rolleyes:
ColinEssex said:
I don't hate Americans, as I have stated on many occasions.

Bush? Hmmm, lets see, voted in by the populace, started an illegal war, has managed to destroy all the worldwide sympathy the US had after 9/11 and has made the USA the most hated country on earth - he can't string a sentence together, can't speak off-the-cuff, ignores Kyoto guidelines, oh and is a right tit.

Nice man


Ok, so hate seems too strong a word. As far as the populace vote. He didn't win by a landslide. He barely made it in.

Seriously, though, what were we suppose to do? We had something like 8 different attacks on us, Navy ship, Marines killed and then we get attacked on our soil and 3000 of our citizens were killed. Sit on our hands and say, "I hope nothing else happens!" I'm not making a defense of being in Iraq. I'm just saying that there was more than one attack. The attacks kept getting larger and closer to home and then the big one happened. It's coming from cowards who punch and run and they have no country for us to confront. Most of the middle east is not innocent in aid they are providing to help these attacks happen. I'm not saying that what we're doing now is right but at least it's something.
Rich said:
I don't hate anybody, I can't because I'm not a Christian

Explain this Richy boy? I am a Christian, and just curious as to what you mean??
Rich said:
I don't hate anybody, I can't because I'm not a Christian

Christianity is based off of the Bible. Show me where in the Bible it teaches to hate.
ShaneMan said:
and then we get attacked on our soil and 3000 of our citizens were killed. Sit on our hands and say, "I hope nothing else happens!" I'm not making a defense of being in Iraq. I'm just saying that there was more than one attack.
I wasn't aware that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks anyway thats neither here nor there.

So because you had an attack on 9/11, does that justify an illegal war on Iraq that went against the UN? Plus convincing the British to join in this illegal farce - we didn't want it - our Tony did. As you can see by the results, things are much better there now so its money well spent.

ShaneMan said:
Christianity is based off of the Bible. Show me where in the Bible it teaches to hate.
Isn't Bush a so called christian? and he's sent 2000+ US soldiers to their death and killed many more thousand Iraqi's.

The fairy tales in the bible obviously don't mean much to him

Lets not bring religion into this!!!! Also, how does this have ANYTHING to do with job titles.

If y'all are going to continue to bicker take it to the political forum so you can all destroy each other there instead of in the cooler wich should be somewhat light hearted!!

Guys, lets calm down and stop this bickering. It barely 9:30 am here and y'all are about to kill each other.

*stern look to all involved parties*
ShaneMan said:
Christianity is based off of the Bible. Show me where in the Bible it teaches to hate.

Shane - If I may; Don't put too much stock in what Rich say's, he's just in it for the ride. Col, on the other hand appears to get his joys by insulting America and getting a few us riled up. His logic is that it's ok for him to insult America but we Americans shouldn't take it personal. Mind you most of the time he does have good points, he just likes to be rude when he presents them, kind of a two for one thing.

In either case, the chances of you making much of a difference is slim so my advice is that you don't take either of them seriously and waste much of your valuable time debating these types of topics with them... :)
ColinEssex said:
I wasn't aware that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks anyway thats neither here nor there.

So because you had an attack on 9/11, does that justify an illegal war on Iraq that went against the UN? Plus convincing the British to join in this illegal farce - we didn't want it - our Tony did. As you can see by the results, things are much better there now so its money well spent.


I did say that I was not making a defense of being in Iraq. I am asking a question though. We have an enemy that does not have a country. That attacks and runs. Where they run seems to be a number of middle east countries, therefor these countries are aiding them. Were we suppose to say to these countries "will you please hand them over or at least allow us to come get them ourselves?" Iraq is the country were in now but it could've been a different one and the world would be yelling about us being there too. War is ugly. I'm not going to try and defend it but I do think that if someone decides to bully or aid those that do, then you have to hit back or they will keep bulling.
selenau837 said:
Lets not bring religion into this!!!! Also, how does this have ANYTHING to do with job titles.

If y'all are going to continue to bicker take it to the political forum so you can all destroy each other there instead of in the cooler wich should be somewhat light hearted!!

Guys, lets calm down and stop this bickering. It barely 9:30 am here and y'all are about to kill each other.

*stern look to all involved parties*

And to think it all started when Col just wanted to be witty...
KenHigg said:
And to think it all started when Col just wanted to be witty...

No finger pointing!! :mad: Just be good or all y'all will get a good whippin'.
ColinEssex said:
Isn't Bush a so called christian? and he's sent 2000+ US soldiers to their death and killed many more thousand Iraqi's.

The fairy tales in the bible obviously don't mean much to him


Yes, Bush is a "so called Christian." How does sending troops into war prove that he hates? Yes, Iraq's have died. That's what happens in war. Being a Christian does not make you a welcome mat for people to wipe their feet on. We were attacked. We attacked a country that aided and hid the folks who do this cowards way of fighting.
KenHigg said:
Shane - If I may; Don't put too much stock in what Rich say's, he's just in it for the ride. Col, on the other hand appears to get his joys by insulting America and getting a few us riled up. His logic is that it's ok for him to insult America but we Americans shouldn't take it personal. Mind you most of the time he does have good points, he just likes to be rude when he presents them, kind of a two for one thing.

In either case, the chances of you making much of a difference is slim so my advice is that you don't take either of them seriously and waste much of your valuable time debating these types of topics with them... :)

Thanks for the advise Ken. I have been reading on the non-access forums for about a month, so I have had the opportunity to read how everyone here exchanges. I told myself and my wife that I would probably stay out of it, but I guess a pot of coffee this morning made me loose my will power. I do understand that know ones mind is going to be changed. People find what they are looking for and believe what they want.
ShaneMan said:
Thanks for the advise Ken. I have been reading on the non-access forums for about a month, so I have had the opportunity to read how everyone here exchanges. I told myself and my wife that I would probably stay out of it, but I guess a pot of coffee this morning made me loose my will power. I do understand that know ones mind is going to be changed. People find what they are looking for and believe what they want.

Good Morning Shane,
We haven't been properly introduced.
I am from South East Texas, in a small town called Seabrook, on Galveston Bay.

My official job title is aprentise shop sweeper.

Thanks for stopping by.
ShaneMan said:
Thanks for the advise Ken. I have been reading on the non-access forums for about a month, so I have had the opportunity to read how everyone here exchanges. I told myself and my wife that I would probably stay out of it, but I guess a pot of coffee this morning made me loose my will power. I do understand that know ones mind is going to be changed. People find what they are looking for and believe what they want.

Cool. As an American, one really needs thick skin to follow thread that Col posts to, you never no when he'll jekell into a rude anti-America person. Even I liked the Tupperware post till I got to the end...:eek: :D
jsanders said:
Good Morning Shane,
We haven't been properly introduced.
I am from South East Texas, in a small town called Seabrook, on Galveston Bay.

My official job title is aprentise shop sweeper.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hey Mr. Sanders,

I live outside of Fort Worth, little town called Rendon. Originally from Oklahoma, so hope you won't hold that against me. I really don't know what my job title is. I'm in business with my parents selling custom rehab medical equipment, so because we're a small business it means I'm an RTS (Rehab Technology Specialist), janitor, secretary, repairman, database designer (for our company), and etc. :)

Good to meet you and thanks for introducing yourself

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