NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing -

@AccessBlaster and @The_Doc_Man: Thanks for providing an excellent segue to my current diatribe. Musk is 50% correct (wrong) based on dividing his remarks into two themes, culture and economy.

On the cultural theme, I already pre-addressed Musk's concerns in a previous post. On Nov. 30, 2022, I wrote:
For millions of years, people were in a constant battle for survival. So people had to vigorously breed, not to also mention endless migrations to find new virgin territories to settle. That essentially came to a crashing halt by 1900. Nerveless, old habits die hard, even if obsolete.
In 1900 the world population was estimated at 1.6 billion. Today, the world population is estimated at 8.0 billion. We had culture in 1900, so if 6 billion people were to simply "disappear", I doubt that culture would somehow collapse.

On the economic theme, Musk is correct that our economy is based on ceaselessly providing ever more products and services to meet the demands of a growing population. That is a implistic viewpoint, held by many. For a variety of reasons, endless expansion eventually results in collapse. The results won't be pretty. With that in mind, we need to move towards an economic system based on population management and zero growth.
. With that in mind, we need to move towards an economic system based on population management and zero growth.
Didn't the Chinese try that? I think it resulted in people still having babies and giving them away to avoid prosecution.
Didn't the Chinese try that? I think it resulted in people still having babies and giving them away to avoid prosecution.
As I said, old habits die hard. Recall the lifeboat conundrum. Your lifeboat does not have the capacity to save all. So far we have endlesdly kicked the can down the road. Eventualy the reckoning will come.
The problem with corporations today is that they expect ENDLESS growth and if they don't achieve it, they feel like they are failing and investors punish them for it. Initial growth can be accomplished by making a better widget and thereby acquiring more market share but at a certain point you reach saturation. Then the only way to grow is with population increase. Although, they sometimes figure out they can increase profits by decreasing quality or service. We are in a current decline in service. I've been trying to talk to a real person at Quicken for some time now. If you don't have the product and so don't have an account number that will get you in, good luck with that. I used to find BJ's a pleasant place to shop. Now, they just p*** me off. The cart rack by the door is almost always empty, they're replaced their checkouts with others that cause much more bending and lifting, and of course, there's never help when you need it. Sometimes, if I really need something, I have to wait until another customer walks down the aisle who is tall enough to reach what I need.

Leading up to the crash in 2008, I kept telling people that the price of real estate was way too high and they should NOT be mortgaging their homes to purchase an "investment" property. At some point, you run out of buyers when the price gets too high and the banks wake up and refuse to lend that much money so you can't sell your "investment" and it was astounding to me how stupid the real estate agents pushing this madness were.
@AccessBlaster and @The_Doc_Man: Thanks for providing an excellent segue to my current diatribe. Musk is 50% correct (wrong) based on dividing his remarks into two themes, culture and economy.

On the cultural theme, I already pre-addressed Musk's concerns in a previous post. On Nov. 30, 2022, I wrote:

In 1900 the world population was estimated at 1.6 billion. Today, the world population is estimated at 8.0 billion. We had culture in 1900, so if 6 billion people were to simply "disappear", I doubt that culture would somehow collapse.

On the economic theme, Musk is correct that our economy is based on ceaselessly providing ever more products and services to meet the demands of a growing population. That is a implistic viewpoint, held by many. For a variety of reasons, endless expansion eventually results in collapse. The results won't be pretty. With that in mind, we need to move towards an economic system based on population management and zero growth.
I tend to agree I don't really see the persuasiveness of Elon musk's theory on that subject.

On the other hand, I do feel that having large families, as large as reasonable, is a pretty good tool in our arsenal of tools to essentially combat evil and people with harmful ideas and worldviews. If you kind of wonder at this theory, look no further than the mormons. Ponder their overall success peace prosperity and happiness and note they play the long game. Large families, stable homes, lots of growth, long-term domination of a sort in very many places.
On the other hand, I do feel that having large families, as large as reasonable, is a pretty good tool in our arsenal of tools to essentially combat evil and people with harmful ideas and worldviews. If you kind of wonder at this theory, look no further than the mormons. Ponder their overall success peace prosperity and happiness and note they play the long game. Large families, stable homes, lots of growth, long-term domination of a sort in very many places.
You are correct that having stable homes leads to success prosperity and happiness. The irony, is that unfettered population growth in the long run will eventually exhaust resources and land. Population growth, conceptually, can be infinite, but the land is finite. Eventually something must "give". Moreover, large populations will mean big big big big government to manage people and to facilitate the management/distribution/consumption of resources. We are seeing these concepts (to control people and resources through government fiat) being introduced today courtesy of the "global warming" crowd.

