Microsoft Access: Edge Browser Control is finally here :) (1 Viewer)

also has anyone noticed that the .LocationURL property does not work?
Just tried, the LocationURL property is working fine for both web / local files.

I've figured out the problem with the LocationURL property. It works, but what doesnt seem to work is the site navigated to in the Edge Browser control stays continually loading and does not return the fully processed URL. Thus I'm getting the wrong values. Does anyone think this is a bug?
Hello, i'm Marc,
i'm working with pdf previsualization on a Access forms using the new EdgeBrowserControl. I have many documents with spaces in their file name and it seems EdgeBrowserControl doesn't like it, and i can see the pdf using .navigate or using .ControlSource, I try to replace white spaces with "%20" or putting double quotes, but it dosen't work. I appreciate any help. Thanks !!!
Welcome to the forum

Whilst it is always better to remove spaces or replace with underscores, it works for me using "%20" to replace spaces. For example:
Me.EdgeBrowser0.Navigate ""

If these are local PDF files you MUST precede the file path with: https://msaccess/. For example:
Me.EdgeBrowser0.Navigate "https://msaccess/G:\MyFiles\MDS\Website\IAsite\curriculum-enrichment-organise\files\CEO_Program_Features.pdf"
Thanks for your answer but it doesen't work in my situation, I use local PDF files and I'm not allowed to change their names. I show you the example that does'nt work, and the same example deleting the space works.
I got a reply from Joe but forgot to update this thread. The issue will be fixed but I don't know the timescale for this to happen.
For now, you may need to make a copy of the PDF without spaces.
Is there any reason why you can't just set a control source with a space in it? Seems to work for me. I would post a link as example but the forum thinks I'm spamming :(

I'll still fix this though as the hyperlink dialog automatically encodes urls even when they local, and I have a fix ready, but with the office deployment process may be a bit before it makes it into your build
I was just playing about with an Edge Browser Control as the background of the form.

Whats bugging me is that would you cant send the control to the back of the other controls (i.e. its always on top of everything else).
That's largely true and the old web browser control had the same behaviour.
Can you explain when /why you want to have a browser control that was partly or wholly covered by another control.

I said largely true. The exception is that a listbox is ALWAYS top of the z-order and so will be on top of a browser control as well.


The listbox behaviour is far more of an issue AFAIAC
I would like to report a few things. Firstly, over the past week, I have noticed a significant issue on my Office Insider account that the RetrieveJavascriptValue function no longer seems to function as expected. Whenever I attempt to use it timeout with an error message stating 'RetrieveJavascriptValue timed out. Please verify the JavaScript expression supplied is valid.'. I can confirm that this doesn't seem to occur for users on the current channel, and the same code executes flawlessly. Can anyone else confirm if they're encountering the same problem, or is it an isolated issue on my end? I believe this qualifies as a bug that needs to be addressed before rolling out to current channel.

Though the Edge browser control integrates seamlessly in ms-access continuous form and report, it also works great with the ReportHeader, PageHeader, Detail, PageFooter, and ReportFooter within Report. However, the EdgeBrowser Control does not work when you try to use in the FormHeader and FormFooter of an MS-Access form (you can refer to the attached screenshot for reeference). Is there something I might be missing or overlooking? I would appreciate any insights.



I would like to report a few things. Firstly, over the past week, I have noticed a significant issue on my Office Insider account that the RetrieveJavascriptValue function no longer seems to function as expected. Whenever I attempt to use it timeout with an error message stating 'RetrieveJavascriptValue timed out. Please verify the JavaScript expression supplied is valid.'. I can confirm that this doesn't seem to occur for users on the current channel, and the same code executes flawlessly. Can anyone else confirm if they're encountering the same problem, or is it an isolated issue on my end? I believe this qualifies as a bug that needs to be addressed before rolling out to current channel.

Though the Edge browser control integrates seamlessly in ms-access continuous form and report, it also works great with the ReportHeader, PageHeader, Detail, PageFooter, and ReportFooter within Report. However, the EdgeBrowser Control does not work when you try to use in the FormHeader and FormFooter of an MS-Access form (you can refer to the attached screenshot for reeference). Is there something I might be missing or overlooking? I would appreciate any insights.

View attachment 108034
What javascript are you using in retrievejavascriptvalue? And thats strange that the control works in headers/footers for reports but not forms, as under the hood they're essentially the same thing. I can look into that
What javascript are you using in retrievejavascriptvalue? And thats strange that the control works in headers/footers for reports but not forms, as under the hood they're essentially the same thing. I can look into that
Hi Joe, thank you for your prompt response and checking. I am using a fairly straightforward script, as below. This script is working well for users on the current channel. but return timeout error for Insider build Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2306 Build 16.0.16505.20000) 64-bit, no matter what I try, the return result is the timeout message: RetrieveJavascriptValue timed out. Please verify the JavaScript expression supplied is valid.

Javascript Expression:
Me.txtHTML = Me.EdgeBrowser1.RetrieveJavascriptValue("document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].innerHTML")

Please let me know if you need any additional information, or have any questions.
Javascript Expression:
Me.txtHTML = Me.EdgeBrowser1.RetrieveJavascriptValue("document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0].innerHTML")

Please let me know if you need any additional information, or have any questions.
Can't the new browser just do this?
Me.txtHTML = Me.EdgeBrowser1.Object.Document.getElementsByTagName("table")(0).innerHTML
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Can't the new browser just do this?
Me.txtHTML = Me.EdgeBrowser1.Object.Document.getElementsByTagName("table")(0).innerHTML
No. The Object property doesn't exist in the Edge browser control
No. The Object property doesn't exist in the Edge browser control
I don't have that browser control, what variables does the DocumentComplete event expose? is the pDisp variable not available anymore?

Regardless of the Object browser not existing anymore, surely there must be access to the Document property, right?
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