NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing -

@Uncle Gizmo: As a side observation. Just before Covid broke-out, in an epic fail, the drive through (fast food) was declared dead by the U.S. planning profession. As a result of Covid, the fast food restaurants responded by rapidly expanding their drive-throughs. The environmental irony, we have long lines of cars idling their engines, spewing hydrocarbons into the atmosphere and guzzling the evil gasoline, while waiting to get served!!! :unsure:

Is Fast-Food Through With Drive-Thrus?
Responding to pressures from consumers and planners, a new generation of fast-food restaurants is replacing the familiar cookie-cutter, car-centric prototype.
Even restaurants like Panera Bread that didn't use to have drive throughs now have them. And one of the Fast food joints I used to frequent, never reopened their dining room because they couldn't find staff so since COVID only the drive through is open. The irony of this is that on the entrance to the shopping area where this restaurant is located is a permanent panhandler. And on several other driveways within walking distance are other panhandlers.
A few times in Arizona, and quite a few times in DFW Texas, I bought liquor at a liquor drive through. To be honest I always felt a bit dirty.
There's no red flag that says "I should be headed to an AA meeting instead" like a drive-through liquor window.
And let's be honest for a second. There's nothing that says "I plan to drink these in my car and everybody knows that, including the manufacturer" like the guy who buys 5 single, 1-shot vodka shooters from the gas station for $1.50 a piece instead of buying a larger container for 1/3 that price.

Ahh. The memories I DON'T miss. Thank you God, for recovery and sobriety - Help me keep it up in a spirit of constant humility and learning.
10,000 lbs of tyre rubber (5 tons) accumulate on some airport runways every day!

This is a black dust which I believe, (I don't know for sure) contribute to global warming by increasing the amount of energy absorbed from the sun.

10,000 lbs of tyre rubber (5 tons) accumulate on some airport runways every day!

This is a black dust which I believe, (I don't know for sure) contribute to global warming by increasing the amount of energy absorbed from the sun.

I have read somewhere that the same is said for the asphalt on the highways...who knows?
All urban areas are "heat islands". Another topic that the left will never discuss in promoting so-called global warming since it won't feed the narrative of instituting massive government intervention to eliminate "green house" gas emissions.
Well! I must say Al Gore has gone up in my estimations...

The oil producers are putting a lot of effort into reducing efforts to cut back on fossil fuels.

I don't understand why governments and banks are still supporting fossil fuel companies.

I don't understand why governments and banks are still supporting fossil fuel companies.
The primary purpose of a bank is to loan money. Technically, based on non-discrimination, every applicant who qualifies should be able to receive a loan. Of course there needs to be a degree of leeway in the sense that if a special purpose bank is created to make loans to green energy companies they may have a right to decline loaning money to an oil company.

The government is too involved in managing the economy. The government needs to stay away from "supporting" (subsidizing) fossil fuel companies and green energy companies. Recall the Solyndra scandal. Subsidies are a license to commit fraud. Supposidly we live in a free market economy. As such if a business is unsustainable, it should be allowed to fail.
As such if a business is unsustainable, it should be allowed to fail.
In 1990 the then Australian Treasurer, Paul Keating became infamous for his comment about "the recession we had to have". Way too much money had been available and the demand was off the charts. Inflation had been something like sixteen percent or more. It was not sustainable and a lot of over geared businesses that were not viable were contributing to the problem.

Keating was right but it wasn't great for his popularity, though he did go on to become the Prime Minister when he challenged the ever popular Bob Hawke, the leader whom he had come to power with in 1983. Despite this he went on to win the 1993 election. The success of the government's economic reforms orchestrated by Keating had prevailed.

As treasurer he really did overhaul the Australian economy including the 1983 floating of the Australian dollar which had been tied to the US dollar at a value far above reality. Its value immediately plummeted which was a great boost for Australian exports. He removed many tariffs on imports and privatised a number of state owned companies including the Commonwealth Bank.

Tariffs of course are another form of subsidy to unviable industries. Powerful lobby groups in many countries keep them in place.

The funny thing was that Keating's Labor Party was seen by the right as socialist yet they took on free market based reforms that were to considered too radical by the supposedly free market champions of the Liberal Party.
What percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?

This is why it is folly to single out one thing (CO2) as the culprit in the global warming saga:-
I have long pointed out that it is folly to single out CO2 as the culprit in the global warming saga. The reason that the global warming elitists take this tactic is that it is simple and constitutes a nameless abstract bogyman that is a red-herring easily swallowed by the gullible.
My guess is that most people (the reasonable ones) agree with you...
One would hope. However consider how people have been easily swayed by various ephemeral fads since 2020. We can no longer define a woman. Men can win female sports events. Merit has been replace by racism. Just this past week the Palestinians have emerged as the new Nazis.
Just this past week the Palestinians have emerged as the new Nazis.
They have always been Nazis. They are just entering the "final solution" phase. Take a look at the persecutions of both Christians and Jews all over the Middle East and northern Africa in Muslim countries going back to the early part of the 20th century. And look at which countries allied with Hitler during WWII. The family of one of my best friends was a victim of this back in the thirties when his family was expelled from Iraq and ended up in China where he was born 10 years later. Then there was a Coptic Christian friend whose family ended up having to leave Egypt due to persecution.

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