Keep off the grass

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One has to question whether a fence or small hedge would have been a better solution.:rolleyes:

Hopefully kids will now start to respect other peoples property :rolleyes:
Groundrush said:
Hopefully kids will now start to respect other peoples property :rolleyes:
trouble is I suspect he won't be living there to find out
Groundrush said:
Hopefully kids will now start to respect other peoples property :rolleyes:

Somwhat harsh on the 15 year old, methinks Groundrush old fruit. However if it occurred during the season over there for shooting kids, that would be alright I suppose. Was the problem that the lawnmeister didn't have a license? ;)
Sounds to me like he was begging for it! In Texas he could get off on the "He deserved kill'n" defense :p
What's really sad is that I have known people who have been so anal about their damn lawns that they would be perfectly capable of doing something like that. There was a guy just like that in my neighborhood where I grew up. When I went to visit my parents one time with my dog, I made sure she pooped on his lawn. :p

Yeah, I know, I am a bad influence and shouldn't be raising kids......

lmnop7854 said:
What's really sad is that I have known people who have been so anal about their damn lawns that they would be perfectly capable of doing something like that. There was a guy just like that in my neighborhood where I grew up. When I went to visit my parents one time with my dog, I made sure she pooped on his lawn. :p

Yeah, I know, I am a bad influence and shouldn't be raising kids......

Sounds ideal retribution to me :D
Holy Hell. That happened within about an hour of my house.

lol :)

From most reports I've read, the kid was in the street when he was shot, not on the idiot's yard. Another thing, the guy shot twice at the kid, not just once. He meant to shoot him, to kill him. Premeditated murder. :mad:

Just got back from a week in southern California, and see this crap...
Friday said:
From most reports I've read, the kid was in the street when he was shot, not on the idiot's yard.
That is what the liberal news would have you believe. They hate "those" people that fly flags and such.
Another thing, the guy shot twice at the kid, not just once. He meant to shoot him, to kill him. Premeditated murder.
Does not show premeditation, just shows he had enough from the kid and the kids family bulling him around for the last five years. If history is to teach us anything, the ones bullied are the ones that blow up all of a sudden, but it is the bullies fault. I think it was lawn envy.
Just got back from a week in southern California, and see this crap...
See, you been liberlized! But that begs the question of why you feel nothing for the poor bullied guy that had to put up with their bulling for years now?
Does not seem fair somehow.
FoFa said:
That is what the liberal news would have you believe. They hate "those" people that fly flags and such.

Does not show premeditation, just shows he had enough from the kid and the kids family bulling him around for the last five years. If history is to teach us anything, the ones bullied are the ones that blow up all of a sudden, but it is the bullies fault. I think it was lawn envy.

See, you been liberlized! But that begs the question of why you feel nothing for the poor bullied guy that had to put up with their bulling for years now?
Does not seem fair somehow.

Bullied how?
According to everything I read
"I’ve been harassed by him and his parents for five years. Today just blew it up."
Now differance between harassed and bullied is?
FoFa said:
But that begs the question of why you feel nothing for the poor bullied guy that had to put up with their bulling for years now?
Does not seem fair somehow.

Talk about the kettle calling the pot black, a lecture on bullying from America under the likes of Bush :rolleyes:
Rich said:
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black, a lecture on bullying from America under the likes of Bush :rolleyes:
America doesn't bully, we just finish!
FoFa said:
America doesn't bully, we just finish!
Only in one or two tin pot countries, would you like a list of those where this philosophy's failed, miserably ?
FoFa said:
According to everything I read

Now differance between harassed and bullied is?

Maybe you have different sources than I do but all I could find was his statement that he had been bullied, without any other proof from anywhere else. Other neighbors described the kid as "a good kid" and at any rate, why does being harassed entitle someone to murder? He sounds a bit anal to me for getting angry about people walking on his grass and in the end, he killed a 15 year old boy because of it. You would THINK that the 66 year old would have the benefit of maturity on his side, but you would be wrong in this case. :mad:
MrsGorilla said:
He sounds a bit anal to me for getting angry about people walking on his grass and in the end, he killed a 15 year old boy because of it. You would THINK that the 66 year old would have the benefit of maturity on his side, but you would be wrong in this case. :mad:
Are you not allowed fences / walls or hedges around your front gardens in the USA?

In the front of my house I have a wall about 3 ft high to stop people walking on the front garden, it seems to work - thats why most people have them in the UK:rolleyes:

FoFa said:
America doesn't bully, we just finish!
Thats a great quote:D

That needs to be written on a wall somewhere - in Baghdad, Vietnam, Cambodia, Granada or Nth Korea perhaps?

ColinEssex said:
Are you not allowed fences / walls or hedges around your front gardens in the USA?
Depends where you live, but not usually. Most fences are for the back yard only and must not pass the front edge of your house (or something like that).

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