As a brief example, consider the rural/urban divide. In most cases people in rural areas tend to be conservative tending to want minimal government involvement in their affairs. Contrast that with people who live in urban areas who tend to want extensive government services and to also demand that the government define how people live/work together.

The example I like to cite, is the lowly traffic light. In a small town, a traffic light may not be necessary to manage traffic. As the town grows, the traffic light becomes necessary as a mechanism to keep traffic moving and as a safety feature. With continued growth, evermore traffic lights become necessary. But given sufficient traffic volumes they may even prove to be inadequate resulting in gridlock. Traffic lights, though beneficial, can be considered an evil government action to mange the populace and extort revenue. :unsure:

The ability to live free depends on low population.
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UK average temperature 10 Deg C...

10 degrees celsius =
50 degrees fahrenheit

Climate Change - not ALL BAD!!!!

Why? - the extra CO2 is enhancing plant growth in many regions of the world. Up to 15% increase in some cases, particularly along the edges of desert areas ..

Why? - CO2 is like oxygen for plants they need it to breathe and the increased level of CO2 allows them to breathe more easily and with less loss of water. This enables plants to establish themselves in semi-arid locations....
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Policymakers at the state and local levels are also pushing to get rid of gas appliances and exchange them for electric to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
The quote above is absurd on several levels.
  • We should never rely on just one energy source.
  • The source of electricity, to a large degree, is generated by hydrocarbons, so you are still using hydrocarbons. Moreover, converting hydrocarbons to electricity and transmitting the electricity is expensive and energy is lost in the conversion process. So that in itself is counter productive to moving towards "green energy".
  • Solar and wind are weather dependent. That means that you must build expensive overcapacity to provide minimum base power when there is a deficit in wind and solar availability.
  • Though wind and solar generation are being pushed, they are not ready for prime-time. Additionally, the capability to produce more electricity either through nuclear power, hydrocarbons, and/or coal is being obstructed. So if we are to get rid of automobiles and stoves that use hydrocarbons, how are we going to generate that needed electricity?
Didn't the Chinese try that? I think it resulted in people still having babies and giving them away to avoid prosecution.

Col, your recollection is quite correct. For a while, maybe around the 1970s and 1980s, the Chinese tried the "one baby per family" limit. It had a couple of results that were not so good.

First, the Chinese tradition is that families want a son so that when the parents get old, they can live with a strong son who can help support them. But of course, about 50% of all births are daughters, for whom cultural burdens are different.

One solution was that a lot of Chinese baby girls were put up for foreign adoption. In fact, my boss for the last 10 years of my time as a contractor with the U.S. Navy WENT to China and brought home & adopted a lovely little Chinese girl. For her it turned out well because she grew to become a bright and happy child growing up in the USA with a loving family. But in fact she might never know details of why she was up for adoption in the first place. It was certainly due to the unreasonable policy that limited family size.

Another "solution" was abortion. In China, abortion was the prescribed method of controlling birth rate. Amniocentesis and X-rays and ultrasound allowed prospective parents to learn the gender of the fetus. When it was to be a girl, that fetus had to go. There are millions of Chinese men who cannot find a mate because the baby girls of their generation were either put up for adoption or aborted.

Second, a long ways down the road from that "one couple, one child" policy is coming home to roost. The Chinese birth rate overall was less than one per family for long enough that their demographics bubble is ready to burst. They have a population that is now aging but that has a much smaller group of young workers to replace them, and their automation cannot keep up because the advanced computer chips they need has not been available due to security and economic considerations. In the linked articles you will find references that suggest the Chinese don't even have enough men to field an army commensurate with their population and will have trouble staffing their factories.

A couple of text articles:

Here is a video on the subject:

Just search for "China population crisis" and you will find an incredible number of videos and news articles on that topic. Does anyone remember when margarine commercials on TV included one with the theme: "It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature" ?? China did. About 40-50 years later, the chickens will come home to roost.
Some people maintain that the climate scientists are ethical and are not swayed by money into making false claims.

Have a look at the following video at time index 23 minutes:-

I'm still watching the video and I will report any other findings as I go.

