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The Committee is a sham, so any testimony is suspect. You should be condemning this Soviet era abuse by the Democrats.
They’ve been among the few voices of sanity among liberals since the arrival of Trump, and a source of hope among conservatives that not everyone has lost their minds.
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Tucker needs to look up what insurrection means. Tearing down a statue doesn't quite fall within the definition.
I've participated in the execution of search warrants and sorry but you don't just knock on the door and say "Mind if we come in?"
It is the Democrats who need to look that word-up. It was a mostly peaceful patriotic rally that Democrats encourage the public to participate in.
Tucker gets to be the king of the world because he laughs contagiously and his hair is Anchorman -strong
As Lincoln once said: “We all declare for Liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brought out President Biden during Thursday's press briefing to demonstrate the president's new toddler leash. According to White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, the presser was organized to boost the American people's confidence in Biden, who has wandered off numerous times.

Press members could not hide how impressed they were with Biden's stylish new attire. "Oohs" and "ahhs" filled the briefing room. Several women claimed the president looked "adorable."

CNN's Caitlan Collins pressed the secretary for more details. "What designer created this masterpiece for the president?"

Jean-Pierre quickly explained that the monkey toddler backpack/leash combo was purchased at Wal-Mart and retails for $13.99. "The president is singularly focused on building back better and this new leash helps him keep his attention on where it belongs: helping the American people raise more tax dollars to send to Ukraine," she said.

"And you say that's a monkey backpack?" asked NBC correspondent Kristen Welker, seeking clarification. "He can put things in it?"

Jean-Pierre flipped through her notebook for several minutes before proudly answering in the affirmative.

Fox News's Peter Doocy was admonished by other reporters when he asked, "Who is leading him around all day? Are they the real president?"

"The president is still the president," answered Jean-Pierre. "He's just led around all day by a leash and told what to do and say based on a daily cheat sheet he is given by undisclosed sources."

"He's fully in control."
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Anybody watching The Terminal List on Amazon? The series dropped today I believe. So far it looks promising.
Anybody watching The Terminal List on Amazon? The series dropped today I believe. So far it looks promising.
Just binged watched it. Starts off a bit rough, but gets progressively better. Hopefully, this will be limited to just this one season. The reason, too many series go on for far too long and become too convoluted. I've essentially given-up watching and/or trying to make sense of some series such as Star Trek: Discovery and the MCU universe.
@Steve R. what other series are you watching on amazon? What else are you subscribed to?
We subscribe to Hulu and Amazon Prime. Currently a temporary subscription with STARZ to watch Outlander and Becoming Elizabeth. STARZ has some good (fictional) historical dramas. Others being Black Sails and The Spanish Princess.

A must on Amazon Prime is The Man in the High Castle. This series is a phenomenal recreation of the US (in an alternate reality) in the 1960s. Talking about the 1960s, actually late 50s there's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. We recently finished watching Outer Range.

The Handmaids Tail is very good. However, the series has gone on far too long. The original premise has evaporated. This has also happened to Hell on Wheels, and Outlander. If you can find it, check-out Caprica. The character development and the theme of moving a human mind into vitrual reality is exceptional. Unfortunately, it only lasted for one season.

Your turn, ;)
@Steve R.

We are new to the smart tv concept, we've owned mostly 43" flat screens in the past. But this time we bought two Samsung 43" Smart 4K Crystal HDR UHD TV TU7000 from Costco and all I can say is WOW. We dropped our AT&T U-Verse 300 package for Spectrum basic cable and internet.

We had Amazon Prime for many years but never used the movie portion just the goods and services. So as you can imagine I am a little overwhelmed with the products that come with the Samsung tv and our amazon subscription. :D

So the first thing I had on my list was the 6 seasons of "The Expanse" I had started watching when it was on commercial tv until it moved and I really didn't know where.:D I also like Outer Range with James Brolin. I haven't paid for anything yet because we are still discovering all the apps and freebies. So any input will be helpful
We are new to the smart tv concept
There is a subtly to having a smart TV streaming service combination that we are still in the process of getting used too That is that you no longer have to watch a show at broadcast time, like one has to do with cable or on-the-air programing. But you have to be careful that you are watching the show that you expected to see. I recently, turned on the TV to watch the "The Five", instead I got the prior show. Perplexed, I thought that "The Five" was preempted. I finally squinted at the time stamp and saw that I was watching the show that preceded "The Five". The fix was easy, but we make that type of mistake a lot.:mad: The good news, we can watch a lot of shows whenever we want.
Because spectrum is local to us we don't have an issue seeing the broadcast we're used to seeing, but I know what you mean.

I don't know why I put up with the high cost of cable for so long

One 4k TV from Costco was almost the equivalent to a cable bill 😳. That shows you how far tech has come. And bad the cable it ripping you off.
I don't know why I put up with the high cost of cable for so long
Same here. Which also reminds me of another subtly. You can watch Amazon Prime and Hulu on any computer monitor, so you can watch one show on the TV and another on a computer monitor.
When we had, what is now, Spectrum Cable, you had to have a cable box for each TV. Now there is no such limitation (sort of). Hulu has subscription options based on the number of simultaneous users, with two being the default.
I am very curious about Biden's choice of press secretary, Karine Pierre. Her behavior during press conferences is extremely strange.
She closes her eyes and/or looks straight down 99% of the time, unable to make eye contact with anyone. Then, when it comes time to answer, she flips through pages and pages of rehearsed notes and mumbles some trivial and usually irrelevant recitation.

I don't think I've ever seen a press secretary so bad at doing the job. The redhead was crazy as anything, but only in ideology. Her skill on the job was reasonably average at least.

It seems odd to me that Biden would assign someone who clearly has a major problem with public speaking in general, to such a speaking-heavy job.

Interesting to contrast this with McEnany. Talk about a well spoken person who almost always had an effective, relevant, hard hitting answer.
She has real substance and will continue to go far.
It seems odd to me that Biden would assign someone who clearly has a major problem with public speaking in general, to such a speaking-heavy job.
We do not have a rational government that is based meritocracy. We now have an ideological government, where those appointed to a position are not expected to actually manage their respective departments, but have been selected for their "identity check boxes" and to exclusively advocate for the "green" agenda.
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I am embarrassed sometimes for the USA. The other day, my older brother, who actually voted for Biden on limited grounds in 2020, told me, what is the deal with Lori Lightfoot?!?? [Mayor of Chicago] Who is voting for her? Every time I see her speak she looks, behaves, and speaks like a drunk homeless person who just crawled up to the microphone!"
It resonated with me as it's 100% true. One day she is up in a public speech saying: "F**ck Clarence Thomas" (a fellow African American, to boot), the next day she is bemoaning the "lack of civility" in political discussions.

Please stop day-drinking Lori, you're making a fool of it.
Seems like a good idea that wasn't so good after all. If the vehicles cannot provide required service, maybe it is a good idea to abandon them. But of course, the alternative is to create more charge points and put more drain on the electrical power grid, which in turn requires building more generator stations that are not so nice about their carbon emissions. All we've done is move carbon emissions from piecemeal (individual cars) to wholesale (coal or oil power plants.)

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