Need help to create a tree strhcture

In fact there is A few problems in my project, How categorize? and How add various values in one field? and how edit them in forms?
Maybe the Access program is not suitable for this kind of project...!?

This is the fundamental type of question for ALL projects anywhere anytime. You have to start with a complete (or reasonably complete) design of what you want to do. The problem you face in asking us is that YOU are the subject matter expert. That is, you are the person who knows what YOUR requirements are. We can only guess based on our experiences that might or might not parallel your issue.

Access is dumber than a box of rocks. It only knows how to build tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules - and then, only with our guidance. Your project layout process is crucial the your success - a sine qua non if you are up on your Latin. And that responsibility falls squarely on your shoulders.

What I sometimes do is suggest that you get a dry-erase board, some dry-erase markers, and a lot of sticky-note pads. Identify the things that have to go into tables. (Remember that making a list of something - like topics to be selected - identifies a potential table to hold that list.) Identify factors that are PROPERTIES or ATTRIBUTES of the things you have identified, because that helps decide what fields you need. Identify cases where one entity can have multiple attributes of the same type. (E.g. a story can be Historical AND have a Religious aspect as well.) Somewhere in there, you will come up with a picture of your structure.

As to whether Access is right for your project? Damned if I know. Until you know in some level of detail what you want it to do, that question is not answerable. I'll take good odds that Access CAN be right for you - but not absolute certainty.
Here is the challenge. If you were creating tags then it would be relatively easy. I could basically reuse this database.

As you can see I can right click on any node and create a child. So Assume L1, L2 were Theology and Literary. Then I could right click on Theology and add Christianity, Judaism, Islamic, And right click on Islamic to create Shiite, Sunni. etc.
This would create that structure I called "tblTags" and would be very fast way to create the organization for possible tags.

The second part is more challenging. You need a Second tree (or just load it differently). The L1, L2, L3 would be all of the documents. This is where it gets tricky. You right click on a document and somehow get a way to select from the existing level 1 tags. Then you could add one or more level one nodes. Then you could click on a level 1 node and choose one or more of its level 2 nodes and so on. That is tricky but doab.

I definitely can do it, but again it is not trivial.
based on your post #18


If you want a demo, the more data the better.
Thanks for your helpfully comments. I downloaded your nice demo and interested of it, that's really great!
But I should analyze my model more ever for adjustment with your Detailed instructions and the demo.
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This is the fundamental type of question for ALL projects anywhere anytime. You have to start with a complete (or reasonably complete) design of what you want to do. The problem you face in asking us is that YOU are the subject matter expert. That is, you are the person who knows what YOUR requirements are. We can only guess based on our experiences that might or might not parallel your issue.
Thanks for your helpfully admonition! Attention to these tips is necessary for any beginner like me
I'll post a link to a set of three simple rules that are relevant to any design project, but especially relevant for new project designers.

These rules are more of a "mind-set" than specific rules on a particular style of problem. They might help you orient your thinking process as you try to make your design on paper. When I did this kind of thing for a living, the paper design was usually pretty big and I called it my "Project Bible" because in terms of the project goal, it was the gospel truth.
Thanks for your helpful posts
I just read that now

Excellent! I love the truths of bible
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