The video is available as a podcast:-

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Some people maintain that the climate scientists are ethical and are not swayed by money into making false claims.

Have a look at the following video at time index 23 minutes:-

I'm still watching the video and I will report any other findings as I go.

At time index 37min Jordan mentioned that without ammonia 4 billion will die of starvation. The implication is that the climate activists want stop the production of ammonia for fertilizer production. (I'm making an informed guess here).

This goes along with the methusian idea that all humans should be eliminated. (Mentioned slightly earlier in the interview)

At time index 54min - politicians elevate climate science as a political vote winning vehicle. Scientists jump on the band wagon to get funding. Now, THAT'S a real feed back loop!

At time index 56min, a "Climate Change" "Tipping Point" is nonsensical, with regard to a complex system like the climate....

Time index 58:30 the rise in global mean temperature could as easily be shown as a decrease in temperature, it just depends on which data points you choose!

Time index 1:03 the metrics are presented in graphs which many people cannot read!

Referring to something I learnt from JBP recently, you have the 10% of the population with an IQ of 83 or less, one in 10 people, the people that the US army reject because of their low IQ. I imagine these are the people standing in the middle of the road, stopping the traffic because they've looked a graph and say oh look at that! We must stop climate warming! NFI (now work that acronym out Colin!)

1:05:30 nothing to worry about with the climate for the next 5000 years!

The climate modeling software is absolutely useless for climate prediction on a global scale!

Gore created 1000's of fraudulent climate scientists...

His scientific papers were, first crudely, and then, in more sophisticated ways "Cancelled" this is disturbing, but predictable!

In the 40's the Gulf Coast was warm enough to grow citrus fruit. Now it's too cold!

That's all, unless you request more!

Please post your observations, and let me know what I missed!
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I think alot of Chinese girls became sex workers. Many brothels in the UK are Chinese.
Why would Chinese girls of that generation ever have to resort to being a sex worker when they could have their pick of the over-supply of young men who can't find wives? Remember, twice as many females were aborted as males. This is actually a case where polyandry makes sense so the culture can maintain solid family units.
You are correct that having stable homes leads to success prosperity and happiness. The irony, is that unfettered population growth in the long run will eventually exhaust resources and land. Population growth, conceptually, can be infinite, but the land is finite. Eventually something must "give". Moreover, large populations will mean big big big big government to manage people and to facilitate the management/distribution/consumption of resources. We are seeing these concepts (to control people and resources through government fiat) being introduced today courtesy of the "global warming" crowd.

As a brief example, consider the rural/urban divide. In most cases people in rural areas tend to be conservative tending to want minimal government involvement in their affairs. Contrast that with people who live in urban areas who tend to want extensive government services and to also demand that the government define how people live/work together.

The example I like to cite, is the lowly traffic light. In a small town, a traffic light may not be necessary to manage traffic. As the town grows, the traffic light becomes necessary as a mechanism to keep traffic moving and as a safety feature. With continued growth, evermore traffic lights become necessary. But given sufficient traffic volumes they may even prove to be inadequate resulting in gridlock. Traffic lights, though beneficial, can be considered an evil government action to mange the populace and extort revenue. :unsure:

The ability to live free depends on low population.

You make many good points and well stated.
Well ... I suppose there are some segments of society that will unwittingly effect low population growth by the elimination of creating offspring.
I think alot of Chinese girls became sex workers. Many brothels in the UK are Chinese.

We have a fairly similar thing in the USA. The vast majority of dodgy "massage parlors" where everyone knows what really happens but people don't like to talk about it (or even admit they know) - are run and staffed by Asians (Chinese specifically, I'm not certain).

Why exactly I don't know.

But I suspect the reason could be as simple as some characteristic or attribute of those Chinese women who emigrate to [USA, UK] - population
(Not "all" Chinese females).

Thus Pat could still be right, but surely the population of Chinese-females-in-the-US/UK is a distinct population with its own set of characteristics.
They do seem to find success in the sex work industry, I guess there are a certain # of men who are obsessed with Asian women (I can't relate)
Please post your observations, and let me know what I missed!

One last thing - at the end of the YouTube, Dr Richard Lindzen explained how sorry he felt for the many weather men who'd been cancelled by the TV companies. These weather men were instructed to WRONGLY associate exceptional weather events with global warming!!! If they refused, they were Cancelled!!! I presume this is a USA thing, would welcome any feedback on it ....

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