Outlaw Baby Wipes

I love to see the heated debate over this. Ironically those who demand freedom and choice overlooked conscious. Those in opposition seem to demand their will be followed.
I always said it is the choice of an individual that has to be made based off of their circumstances, faith, conscious, and life.
I am blessed as to have never been in that situation, nor suffered the heartache as listed in other posts. All I ever thought I was capable of making the decisions for was myself.
jeremie_ingram said:
I love to see the heated debate over this. Ironically those who demand freedom and choice overlooked conscious. .

I'm sorry, did you mean conscience?
jeremie_ingram said:
I always said it is the choice of an individual that has to be made based off of their circumstances, faith, conscious, and life.

I agree with the sentiments of you jeremie. Choice is just that ... a persons right to choose.
indesisiv said:
I agree with the sentiments of you jeremie. Choice is just that ... a persons right to choose.

I'm with you 100%. But, isn't there a line somewhere that society should dictate we will not cross?
KenHigg said:
I'm with you 100%. But, isn't there a line somewhere that society should dictate we will not cross?

As long as it is society that is deciding, and not the government:p

indesisiv said:
I agree with the sentiments of you jeremie. Choice is just that ... a persons right to choose.

So really the issue is at what point, if any, is this right denied to a person. When does a person become a person and therefore inherit the right to live?
lmnop7854 said:
As long as it is society that is deciding, and not the government:p


Now you're just being silly...:rolleyes: :p
KenHigg said:
I'm with you 100%. But, isn't there a line somewhere that society should dictate we will not cross?

But at what cost?

We are witnessing the potential demise of the American ethos and it is being presided over by people that got elected by proclaiming they’re “right to life” candidates. How long will the country stand, with its ruling party hell bent on the destruction of the middle class?

Is this attempt at morality legislation worth loosing everything we have worked for, over the last 200 years?
jsanders said:
But at what cost?

We are witnessing the potential demise of the American ethos and it is being presided over by people that got elected by proclaiming they’re “right to life” candidates. How long will the country stand, with its ruling party hell bent on the destruction of the middle class?

Is this attempt at morality legislation worth loosing everything we have worked for, over the last 200 years?

So I'm guessing you think the gov should stay out of th abortion issue and let the individual decide?
KenHigg said:
So I'm guessing you think the gov should stay out of th abortion issue and let the individual decide?

The government has limits in place for the lateness of any abortion (24weeks in the UK). It is up to the person to justify to themselves their reasons for the termination.
Most that are this late are for valid medical reasons. Not just because the person has decided that they do not want the child because they have spilt up with their boyfriend...
indesisiv said:
The government has limits in place for the lateness of any abortion (24weeks in the UK).
And the government has what power to say it is life after xx weeks but not before? Then people like Rich (don't take it personally Rich, just using you as an example here everyone can identify with :p ) jump on that and make statements like (it isn't alive before then) even thought science disproves that. Then on the other side I don't see where government has the right to dictate someone's personal choice such as this. I also do not think abortion should be used as a form of birth control. We have too many different options in this day and age to rely on abortion for birth control. But on the other hand if someone is stupid enough to not use birth control, and gets pregnant, then that would be one more stupid person coming into the world.
Such a quandry
indesisiv said:
The government has limits in place for the lateness of any abortion (24weeks in the UK). It is up to the person to justify to themselves their reasons for the termination.
Most that are this late are for valid medical reasons. Not just because the person has decided that they do not want the child because they have spilt up with their boyfriend...

Ok. So that settles that point (I assume you think the 24 week term is agreeable)... Having said that, If you were the expectant female, what if any personal limits would you impose on yourself? Would they be more or less restrictive than the gov's? (I promise I'm not trying to be judgmental and I'm not trying to twist your words up, just curious.)
FoFa said:
But on the other hand if someone is stupid enough to not use birth control, and gets pregnant, then that would be one more stupid person coming into the world.

You think that abortion is justified because the baby might grow up to be stupid? :confused:
FoFa said:
And the government has what power to say it is life after xx weeks but not before? Then people like Rich (don't take it personally Rich, just using you as an example here everyone can identify with :p ) jump on that and make statements like (it isn't alive before then) even thought science disproves that. Then on the other side I don't see where government has the right to dictate someone's personal choice such as this. I also do not think abortion should be used as a form of birth control. We have too many different options in this day and age to rely on abortion for birth control. But on the other hand if someone is stupid enough to not use birth control, and gets pregnant, then that would be one more stupid person coming into the world.
Such a quandry

Yes and we are witnessing, on a global level, a dramatic increase in the population at the extreme low income range. As if everything is conspiring to create a huge impoverished population. For many people living on this planet the dark ages never ended.
Sorry for placing my faith in spell checker.....:o

I think the Gov should not attempt to legislate morality. The biggest issue the right to life group has is based on religious beliefs. Isn’t it generally the same religion that believes that we as people were given free will to make decisions on our own and suffer any consequences of them? If the highest of authorities found it wise to not impose a will upon us, what make others feel that they should? Isn’t it a bit contradictory?
jsanders said:
Yes and we are witnessing, on a global level, a dramatic increase in the population at the extreme low income range. As if everything is conspiring to create a huge impoverished population. For many people living on this planet the dark ages never ended.

Your premise may appear to have merit on the surface but I'm affraid there are too may holes...:o
jsanders said:
Yes and we are witnessing, on a global level, a dramatic increase in the population at the extreme low income range. As if everything is conspiring to create a huge impoverished population. For many people living on this planet the dark ages never ended.

I'm sorry J but I disagree with this 110%. You can't qualify life with economics. All that you're going to end up doing is villanising a group of people because of their earning potential.
KenHigg said:
Having said that, If you were the expectant female, what if any personal limits would you impose on yourself? Would they be more or less restrictive than the gov's? (I promise I'm not trying to be judgmental and I'm not trying to twist your words up, just curious.)

Me and my GF are currently in this position. And i assure you that the desicion is not an easy one to make (in fact we have not made it yet even after 2 weeks extensive scans and an MRI).
I would say that our decision is not based on any arbitary govermental limit at all. Purely based on our beliefs and what we think is going to be the best for our current and future children. Our situation is just going to be based on wether there is any chance of a quality of life or not.

If our baby has any chance of surviving and being able to function even remotely we would not even be considering termination.

Does that help Ken.
jeremie_ingram said:
If the highest of authorities found it wise to not impose a will upon us, what make others feel that they should? Isn’t it a bit contradictory?

It would be either power or money or both.

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