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It's quite amazing to me that if one criminal dies while being pursued by police there are thousands of people in the streets, but when 100,000 people get killed from fentanyl imports there are zero people in the streets.

We have become, on the whole, a very dumb society...not just the USA but any 'Western' society that has become saturated with upside down priorities, i.e., whatever it's most fashionable to protest about that week
It's quite amazing to me that if one criminal dies while being pursued by police there are thousands of people in the streets, but when 100,000 people get killed from fentanyl imports there are zero people in the streets.

We have become, on the whole, a very dumb society...not just the USA but any 'Western' society that has become saturated with upside down priorities, i.e., whatever it's most fashionable to protest about that week

Minor correction: "if one criminal of color dies while being pursued..."
When you see footballers or teams 'take the knee', is it anything to do with the black bloke the police killed?
@Isaac: The Democrats are absolute masters at inflaming the mob into rabid unthinking action. As an anecdotal observation, none of the fairly police actions where a Black man was killed involved racial animus, yet Black Lives Matter was able to incite extreme violence by making false claims that these were racist incidents. Also, consider, that the President of the US (Biden) is inciting racial hatred as "official" US policy.

When you see footballers or teams 'take the knee', is it anything to do with the black bloke the police killed?
That is a reflection of the "left" making everything racist in an effort to undermine the US. But consider, that police have been killed defending the public and that gets virtually ignored.
plenty of crime in the UK - our village forum is full of stories of dog poo not being picked up by the owners and litter louts
Thanks Chris, good to know we aren't the lone blemish on the human race!
When you see footballers or teams 'take the knee', is it anything to do with the black bloke the police killed?

It started out as a silent public display meant to symbolize the inequality of treatment by police as seen by members of the black community. Rather than stand and perform the correct civilian salute of the flag (right hand over heart), they knelt as in prayer. It has now gotten to the point that the networks rarely show the flag ceremony at the beginning of the games just so the kneelers don't get any more air time.
It started out as a silent public display meant to symbolize the inequality of treatment by police as seen by members of the black community. Rather than stand and perform the correct civilian salute of the flag (right hand over heart), they knelt as in prayer. It has now gotten to the point that the networks rarely show the flag ceremony at the beginning of the games just so the kneelers don't get any more air time.
So it's some sort of prayer. I thought it was recreating how that policeman choked the life out of (I forget his name).
Gotta be fake, to hear some of our UK members tell it, there is no crime outside US borders...
We had a situation with youths dropping paper and fag ends outside the chip shop. They were caught and publicly flogged with birch twigs.
We had a situation with youths dropping paper and fag ends outside the chip shop. They were caught and publicly flogged with birch twigs.
Punishment fits the crime...I would love to think that is true. I don't think teachers can even "paddle" the students any more here it the states.
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So it's some sort of prayer. I thought it was recreating how that policeman choked the life out of (I forget his name).

First, I said "AS in prayer" not "in prayer." More like kneeling in submission such as a slave might do before a master. Maybe a "throwing slavery in our faces" type of thing. But second, kneeling during the national anthem predates the George Floyd incident.
Punishment fits the crime...I would love to think that is true. I don't think teachers can even "paddle" the students any more here it the states.
I wish it was true, maybe a public flogging might bring the perpetrators into normal life instead of beating up old ladies etc etc. Personally I think an eye for an eye punishment should be law. Don't get me started, I feel we are too much a nanny state.
When you see footballers or teams 'take the knee', is it anything to do with the black bloke the police killed?

No. It is related to some people's need to belong to a group which is cast as victims, because human nature yearns to re-allocate personal responsibility for outcomes to somewhere - anywhere, else. The most successful people don't blame others for the consequences of their own choices, they simply start making better choices.
OK fair enough, it just seemed to start just after that bloke was killed. I get confused with all these demonstrative actions.
I'm still confused by the 1972 Olympics when those black men athletes held their arms up making a fist, that looked nazi-ish to most people in the UK.
OK fair enough, it just seemed to start just after that bloke was killed. I get confused with all these demonstrative actions.
I'm still confused by the 1972 Olympics when those black men athletes held their arms up making a fist, that looked nazi-ish to most people in the UK.

It is the same sort of thing, really. The raised fists were symbolic (at the time) of the Black Power movement. Taking the knee was just another, more modern symbol that blacks felt oppressed.
Oddly, Black Power is OK somehow but White Power isn't.

Personally, I reject the notion that White people must be ashamed, or anything less than proud.

We should ALL - ALL - EQUALLY - be perfectly allowed and comfortable being proud of who we are. Not in an "i'm better [or worse] than you" way, just perfectly happy to be who we are. God created me a white man, I'm perfectly proud of it and happy with it. If God created you a Black woman or anything else, be proud of it - in a self contained way, not in a way that you need anyone else to either grovel or apologize to make anyone else feel better.

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